
星期二, 1月 17, 2012

Re: [G4G] 新唐人电视 【禁闻】毛泽东时期 干部收入差距31倍


2012/1/17, Kasia Hu <hometown.kasia@gmail.com>:
> 【禁闻】毛泽东时期 干部收入差距31倍
> 新唐人电视 www.ntdtv.com 2012-1-17 09:30
> -
> 文章<http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/01/17/atext647675.html.-%E3%80%90%E7%A6%81%E9%97%BB%E3%80%91%E6%AF%9B%E6%B3%BD%E4%B8%9C%E6%97%B6%E6%9C%9F-%E5%B9%B2%E9%83%A8%E6%94%B6%E5%85%A5%E5%B7%AE%E8%B7%9D31%E5%80%8D.html#text>
> -
> 视频<http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/01/17/atext647675.html.-%E3%80%90%E7%A6%81%E9%97%BB%E3%80%91%E6%AF%9B%E6%B3%BD%E4%B8%9C%E6%97%B6%E6%9C%9F-%E5%B9%B2%E9%83%A8%E6%94%B6%E5%85%A5%E5%B7%AE%E8%B7%9D31%E5%80%8D.html#video>
> mp4观看下载 <http://media5.ntdtv.com/HourlyNews/201201/20120116/173024.mp4>
> Embed引用:
> 【新唐人2012年1月17日讯】当前中国社会贫富差距拉大,收入分配不公,但实际上早在毛泽东时期,中共党政干部的收入差距就已经很惊人。中国媒体报导,现在中国社会的很多问题是现行制度造成的,而这些制度早在中共建政之初就已经确立。
> 《凤凰网》刊登署名杨奎松的文章,文章披露1955年8月大陆当局取消供给制,实行职务等级制度。新标准将工资级别增加到30个。以北京为例,如果加上物价津贴最高一级工资为649.6元,最低一级只有20.88元,最大工资差距达到了31多倍。
> 文 章指出,这种�职务等级制度�不仅全面拉大官民距离,而且还按照等级标准建立了一套官本位体制。不同级别干部享受工资以外的待遇标准非常细致复杂。几级以
> 上可以配厨师、配警卫、配秘书,哪种级别的干部可以享受哪种级别的医疗和疗养、住什么级别的房子、使用什么档次和牌子的专车等,中共内部都有具体规定。
> 对此,反右运动受害者、北京的燕豚符女士对《新唐人》表示,其实早在延安时期,中共高级干部的特权就很大,宣传上说的所谓平等是假的。
> 燕豚符:�过去什么级别干部住什么房,根本你知道都不知道,高墙大院掩盖起来。过去那个当官的,他们连小孩都懂得所谓'注意影响',就是不把他们的生活状况让老百姓知道。�
> 据查证《凤凰网》上的这篇文章,2007年曾经发表在《南方周末》上,现在重新刊出后,在网络上引来很大关注。仅仅1天多的时间《凤凰网》上就有超过22万人参与评论。很多网友表示�深有同感�,也有一些网民认为,改革开放后社会贫富差距更大,特权更严重。
> 《北京之春》杂志主编胡平分析指出,中共只进行经济改革而不进行政治体制改革,造成今天这个状况。
> 胡平:�因为没有政治改革经济改革就变成了权贵私有化。中共官员利用手中的权力,把属于人民的财产据为己有。同时,又把它多少年来在经济上犯下的错误所造成的恶劣后果,转嫁到人民身上。�
> 胡平谈到,中共先是通过建立�人民公社�等手段把人民的财产变为所谓�公产�,然后又用�改革�的名义,化为官员的私有财产。而要解决目前的困境,单纯仿照西方的福利与分配制度解决不了根本问题。
> 胡平:�那就是必须得结束这个一党专制,必须把共产党两次掠夺人民的财产归还给人民,这不是一般所说的'反腐败'就能解决的,因为这是制度造成的,所以必须得结束这个制度。�
> 燕豚符女士也指出,中共的特权体制从来没有改变过,而中共几十年的统治和思想灌输,更是颠倒了是非善恶,变异了国人的观念。中国人当前最需要做的,就是进行思想文化上的反思。
> 新唐人记者朱智善、李谦、萧宇采访报导。
> CCP's "Job Hierarchy" Widens the Gap with Civilians
> In current Chinese society, the gap between rich and poor
> is widening, and the income distribution is getting more unfair.
> In fact, as early as Mao's time an alarming income gap existed
> between Chinese Communist Party' (CCP) cadres and the rest.
> Chinese media reports that many problems of today's
> Chinese society is caused by the current political system.
> And this system had been established as early as
> the beginning of CCP's power.
> An article signed by Yangkui Song,
> was published on ifeng.com.
> It disclosed how CCP's authorities canceled the supply system
> and implemented the system of job hierarchy in August 1955.
> The new standard increased the salary levels to 30.
> In Beijing, for example, if coupled with price subsidies,
> the highest level wage was RMB 649.6;
> and the lowest level was only RMB 20.88.
> The largest wage gap reached more than 31 times.
> The article points out that this kind of "job hierarchy" system
> widened significantly the gap between officials and civilians.
> Plus, it also established a system for officials' positions
> in accordance with the hierarchy standard.
> The standard, by which cadres can enjoy different treatments
> other than wages, is very delicate and complex.
> Some levels can be equipped with chefs, guards, secretaries,
> other can enjoy medical care, convalescence, houses, cars, etc.
> There are various specific provisions
> within the different levels of the CCP.
> In this regard, Ms. Yan Tunfu, a victim of the anti-rightist
> movement in Beijing, shared her thoughts for NTDTV.
> She said that as early as the Yan'an period,
> the senior cadres of CCP had big privileges.
> And that the publicly promoted by CCP equality
> is actually fake.
> Yan Tunfu: "In the past, you'd simply not know what level
> cadres can live in what houses, as they were concealed by compound walls.
> Even officials' kids knew of the so-called 'care of the impact,'
> or they shouldn't make their living conditions known by others."
> According to sources, the article in ifeng.com was published
> in Southern Weekend in 2007.
> Now it is re-published and it attracted much online attention.
> In only one day, over 220,000 people commented on it.
> Many netizens said,
> they "deeply felt this common felling."
> Netizens also think, the bigger the gap between rich and poor,
> the more serious the privileges are.
> Beijing Spring' editor Hu Ping analyzed that today's situation
> is due to CCP only caring for economic but not political reform.
> Hu Ping: "Because there is no political reform, the economic
> reform becomes a privatization of the rich and the powerful.
> The CCP officials use the power in their hands,
> turning people's property into their own.
> Meanwhile, CCP shifts the consequences of its mistakes
> in the economy over the years over to the people."
> Hu Ping said that the CCP first turned the people's property
> into so-called "public property" by means of establishment of "people's
> communes," and so on.
> And then CCP turned these properties into officials' private
> properties in the name of the "reform."
> Now it's not able to solve the fundamental problems simply
> by imitating the welfare and distribution system of the West.
> Hu Ping: "This one-party dictatorship must end. Properties,
> plundered by CCP over the time must be returned to people.
> This can not be solved by the so-called "anti-corruption."
> As it is caused by the political system, the system must end."
> Ms. Yan Tunfu also pointed out,
> that CCP's system of privileges has never changed.
> The CCP's ruling and indoctrination over several decades
> has reversed right and wrong, kind and evil, in people's hearts.
> The most necessary thing that Chinese people need to do now
> is to reject its ideology and culture.
> NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Li Qian and Xiao Yu
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