
星期一, 6月 04, 2012

890603 中国国际广播电台播音报道六四屠杀


Siuman ‏@dj007_siuman
@Bark_CheekMark 这个是个很好的素材,如能做专题想必相当精彩!RT @uponsnow:这是美国南加州公益组织"长滩报道"的网站 http://www.lbreport.com  今天首页显示坦克人的画面,并链接他们收藏的中国国际广播电台历史性播音的MP3。
9:42 AM - 4 Jun 12

Special / Hear Him, With Archival Audio: Remembering Tiananmen Square's Radio "Tankman"

(June 1, 2012) -- As we do each year at this time, LongBeachReport.com / LBReport.com recalls the 1989 work of a courageous Chinese broadcast journalist. It aired 23 years ago (June 3-4).

His shortwave radio broadcast was captured on tape by us as well as by others. It has become part of the history of the events it describes.

Like many Americans, this writer spent much of June 3-4, 1989 watching CNN's live coverage of events in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. That night, I wondered how Radio Beijing's English language shortwave radio broadcast (a one-hour program beamed nightly to North America) would describe those events.

At 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time in the 25 meter shortwave band, I recorded what you can hear on-demand below. Because the radio signals were on shortwave (bouncing off the ionosphere on sometimes slightly differing paths), you'll hear occasional fading and phase distortion. For reference, the text is transcribed below.

Try to visualize what it must have been like for this man to enter the Chinese government's broadcast center that day. Tanks were in the streets. The city was under martial law. This man knew what happened to his fellow citizens at Tiananmen Square.

Think of what must have gone through his mind as he wrote the script below, sat down behind a microphone, watched a clock tick-off the seconds to the top of the hour...and spoke words that he hoped the world would hear.

To launch audio, click here
This is Radio Beijing. Please remember June the third, 1989. The most tragic event happened in the Chinese capital, Beijing.

Thousands of people, most of them innocent civilians, were killed by fully armed soldiers when they forced their way into the city. Among the killed are our colleagues at Radio Beijing.

The soldiers were riding on armored vehicles and used machine guns against thousands of local residents and students who tried to block their way. When the army convoys made a breakthrough, soldiers continued to spray their bullets indiscriminately at crowds in the street.

Eyewitnesses say some armored vehicles even crushed footsoldiers who hesitated in front of the resisting civilians.

Radio Beijing [sic] English Department deeply mourns those [sic] died in the tragic incident and appeals to all its listeners to join our protest for the gross violation of human rights and the most barbarous suppression of the people.

Because of this abnormal situation here in Beijing, there is no other news we could bring you. We sincerely ask for your understanding and thank you for joining us at this most tragic moment.

In our opinion, this man is the audio counterpart to the visually iconic Tiananmen "Tankman."

Like the "Tankman," his fate is uncertain. There are conflicting accounts over who he is and what happened to him.

In our view, it remains for journalists worldwide to find out who he is and to use every opportunity to try and speak with him. We would like to see him acknowledged by name and honored for his work.

We urge our fellow journalists to use every opportunity that may arise with Beijing's emissaries and apparatchiks, to ask about him, to insist on the opportunity to speak with him...and to find out exactly what happened to him and on whose orders.

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