shengxue@gmail.com; davidbian@hotmail.com
暴政有期 大爱无疆 专制必亡 自由万岁
自2009年2月以来,在中共控制下的藏区,藏人自焚事件频频发生,有时一天就传出4名僧俗自焚的消息。至2012年11月21日为止,已有 78起被确认的自焚事件,其中64人死亡(请见随信附上的相关资料)。此次藏人的自焚事件,从累计的人数上,从持续的时间上,其惨凄和悲怆程度, 绝无仅有,令世人惊骇和痛惋,况且事件依然在继续中……,
西藏到底发生了什么?如此多的藏人,情愿忍受如此巨大的痛苦,以极其惨烈的方式牺牲自己的生命,就像1963年南越释广德法师在西贡的自焚、 1966年中国释良卿法师在千年名刹法门寺的自焚、以及2009年中国暴力拆迁的受害者唐福珍在成都的自焚那样,其背后必然有着更为广泛、沉重和 难以承受的社会性苦难!
这些自焚的藏人,情愿牺牲自己,却丝毫不伤害他人。但国际社会不应因此而无动于衷。每一个生命都无比珍贵,每一个生命的惨烈消失都是灾难,每 一个自焚事件的背后都可能揭示着成百上千极为残酷的苦难。面对自然界的天灾,人类尚且能够本着人道主义相助;而藏人自焚事件及其背后藏民的苦难, 是更加需要世人关注和救援的非常严重的人道迫害灾难,国际社会决不能袖手旁观。这不是主权问题,而是像地震、饥荒、战乱一样,是人道问题,国际社 会必须负起责任,予以解决!
2.要求您所在的党派、组织、议会、政府,以及联合国、欧盟等国际机构,组织独立调查团,前往中共控制下的藏区(特别是自焚频发的藏区)实地 调查藏人的处境和发生藏人自焚事件的原因,并要求中共当局允许这些国际独立调查团入境,自由自主、不受干预地开展调查;
3.要求中共尽快就切实保障境内藏人宗教信仰自由和使用与维护自己语言文化的权利问题、达赖喇嘛自由自主地返回西藏问题(因为根据报道,这是 自焚藏人呼喊最多的诉求)以及西藏问题的最终解决,与西藏流亡政府和达赖喇嘛展开谈判;
中国政府指控说,"西藏流亡政府煽动境内藏人自焚"。而达赖喇嘛则一再呼吁藏人珍惜生命,不希望见到自焚事件继续发生。西藏流亡政府也呼吁中共当 局派出正式调查团前赴达兰萨拉,会同国际独立调查团,调查中共所指控的真实性。为此:
An appeal to leaders of the world:
To the United Nations, the European Union, Members of Parliaments
and Governments, and NGOs for human rights
Dear ... [names/titles to be inserted]
Since February, 2009 an extraordinary number of self-immolations, numbering 78 by November 21, 2012, with 64 deaths, have occurred in regions of Tibet ruled by China. (Detailed information is attached.)
Tibet is burning: day after day, another vital life goes up in flames – women and men, young and old, including monks, nuns and ordinary people.
Why have so many Tibetans sacrificed their lives so painfully and tragically? To us the answer is obvious: these desperate acts point to unrest and unbearable suffering in Tibet. The Chinese government has refused to listen and give them a voice, so Tibetans have cried out in anguish in the only way possible.
The incidents in Tibet are part of the history of repressed societies. We are reminded of the self-immolations of the South Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức in Saigon in 1963, the Chinese Buddhist monk Shi Liangqing in Famen Temple in 1966, and the victim of a violent demolition, Tang Fuzhen, in Chengdu in 2009.
These victims of self-immolation hurt mainly themselves and their families; but, despite that, the international community should not be insensitive and indifferent to the tragedy. Every precious life tragically lost points to cruel suffering that is impacting thousands of Tibetans, pushing them to conclude that they must sacrifice their lives to make a desperate statement. It's a humanitarian disaster, like an earthquake or a war, not a sovereignty issue. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the international community to take responsibility: intervene to establish the truth about the situation and address the underlying problems.
We earnestly appeal to you to activate your conscience and take firm action to end this humanitarian disaster! Please use your political, governmental and international networks to bring about action as follows:
- Make the crisis of self-immolations in Tibet an urgent international issue, to be addressed in all official exchanges between your country or organization and China;
- Urge your organization, the government of your country, as well as international bodies, including the UN and EU, to send their teams of independent investigators to Tibet, especially to areas where Tibetans' self-immolations have frequently occurred, to report on the true situation of Tibetan society and the real reasons for the self-immolations. Challenge the Chinese authorities to permit independent investigation teams to enter these areas, speak openly with Tibetans, and work freely without interference;
- Urge the Chinese government to start negotiations with the Tibetan government-in-exile and the Dalai Lama as soon as possible, to discuss issues including religious freedom, the rights of using and preserving Tibetan language and culture, and the Dalai Lama's unfettered return to Tibet. (According to news reports, these demands are shouted most often by Tibetans who have self-immolated.)
The Chinese government has asserted that "the Tibetan self-immolations are incited by the Tibetan government-in-exile", but His Holiness the Dalai Lama has encouraged his followers to cherish life and cease these protests. The Tibetan government-in-exile has invited China to send officials to Dharamsala to investigate the allegations of interference. Hence,
- We urge you to encourage the Chinese government to respond promptly and positively to this proposal.
We are sure you are aware that prompt, decisive action has the potential to alleviate the crisis and save lives. We thank you sincerely for reading, empathizing and taking action.
Yours truly
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