tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-09-23 10:16:04 UTC
@lihlii @nzxws @tangzhimin @ifoo4 @ygd432113 @cabit52 @Suyutong @zuola so true Commies must destroy pic.twitter.com/jx8K20BjkC
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-09-23 17:04:17 UTC
@tangzhimin @lihlii @ifoo4 @ygd432113 @cabit52 @Suyutong @zuola you too lie or good people never say bad things about others
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-09-23 17:09:23 UTC
@tangzhimin @lihlii @ifoo4 @ygd432113 @cabit52 @Suyutong @zuola good people never say bad things about other nations
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-09-23 17:13:14 UTC
@tangzhimin @lihlii @ifoo4 @ygd432113 @cabit52 @Suyutong @zuola see his holiness flag pic.twitter.com/Tj1hwX4CRp
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-09-23 17:20:11 UTC
@tangzhimin @lihlii @ifoo4 @ygd432113 @cabit52 @Suyutong @zuola like (ROC)leaders & Commies lies a lot openly pic.twitter.com/HFZSYIBfqb
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-09-23 17:21:39 UTC
@tangzhimin @lihlii @ifoo4 @ygd432113 @cabit52 @Suyutong @zuola his holiness is our heart & our Buddha
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-09-23 17:23:57 UTC
@tangzhimin @lihlii @ifoo4 @ygd432113 @cabit52 @Suyutong @zuola tibetan is not Chinese & don't eat pets,insects & worms
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-09-23 17:34:02 UTC
@tangzhimin @lihlii @ifoo4 @ygd432113 @cabit52 @Suyutong @zuola 20-9-2014 Taipei Times,read it & you see lies pic.twitter.com/btCEDsaBbS
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-09-23 17:37:14 UTC
@tangzhimin @lihlii @ifoo4 @ygd432113 @cabit52 @Suyutong @zuola MTAC means Tibet & mongolia are part of roc Taiwan
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-10-06 05:25:30 UTC
@lincevbn @lihlii @killerdarkGhost @ygd432113 @tangzhimin @Suyutong democratic Taiwan but constitution claim see down pic.twitter.com/QR89cV5iCu
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-10-07 14:21:39 UTC
@lihlii @tangzhimin @Suyutong @andrewpenzer @ygd432113 pic.twitter.com/3EQkpBV6sr
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-10-07 14:43:18 UTC
@lihlii @tangzhimin @liuqiangben @powercgj @dyf619 @Suyutong @ygd432113 @ifoo4 @LO445566 pic.twitter.com/QkMAwKEIir
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-10-21 00:05:55 UTC
@lchen_lu @lihlii @EpochTimes current Hong Kong govt. use rule of power cuz puppet of China & in China no rule of law just rule of power
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2014-11-11 07:38:05 UTC
@ReutersChina @lihlii in China where rule of power rule means no fair law therefore no trust there
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-03 23:48:39 UTC
@Taiwan_love_you @lihlii democratic taiwan must first close undemocratic executive branches otherwise two tongues pic.twitter.com/uHxklHNmww
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-04 00:05:40 UTC
@lihlii @Taiwan_love_you undemocratic onesided constitution in democratic Taiwan based on distorted history pic.twitter.com/ILV7yBwFHk
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-04 02:18:09 UTC
@lihlii @Taiwan_love_you pic.twitter.com/2TaIvtXHOl
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-07 14:12:45 UTC
@lihlii she was self immolated yesterday in Tibet for freedom & human rights pic.twitter.com/VNd9zWDA8l
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-08 03:14:33 UTC
@lihlii pic.twitter.com/gwOmRs1kxC
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-08 03:17:42 UTC
@lihlii pic.twitter.com/FnJFOc5eoG
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-08 14:24:52 UTC
@lihlii this what CCPChina did & is doing now in Tibet but we won't accept lies at any cost even CCP shoot at us pic.twitter.com/xyt6eAOHQ3
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 01:24:10 UTC
@Weiboscope @lihlii pic.twitter.com/dZsDcWDCBZ
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 01:24:57 UTC
@Weiboscope @lihlii pic.twitter.com/7kDRHs0Wk3
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 01:32:53 UTC
@lihlii be honest is a real human otherwise small or big lie is lie pic.twitter.com/MOqhReWcFU
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 01:45:10 UTC
@lihlii China too was territory of Japan if USA not bomb Japan so when China got name in international platform so just words are not enough
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 01:50:25 UTC
@lihlii science has found that tibetan are not from chinese genes & when Chinese lend territory to tibetan? How?why?
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 01:54:24 UTC
@lihlii India was under British for 200 years so is it come under British territory ?nope it was invaded because of force so same Tibet
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:03:23 UTC
@lihlii recent studies shows already that so need thorough check on it,from food to genes we are different but I don't mean negative
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:08:11 UTC
@lihlii that means no country has right to claim on other countries on force so China has no single right on Tibet if accept truth
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:12:08 UTC
@maylogcom @lihlii what I mean everything is different from China from food to genes like culture,language,way of thinking
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:13:33 UTC
@lihlii I am not racist but telling you Tibet was independent nation
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:17:21 UTC
@maylogcom @lihlii why I am telling this Tibet was independent nation every sides tell independent Tibet except China has force to claim
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:19:03 UTC
@lihlii there is nothing to split just truth is Tibet was independent nation
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:23:15 UTC
@lihlii @maylogcom one dynasty hasn't enough reasons to claim Tibet cuz Tibet too has empire before Qing & invaded China & indian Territory
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:24:57 UTC
@lihlii @maylogcom nope just one empire Qing become legal then we do empire to some part of China
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:27:14 UTC
@lihlii nope just one empire has legal to claims Tibet then we Tibet had empire to claim some part of China but that is not truth
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:29:57 UTC
@lihlii @maylogcom anyway we have one life but I will always follow truth in any circumstances cuz buddha teach us
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:33:39 UTC
@lihlii international law on territory created on present circumstances not on truth cuz some nations got freedom in recent year so truth
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:35:14 UTC
@lihlii @maylogcom what that tells us if we think enough
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:36:54 UTC
@lihlii @maylogcom what I said to you is buddha not the path
tsering sun @tsering_nima 2015-03-16 02:41:03 UTC
@lihlii I am talking about past history of Tibet in future what his holiness said we follow it wholeheartedly & happily I think 95% tibetan
分裂分子 @tsering_nima 的谎言宣传术 http://lihlii.blogspot.nl/2015/04/tseringnima.html