
星期二, 5月 26, 2015


民陣中文網站:http://www.fdc64.org/index.php/news/fdc-activities /348-20150525-call-4-release-wangbingzhang-4-daughters-wedding


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  正在中國服無期徒刑的良心犯、中國海外民主運動的創始人王炳章博士的小女兒王天安定於今年7月11日在加拿大舉行結婚典禮。日 前,王天安分別給加拿大總理哈珀和給美國總統奧巴馬去函,請求他們展開有力外交行動,促成王炳章釋放並回加拿大參加女兒的婚禮。

在不久前公民力量主辦的第十屆族群青年領袖研習營上,"良心犯的孩 子"籌備組的第一個提議就是:大家一起行動,爭取已經在獄中度過了13年且疾病纏身的王炳章獲得自由參加其女兒王天安的婚禮。這一提 議得到與會組織和個人一致支持。

今天,我們九個組織共同發起"讓王炳章參加女兒婚禮"全球簽名活動, 呼籲世界各界人士簽名聯署支持王天安給哈珀和奧巴馬的請願信,並將此活動作為"六四"紀念的一個重要內容積極推動。


1. 進入以下網頁:


2. 在 "Sign the Petition" 下方,輸入您的電子郵件地址,姓名,和留言(留言不是必須)

3. 全部填寫完畢後點擊"sign"


公民力量 Initiatives for China/Citizen Power for China

對華援助協會 ChinaAid

國際聲援西藏組織International Campaign for Tibet

南蒙古人權信息中心 Souther Mongolia Human Rights Information Center

世界維吾爾大會 World Uyghur Congress

全球支持中國和亞洲民主化論壇Forum for a Democratic China and Asia

中國民主聯合陣線 Alliance for a Democratic China

民主中國陣線 Federation for a Democratic China

中國民主團結聯盟 Alliance for Democracy in China






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FDC English site: http://www.fdc64.org/index.php/en/news/fdc-activities/350-20150525-call-4-release-wangbingzhang-4-daughters-wedding

Global Call for Release of Dr Wang Bingzhang
for His Daughter's Wedding Ceremony

May 22, 2015


   Ms. Wang Tianna, daughter of the founder of China's overseas democracy movement, has urged global leaders to help release her father for her wedding ceremony in July.

   Dr. Wang Bingzhang has suffered severe health issues, spending the past 13 years serving a life sentence in China for his political activities overseas. His daughter Wang Tianna has sent letters to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama calling for diplomatic efforts to secure her father's release.

   At the 10th Interfaith Interethnic Youth Leadership Conference hosted by Initiatives for China in Washington, DC last month, the first proposal from the representatives of Children of Prisoners of Conscience was to call for joint efforts for the release of Dr. Wang Bingzhang, on basis of medical parole, to attend his daughter's wedding ceremony which is scheduled for July 11 in Canada. All participants have pledged support to this initiative.

   Now nine of the democratic groups from the conference are calling for a global movement to urge release of Dr. Wang Bingzhang, and for a petition campaign in support of Ms. Wang Tianna's letter to Prime Minister Harper and President Obama. This campaign would also be part of the series of commemorative activities marking the Tiananmen Massacre in Beijing China in 1989.

   Please follow the procedure to sign on the letter as described below:

1. Go to link:

2. Under "Sign the Petition," enter your email, name, and a supporting message (optional).

3. Press Sign


   Initiatives for China/Citizen Power for China ChinaAid
   International Campaign for Tibet
   Southern Mongolia Human Rights Information Center
   World Uyghur Congress
   Forum for a Democratic China and Asia
   Alliance for a Democratic China
   Federation for a Democratic China
   Alliance for Democracy in China


For English:
Ti-Anna Wang: tianna.w@gmail.com, +1-514-966-1264

For Chinese:
Bingwu Wang (Brother of Wang Bingzhang): bingwang77@gmail.com, +1-778-929-9149


