
星期二, 7月 07, 2015

重发: 民陣加拿大祝賀達賴喇嘛尊者80歲生日,盛雪致辭全文

【編者註:各地有相應的活動報導和照片希望民陣網站刊載的,請發往 tech@fdc64.org





  首先,我在尊者80壽辰之際給予我衷心的祝福,這 是一個世界各地都在隆重慶祝的慶典,特別是在流亡藏人社區。這是藏民們崇敬、信奉和愛戴的體現,甚至在西藏境內更是如此。人們聚集起來, 祝愿尊者達拉喇嘛長久住世。這是在明知可能的後果情況下,也要表達的對尊者的忠誠。

Firstly I wish to give my heartfelt congratulations to His Holiness on the occasion of his 80th birthday, a celebration which is being honored around the world, most especially within exiled Tibetan communities. Such is the respect, dedication and love felt by Tibetans that even inside Tibet, people gathered to wish His Holiness the Dalai Lama a long life. An action taken in full awareness of the possible consequences, such is the devotion towards His Holiness.

  尊者畢生為人類的福祉、世界的和平和人權所作的貢 獻,鼓舞著全世界的人們,也包括了中國人民。儘管中共長期以來一直不停地詆毀、侮辱和迫害,尊者繼續贏得越來越多的漢人的尊重、支持和愛 戴。尊者在世界各地的多次旅行中,盡最大的可能與會見流亡海外的中國异見人士,這极大地鼓舞了中國民主運動,包括我本人。

His lifelong achievements in working for human happiness, world peace and human rights are an inspiration to people all around the world, including Chinese people. In spite of having long been denigrated, insulted and persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party, His Holiness continued to win more and more Chinese people's respect, support and affection. He was not only a bearer of hope to the Tibetan people but also for the Chinese people. In his travels around the world His Holiness has tried his best to meet with exiled Chinese dissidents, which has greatly encouraged the Chinese democracy movement, as well as me personally.

  我個人以及民主中國陣線將繼續支持達拉喇嘛為西藏 人民爭取自由、人權和民主做作的努力。儘管他被迫從自己的家園流亡,但他帶領藏人跨越整個世界,包括加拿大,將悲劇化為希望。他對其人民 孜孜不倦的奉獻,以他的生命、智慧和領導能力的貢獻,确保西藏文化不僅得以保留,而且發揚光大。

I myself and the Federation for a Democratic China will continue to support the efforts of the Dalai Lama for the Tibetan people to achieve freedom, human rights and democracy. Although he was forced into exile from his homeland, he has turned tragedy into hope by leading the Tibetan people across the whole world, including Canada. His tireless dedication towards his people, to which he dedicated his life, his wisdom and leadership in ensuring that Tibetan culture is not merely preserved but is active and flourishing.

  正是他的遠見和決心,令在印度和尼泊爾的藏人從新 建立起一個流亡家園,一個自1959年以來就提供教育、醫療保健、后來還見證了引入民主程序進行治理的藏人社會。由于他卓越的努力和奉 獻,全世界都得以知曉他的故土在中國共產党壓迫下的苦難。

It was his vision and determination that enabled Tibetans across India and Nepal to build from scratch an exiled home, one that has since 1959 provided education, health care and later witnessed the introduction into Tibetan society of democratic processes and governance. Due to his remarkable efforts and sacrifices, the world knows of the suffering of his homeland under Chinese Communist oppression.

  西藏人權狀況的持續災難讓我極度地悲哀,看到那裡 的人民所遭受的苦难,中共暴政造成的每天都在發生的不公、虐待、屠殺和壓迫,十分讓人痛心。面對這种暴行,我們是站在一起的,我和我所在 的組織將盡一切努力幫助西藏人民傳播西藏真相,反抗中共暴政。

The continuing disaster of the human rights situation in Tibet makes me extremely uneasy, it is distressing to observe the daily injustice, abuses, killing and oppression which his people suffer as result of the tyranny imposed by the Chinese regime. In light of such violations and in solidarity I and my organization will make every effort to assist the Tibetans spread the truth about Tibet and to fight back.

  我期待著西藏人民和中國人民盡快擺脫中共統治獲得 自由的那一天。我們必須繼續團結起來,以協調一致和確定的決心致力于盡早結束中共暴權,加快尊者可以回到一個從無法忍受的枷鎖壓迫中解救 出來的自由西藏的那一天的到來。

look forward to the day when Tibetans and Chinese people will soon be free from Communist rule. We must continue to unite together, working in harmony with a determined resolve to end the Communist regime as soon as possible and so hasten the day when His Holiness may return to a Tibet freed from the unbearable yoke of oppression.

  祝愿尊者達賴喇嘛長久住世,讓他的慈悲和他為和平 所做的努力,繼續造福藏人、華人和全世界。

I wish long live His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, as his compassion and his efforts for peace continue to benefit Tibetans, Chinese and the whole world.


