
星期五, 1月 22, 2016

来信医院 / Letter From The Hospital


应有的尊重和人性化我写的捐赠和该基金交给你的孤儿院和寡妇/弱势和传播上帝的福音(US $ 270万)两百万七十万美元,通过存入银行在科特迪瓦我已故的丈夫。我,Mrs.Jane塔特尔68年没有孩子的时候,嫁给了詹姆斯·塔特尔已故博士谁与石油公司(PETROCI)科特迪瓦制定出台了心脏动脉手术后在2010年之前,他死了,现在我的医生说,我会不会持续四个月因结肠癌,我有一个名为安德鲁C.塔特尔说我通过了下摆在这个国家,当我的丈夫还alive.i要你一点收养的孩子。


(2)给出的20%的钱,以盘口人和慈善机构。剩下的30%应该是你对你的帮助安德鲁。最后 ,我写回来,安德鲁会送你自己的照片,以确保你是谁处理的。




With due Respect and Humanity I write to donate and hand over this  fund to you for orphanages and widows / less privileged and  propagate the gospel of God(US$2.7M) Two million seven hundred  thousand dollars deposited in a Bank in Cote d'Ivoire by my  late husband. I, Mrs.Jane Tuttle, 68 years old without a child, married to late Dr. James Tuttle who worked with Oil company (PETROCI) Cote d'Ivoire before he died in the year 2010 after a Cardiac Arteries Operation, presently my doctor said I will  not last for four months due to Colon Cancer,I have a little adopted child named Andrew C. Tuttle that i adopted hem in this Country when my late husband was alive.i want you to.

(1) Keep 50% of the money for Andrew until he finish his studies to become a man as he has been there for me as my lovely Son and i promised to support him in life to become a medical Doctor because he always desire for it with the scholarship he had won so far. I want you to take him along with you to your country and establish him as your son.

(2) Give 20% of the money to handicap people and charity organization. The remaining 30% should be yours for your help to Andrew. Finally, write me back so that Andrew will send you his pictures to be sure of whom you are dealing with.

Andrew is 14years now, therefore guide him. And if i don't hear from you i will look for another person or any organization.May Almighty God bless you and use you to accomplish my wish.
Please always remember me in your daily prayers.

God Bless You,Mrs Jane Tuttle.


