
星期五, 3月 11, 2016

Going Electric, Even if Gas Is Cheap/油價雖低 車廠仍往電動車前進

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2016/03/11 第110期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Going Electric, Even if Gas Is Cheap/油價雖低 車廠仍往電動車前進
Crumbling, Destitute Schools Threaten Detroit's Recovery/學校破敗又窮困 底特律難復甦
Going Electric, Even if Gas Is Cheap/油價雖低 車廠仍往電動車前進
While U.S. consumers were taking advantage of low gas prices to buy trucks and sport utility vehicles in large numbers, some automakers delayed investing in slower-selling electrified vehicles.

But with increases in federal fuel-economy standards looming in 2017, car companies are hustling to bring out hybrid and electric models to help them meet the new rules — even though electrified vehicles make up only 2 percent of overall sales.



The federal government has mandated corporate average fuel economy of 54.5 mpg by 2025. But companies need to meet an interim standard of about 37 mpg by next year.


Now, despite declining gas prices, automakers showed off a raft of electric and hybrid models at the annual North American International Auto Show in Detroit.

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles introduced a plug-in hybrid-electric version of its new minivan model, the Pacifica, making it the first hybrid vehicle in the Italian-American automaker's lineup.



The Pacifica joined several other new electrified models introduced by other automakers at the auto show, including models from Ford Motor Co. and General Motors.


Fiat Chrysler has been an industry laggard in the push for electrified cars, relying heavily in recent years on sales of Ram pickups and Jeep sport utility vehicles to drive its growth in the U.S. market.

The results, at least financially, have been stellar. Profits have surged and market share has expanded at the expense of Fiat Chrysler's rivals.



But Fiat Chrysler's chief executive, Sergio Marchionne, acknowledged that his company needed more high-mileage models, and the hybrid minivan was a good starting point.


"The 2025 numbers are very high numbers," Marchionne said at a news conference. "You look around the show at all the hybrids and the electrification as being a solution to the rules in 2025."

Marchionne said the company would improve its average by continuing to improve the mileage of its conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, as well as by adding hybrids.



Crumbling, Destitute Schools Threaten Detroit's Recovery/學校破敗又窮困 底特律難復甦
Julie Bosman

In Kathy Aaron's decrepit public school, the heat fills the air with a moldy, rancid odor. Cockroaches, some 3 inches long, scuttle about until they are squashed by a student who volunteers for the task. Water drips from a leaky roof onto the gymnasium floor.

"We have rodents out in the middle of the day," said Aaron, a teacher of 18 years. "Like they're coming to class."



Detroit's public schools are a daily shock to the senses, run down after years of neglect and mismanagement, while failing academically and teetering on the edge of financial collapse. Recently teachers again protested the conditions, calling in sick en masse and forcing a shutdown of most of the city's almost 100 schools.

Things have become so bad, district officials say, that the Detroit public school system could be insolvent by April.



"They're in need of a transformational change,"Michigan's governor, Rick Snyder, a Republican, acknowledged in his State of the State speech. "Too many schools are failing at their central task. Not all Detroit students are getting the education they deserve."

Many worry that the state of the schools will hamper Detroit's recovery from bankruptcy, a recovery evident in the new loft-style townhouses and the bustling Whole Foods that Aaron passes near her school, where she teaches fifth grade.



Residents wonder how the city can ever recoup its lost population and attract young families if the public schools are in abysmal shape.

"As we begin to rebuild this city and we're seeing money and development moving in, people are understanding that there is no way we can improve Detroit without a strong educational system," said Mary Sheffield, a native of Detroit and a City Council member. "We have businesses and restaurants and arenas, but our schools are falling apart and our children are uneducated. There is no Detroit without good schools."



The problems predate the municipal bankruptcy. One of the biggest is enrollment, which has been in free fall. In 2000, Detroit Public Schools had close to 150,000 students; this year, there are fewer than 45,000.



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