
星期五, 7月 22, 2016

World War II Is the Latest Lure in Novels for Young Readers/二戰主題小說 年輕讀者的新歡

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2016/07/22 第132期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 World War II Is the Latest Lure in Novels for Young Readers/二戰主題小說 年輕讀者的新歡
Lured by Jobs, Nepalis Risk Death in Afghanistan/阿富汗恐攻四伏 尼泊爾保全賣命討生活
World War II Is the Latest Lure in Novels for Young Readers/二戰主題小說 年輕讀者的新歡
Alexandra Alter

After a decades-long wave of blockbuster novels about wizards, vampires and dystopias, the latest trend in children's literature is surprisingly old. Historical fiction about World War II is having a renaissance.


"We're seeing more publishing on it than we ever have before," said David Levithan, the vice president and publisher of Scholastic, noting that this is a topic "that across the board is popular with kids of all ages."

"It's a story with unambiguous good guys and bad guys," he said.



This year, Scholastic is publishing seven middle-grade and young-adult novels set in the period, including Alan Gratz's "Projekt 1065," about a boy who joined the Hitler Youth as a spy, and "The Darkest Hour," Caroline Tung Richmond's novel about a teenage spy in France.

World War II has always captivated readers, and authors and publishers say the subject has the rare potential to draw men and women as well as young and old readers to a single title.



"World War II really opens up the market," said novelist Kristin Hannah, whose 2015 novel, "The Nightingale," about women in the French Resistance, has sold more than 2 million copies.

World War II stories may hold a special appeal because this was a conflict that young people got swept up in — as refugees, Resistance fighters and youth soldiers — as dire circumstances forced them to behave like adults.



When Monica Hesse was 11, her father gave her a copy of "Hitler's Willing Executioners."

Most preteens would have blanched at getting a more-than-600-page book about the Holocaust as a present. Hesse, who had read "The Diary Of Anne Frank" over and over, was riveted by it.



"My parents knew that was what I was interested in," said Hesse, 34, a feature writer for The Washington Post.

Now Hesse is hoping to hook other young readers on World War II stories with her young-adult novel, "Girl in the Blue Coat," about a teenage girl in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam who joins the underground student resistance movement.



This novel's young heroine, Hanneke, sells goods on the black market to support her family. She reluctantly agrees to help one of her customers find Mirjam, a Jewish girl who was hiding in a friend's pantry, then mysteriously disappeared. Hanneke's search for Mirjam forces her to confront her own apathy and ignorance about the atrocities that have been taking place around her.


Lured by Jobs, Nepalis Risk Death in Afghanistan/阿富汗恐攻四伏 尼泊爾保全賣命討生活
Kareem Fahim and Bhadra Sharma

With their wraparound sunglasses and easy smiles, the Nepalese contractors who guarded the Canadian Embassy had become respected fixtures in Kabul, part of a larger community of South Asian security guards who stood sentry at foreign missions all around the capital.

Driven to work in Afghanistan by collapsed economic prospects back home, the contractors were able to send desperately needed money back to their families. But nothing here is without risk.



Last month, a Taliban suicide bomber killed 15 men, 13 Nepalese and two Indian contractors who helped secure the embassy, striking the guards' commuter bus just after it had picked them up at their residence compound. It was one of the deadliest attacks on foreign workers in the capital — and another example of how the South Asian contractors who have become mainstays in places like Afghanistan and Iraq are vulnerable in ways that many of their Western counterparts are not.


Many of the Nepalese guards had worked for months just to recover the thousands of dollars in broker fees they had paid to secure jobs in Afghanistan. One of the guards, Prem Bahadur Tamang, 38, said that they enjoyed fewer privileges in their barracks than their "white brothers." He added that among other restrictions, for instance, they were prevented from leaving their compound to go to a store.


And they were shuttled around Kabul in ordinary minibuses, not in the armored cars that protect many Western contractors.

Tamang said he had worked for the company for five years but abruptly returned home after the attack last month — with barely any of his clothes, saying he was still owed 20 days of wages. Other colleagues in Kabul were also considering going back to Nepal, he added.



It was not an easy choice, he said, after desperation had driven many of them to Afghanistan in the first place. "We have no job opportunities in Nepal," Tamang said, adding that he had paid a broker the equivalent of about $3,300 to get to Kabul, where he was paid $950 a month — a fraction of the salaries paid to Western security contractors.

Some of the Nepalese guards hoped to build a house. Others, like Tamang, were trying to rebuild their lives after Nepal's devastating earthquake last year.




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