
星期五, 10月 14, 2016

透過媒體接觸暴力 可能比直接接觸更傷

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2016/10/14 第144期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Rome Mayor's Troubled First 3 Months Raise Doubts on Her Five Star Movement/執政一團亂 羅馬女市長落漆
A News Portal to Trauma/透過媒體接觸暴力 可能比直接接觸更傷
Rome Mayor's Troubled First 3 Months Raise Doubts on Her Five Star Movement/執政一團亂 羅馬女市長落漆
文/Gaia Pianigiani

When Virginia Raggi, Rome's first female mayor, was elected in June, she represented the anti-establishment Five Star Movement's highest aspiration — to show Italy how nonprofessional politicians could turn things around.

Yet three months later, the Five Star Movement's shining moment has become a mess, and Raggi, 38, a lawyer with almost no political experience who ran as a clean-hands reformer, appears to be foundering.



Garbage piled up in the streets through the summer. Five important officials have resigned, some tainted by investigations for malfeasance. By this month, things were so bad that the comedian Beppe Grillo, a founder of the movement, reversed a vow to stay out of politics and stepped in to shore up Raggi amid speculation of an early resignation.

On Monday, one of Italy's leading newspapers, La Repubblica, published excerpts from a letter to Raggi, signed by about 70 City Hall managers in Rome, that lamented administrative paralysis and a lack of guidance. Residents, too, seem to be at the end of their ropes.



"Of course I voted for her — the rest of the politicians here are crooks," said Isabella Vardelli, a market vendor in Rome. "But I am getting impatient. Maybe she is naive, maybe she is incompetent. Is it possible that they can't start working?"

"I also wonder whether she really is as honest as she said she was," Vardelli added.



Rome has never been an easy city to govern, and it has proved the undoing of any number of parties and politicians who have tried.

But Raggi's early struggles have left analysts wondering whether the victory here, rather than helping the capital find some political stability, will reveal that the movement is riddled with many of the same flaws as the establishment it has railed against.

The troubles in Rome have become an open wound for the movement, rippling out from the capital and tarnishing its image on the national stage.



羅馬的問題已成五星運動一道裂開的傷口,從羅馬如漣漪般外擴 ,重創它的全國形象。

"Rome is an example of the limits of the Five Star Movement, and of the city of Rome per se," said Sergio Fabbrini, the director of the school of government at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome.

"Winning the elections in Rome, paradoxically, was a defeat for the movement," he said. "It's showing how disorganized and divided they are."



A News Portal to Trauma/透過媒體接觸暴力 可能比直接接觸更傷
文/Teddy Wayne

"The world has always been messy," President Barack Obama said in 2014 after a string of doom-and-gloom news events. "In part, we're just noticing now because of social media and our capacity to see in intimate detail the hardships that people are going through."

As a number of people similarly commented in the wake of recent videos of police violence against African-Americans, these episodes have been happening for a long time; it's only lately that smartphones have facilitated their widespread visual documentation.



Social media, too, has begun to play a prominent role in broadcasting tragedy. The shooting of Philando Castile was streamed as it happened on Facebook Live, which figured in another violent video since then. The app Periscope has also live-streamed its share of grisly and objectionable content, including the rape of an Ohio teenager and a suicide in France.

The effect on audiences can be traumatic. Historically, traditional mass media has also shown graphic images and horrifying videos like terrorist attacks or the 1991 Rodney King beating while barraging audiences with related content. For some people, it may not matter through which medium they consume their news: A video is a video and an article an article, whether it's on a TV screen, laptop or newspaper.



But there are several reasons to suspect that the emotional impact of such intimate social-media images or internet-derived news is different, and perhaps even longer-lasting in some cases, than that from old-media sources.

Contact with violence through any media can lead to what is called vicarious traumatization — and may, for some people, be more upsetting than an unmediated experience.



A 2013 study in the journal PNAS compared the acute stress symptoms of those with "direct exposure" to that year's Boston Marathon bombing (being present at the site or in the Boston-area lockdown, or knowing someone in either of those circumstances) with those who had only media exposure. People who were exposed to six or more daily hours of bombing-related media exposure reported higher levels of acute stress than those with direct exposure.

"Unlike direct exposure to a collective trauma, which can end when the acute phase of the event is over, media exposure keeps the acute stressor active and alive in one's mind," the study concluded. "In so doing, repeated media exposure may contribute to the development of trauma-related disorders by prolonging or exacerbating acute trauma-related symptoms."





「媒介即訊息」(The Medium is the Message)和「媒介即按摩」(The Medium is the Massage)是傳播學者麥克魯漢(Marshall McLuhan)半世紀前的名言,主張媒體傳播的不僅是內容,更潛在改變了人類的思維邏輯。麥克魯漢的理論有助於理解紐時報導所論及,大眾媒體(mass media)與社群媒體(social media)對受眾的影響。

影響之一是替代性創傷(vicarious traumatization)。這個心理學名詞源自同理心失衡(empathic strain),旁觀者不斷看到災難新聞畫面,生離死別的悲悽,容易產生強烈的情緒波動,進而反芻,將他人的不幸與自己情緒作連結。

除了媒體,新聞的定義也跟以往不同,《時代》雜誌1992年元月號將率先標榜新聞現場直播的CNN創辦人泰德透納選為年度風雲人物,評語是History as it Happens(非happened),昭告突發即時新聞的興起。

即時串流(live streaming)是現今媒體的王道,延伸閱讀(related content)是一定要的。智慧型手機讓各種視覺記錄(visual documentation)的散播更為便捷。

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