
星期五, 11月 11, 2016

As Amazon Arrives, the Campus Bookstore Is a Books Store No More亞馬遜入侵 校園書店書本神隱

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2016/11/04 第147期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 An Online Education Breakthrough? A Master's Degree for a Mere $7,000上網修名校碩士學位 學費一折起
As Amazon Arrives, the Campus Bookstore Is a Books Store No More亞馬遜入侵 校園書店書本神隱
An Online Education Breakthrough? A Master's Degree for a Mere $7,000上網修名校碩士學位 學費一折起
文/Kevin Carey

The master's degree business is booming. College graduates looking for a leg up in the job market are flocking to one- and two-year programs that promise entry to lucrative careers. Top colleges are more than willing to provide them — for a price. Tuition for a 30-credit master's in computer science from the University of Southern California runs $57,000. Syracuse, Johns Hopkins and Carnegie Mellon charge over $43,000 for the same degree.

But one highly ranked program, at Tech, has taken a very different approach. Its master's in computer science costs less than one-eighth as much as its most expensive rival — if you learn online. And a new study by Harvard economists found that in creating the program, Georgia Tech may have discovered a whole new market for higher education, one that could change the way we think about the problem of college costs.



Georgia Tech rolled out its online master's in computer science in 2014. It already had a highly selective residential master's program that cost about the same as those of competitor colleges. Some may see online learning as experimental or inferior, something associated with downmarket for-profit colleges. But the nation's best universities have fully embraced it. Syracuse, Johns Hopkins, USC and others have also developed online master's degrees, for which they charge the same tuition as their residential programs.

Georgia Tech decided to do something different. It charges online students the smallest amount necessary to cover its costs. That turned out to be $510 for a three-credit class. USC charges online students $5,535 for a three-credit class. (Both programs also charge small per-semester fees.)



With one of the top 10 computer science departments in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report, Georgia Tech had a reputation to uphold. So it made the online program as much like the residential program as possible.


As Amazon Arrives, the Campus Bookstore Is a Books Store No More亞馬遜入侵 校園書店書本神隱
文/Arielle Dollinger

As school started at Stony Brook University this month, two freshmen, Juan Adames and John Taveras, set out to buy textbooks.

They had not heard yet that the bookstore was a books store no more.

This summer, Stony Brook, part of the State University of New York, announced a partnership with the online retailer Amazon, now the university's official book retailer. Students can purchase texts through a Stony Brook-specific Amazon page and have them delivered to campus.




In the campus store where the textbooks used to be, there are now adult coloring books, racks of university-branded polos and windbreakers and three narrow bookshelves displaying assorted novels. The rest of the store is a vibrant collage of spirit wear and school supplies: backpacks and baseball caps; pompom hats and striped scarves; notebooks and correction fluid. There will soon be a Starbucks.

"I was a bit thrown off by the appearance," Adames said.



It is a conversation occurring on campuses across the country: If more and more students are buying and renting their course books online, why do they need a bookstore?

The Queens College bookstore went digital in April, forgoing brick-and-mortar altogether, Adam L. Rockman, the vice president of student affairs, said. Students order their books online, then have them shipped to personal addresses or to campus, where they are held until students pick them up.

"There are certainly some growing pains in getting used to it for many students," Rockman said. "I think the human condition is not to really love change."




The shift at Stony Brook is an attempt to provide more affordable options to students, according to Peter Baigent, the university's vice president for student affairs. Amazon is "more of a marketplace," where students can comparison shop, he said, as opposed to a conventional, fixed-price store. Eventually, students will be able to order texts for delivery to an Amazon area, which is still under construction, and pick them up from storage lockers.

Ripley MacDonald, director of Amazon Student Programs, said the company was also the primary course materials provider for Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.




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