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星期六, 11月 23, 2019


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From: Federation For A Democratic China民主中国阵线 <fdc.chinjin2017@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 10:38 PM
Subject: For your reference: Letter of the FDC to the Australian government and parliamentarians 民主中国阵线就香港民主诉求再次致函澳洲政府






















民主中国阵线 主席



English Version

 November 20th, 2019


Prime Minister Morrison and the Federal Government of Australia,

Australian Federal Parliament

Parkes ACT


Honorable Parliamentarians


As we all know, Carrie Lam's Hong Kong Government-backed forces and the Chinese armed police, who have infiltrated into Hong Kong (disguised often as Hong Kong police), have brutally attacked the young Hong Kong protesters for expressing Hong Kong's resistance to Beijing's rule. It seems that a 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre is now similarly covertly under way using different, more sophisticated methods and well camouflaged to deceive the indifferent west democracies. That these atrocities have occurred once again demonstrates the cruelty and the calculating and secretive nature of the Beijing government under Xi Jinping.


To protect Hong Kong's freedom, many of Hong the Kong youngsters are fighting fiercely against the Beijing-aligned Carrie Lam Government, against the cruel police force of Hong Kong and against the triads of Hong Kong and mainland China, as well now as against the disguised CCP police. Many citizens and the majority of the populace (as we see clearly) have openly or quietly supported them. The Beijing-controlled global Chinese press posing as open will of course say something very different.  However, at the end of the day, even if the whole population of unarmed Hong Kong people take to the streets, the flesh of human bodies will not be able to resist the might of the state war machine of Beijing. No parents want their children massacred (again).


It is my firm belief that only the international community can save the Hong Kong people and youth from the atrocities that can be easily committed by the barbaric Beijing regime. The Hong Kong people have persisted with the protests for more than five months now, and have already given their all. They are exhausted, but know the consequences if they fail. Australian Chinese people also should exercise their moral conscience and make their voices heard endorsing Hong Kong's struggle, from a place of freedom and luxury, and offer support to the Hong Kong people.


The good Hong Kong people know that if they fail to stand up implacably today to resist the Extradition Bill, they will not be able stand up in the future, when things start to get much worse under Beijing. Already too many agreements have been broken, and creeping control is subtle but relentless. Everyone knows it, from egg sellers to academics. 


Today, if the United States does not stand up to contain the dystopian CCP under Xi Jinping and other corrupt men, and speak up for the 'One Nation, Two Systems' agreement to be kept and implements as signed, the United States will be defeated by the ancient Thirty-Six Stratagems the CCP is now adopting, and will no longer be able stand up. The CCP's goal is openly to replace the United States and dominate the world. What kind of world will it be if the world is dominated by the CCP, a covert process that is already under way? Most of the political leaders of the entire free group of Western democracies today are largely seen as weak, and politically mediocre, and they cannot seem to see the catastrophe that the CCP control will bring to the entire world. They played the West, as we warned, and the West largely fell for it!


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". The political leaders of democracies are hypocritical "good people". They sadly accepted trade and bribes and donations from crafty people, for economic gain. Consequently, even Chinese people know that this world we love could easily be destroyed in the hands of these hypocritical "good people" to bring the whole world to a dark place.


We implore the Morrison Government to respond strongly to the CCP's atrocities (public and hidden) in Hong Kong. We call on the Australian Government to sternly condemn the Carrie Lam Government's alignment with Beijing, and failure to defend the people she supposedly represents, and we beseech them to issue a solemn warning to the Beijing (Xi Jinping) Government. It is time for your government and all west democracies to demonstrate the moral responsibility and the values and principles we all truly stand for, as the democratic Government of Australia.


It is so encouraging that the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019, a bicameral and bipartisan American legislation passed unanimously. We hope the Australian government follow the suit to pass a similar legislation to give the support to Hong Kong people.






Chin Jin


Federation for a Democratic China


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