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星期一, 4月 05, 2021

Wang Dalin: The UNHCR Thailand office is murdering refugees (9)-first-degree murder 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(九)—— 一级谋杀

Wang Dalin: The UNHCR Thailand office is murdering refugees (9)-first-degree murder
        During my application for disaster in Thailand, people often throw insects into my home. The insects thrown include centipedes, leeches, spiders, earthworms, polypedal worms, etc. In the past two months or so, an average of 9 insects were thrown into my house every day. , Sometimes centipedes, spiders, and polyped worms crawl onto my bed. On December 26, 2020, one day I killed 4 jumping spiders at home and caught 6 multilegs. On November 15, 2020, I killed 1 centipede at home one day and caught 32 polypedal insects. On July 10, 2019, I was washing my hands in the bathroom at night after I went home. I felt a black shadow on my feet moving. I took a closer look. It was a huge centipede. It was as thick as my finger and it was estimated to be 18 cm long. I have never seen such a big centipede. On December 19, 2018, I went home in the evening, and when I walked to the gate number 8 of Lane 98 Larao Road, under a car more than 1 meter away to my right, a black snake suddenly strung out and crawled towards me. Come. I have also encountered green snakes and so on on the way home.
        There is a park between Bangkok's Chinatown and Democracy Monument. There is a big tree in the middle of the park. In the green grass under the big tree, there is a tree root exposed outside of the green grass. During 2018, I often went to Internet cafes around Chinatown. After surfing the Internet, I often sit on the root of this tree to enjoy the cool. One day, as usual, I walked to the root of the tree in the green grass under the big tree. I was about to sit down. Suddenly I saw that there was a whole body beside me. The green snake is crawling up this big tree, and climbing up on the side of the big tree trunk facing me. It definitely crawled over the green grass where I was standing, and a green snake looked completely in the green grass. Unclear, but it is extremely obvious on the tree. In my opinion, it is definitely the UNHCR Thailand office that was bought by the CCP. Under the banner of accreditation of refugees, they monitored and murdered me closely. Not only did they often throw poisonous insects at my home, but they also sent me home. Put venomous snakes on the road, and put venomous green snakes in the green grass where I often sit in the shade to kill me.
       There are many signs that: the "Thai Office" not only sends a large number of people to follow me every day, but also often secretly unlocks my two door locks and enters my house when I am not at home; it not only taps my house, but also installs it. The pinhole camera secretly took pictures of the inside of my house; not only checked the rubbish that I threw in the trash can, but also secretly put the fruit basket under the urinal in my house, and picked up the excrement of my urinal for inspection; not only arranged a lot of 18 A very beautiful, unmarried girl who was about age old, looked at my genitals, watched me relieve my hands, and secretly photographed my genitals, and secretly photographed me to relieve my hands; not only in 2015, the day before I was declared a refugee, I opened my house. The door, I stole my money and mobile phone. In 2016, when I changed the protection letter, I told me that I had been approved as a refugee in 2015, but because my phone couldn't get through, I didn't notify me to go through the procedures. , I think they knew at the time that they would never recommend Chinese refugees to the host country, so they deliberately stole my money and mobile phone, and then they did not recommend resettling me to the United States on the grounds that my phone could not get through; etc. wait wait wait. I think that the murder of the "Thai Office" against me is the most insidious, vicious, nasty, and most shameless first-degree murder!
                                                                                     Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                      Written in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand on January 18, 2021
 Attachment: Links to the first eight articles.  https://igd0bpss.blogspot.com/         https://igdb7pss.blogspot.com/          https://igd1apss.blogspot.com/         https://igdb7pss2.blogspot.com/
The above article is translated using network software. The following is the original text.  以上文章用网络软件翻译以下是原文。  

汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(九)—— 一级谋杀
附:前八篇文章的链接。  https://igd0bpss.blogspot.com/         https://igdb7pss.blogspot.com/          https://igd1apss.blogspot.com/          https://igdb7pss2.blogspot.com/



