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星期一, 8月 29, 2022

Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (16) - The Difference Between Animals and Humans 汪达林:联合国难民署泰国办事处在谋杀难民(十六)——畜生与人的区别

Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (16) - The Difference Between Animals and Humans
       On May 26, 2022, I suddenly discovered that after the blood vessel in my left thumb was ruptured for no reason, I stopped buying vegetables from the food stalls near my residence that may have been poisoned. As a result, my fingers were rotten and healed quickly. But the good times didn't last long, and then it continued to rot again, and the condition was stable. During this time, I mainly bought vegetables in a supermarket in the distance, and tried my best not to buy the vegetables that I often buy and the reduced prices. It is impossible for anyone to buy from me stably for a long time. poison in the dishes.
       I think it was definitely the CCP that took advantage of my absence for a long time, secretly unlocked my two door locks, entered my house, and poisoned the oil, salt, and rice I eat every day. Now I still have a bag of glutinous rice bought in the supermarket at home. I didn't eat because my fingers got worse when I was eating. Because the CCP has poisoned the drinking water I drink every day and the food I eat for a long time, my body has been poisoned by the CCP, and it continues to poison the food I eat every day. If I am killed by the CCP, the people of the world must punish these murderers severely in accordance with the law, and must not let CCP members go unpunished. I have never heard of a person who poisoned the drinking water or food eaten by CCP members, because we are human and we must act according to the law.
       In my opinion, CCP members have lost their humanity because of their opposition to religious beliefs. The CCP consists of a group of beasts. I told the truth that "the dictator Jiang Zemin actually holds the power of the country and indeed controls Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping to perform at the front desk", and it has been poisoned in the public water dispenser I drink every day for a long time, and in the food I eat every day for a long time. poisoning, biting me with dogs for a long time, sticking blood-stained bamboo sticks on the path I walk every day, letting a highly poisonous green snake bite me, deceiving and bribing more than 10,000 people to spit on me, and so on. This is the difference between beasts and humans.
                                                                                        Wang Dalin (Refugee Number: 815-13C01255)
                                                                                         Written in Bangkok, Thailand on August 28, 2022
Attachment: Links to the first fifteen articles.  https://igd1bpss2.blogspot.com/      https://igdb8pss.blogspot.com/
The above article is translated by network software. The following is the original text. 以上文章用网络软件翻译以下是原文。

       我认为 ,中共党员因为反对信仰宗教,导致了人性泯灭,中共由一群畜生组成。我说了一句"独裁者江泽民实际掌握国家大权,确操控胡锦涛、习近平在前台表演"的真话,它就长期在我每天喝的公用饮水机里下毒、长期在我每天吃的食物里下毒、长期用狗咬我、在我每天走的小路上插满是血迹的竹签、放剧毒青蛇咬我、欺骗收买一万多人对我喷唾沫、等等等等。这就是畜生与人的区别。
附:前十五篇文章链接。 https://igd1bpss2.blogspot.com/       https://igdb8pss.blogspot.com/



