星期二, 2月 28, 2017
molihuabj@googlegroups.com 的群组管理员垃圾帖报告
------- 第 1 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is on hold claim now
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <argufier@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 02:54AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1584741413726843435
------- 第 2 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Paycheck Due Today (6 hours left to claim)
发件人: "(PAID)-GMoney" <support@powerinventors.com>
日期: Feb 27 08:37AM
This is a FINAL WARNING regarding your commissions paycheck from
last week.
You have exactly (8) hours left to
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=5281586906596924064
------- 第 3 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is on hold claim now
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <alpheus@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 03:49AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4697628064651169399
------- 第 4 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is ready to ship. Address needed
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <consociation@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 04:16AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2518975101885593677
------- 第 5 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Waiting for your response
发件人: "mymillionairementor" <appointing@vcarryt.men>
日期: Feb 27 04:22AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6517402908259164845
------- 第 6 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is on hold claim now
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <Durham@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 04:25AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8172348682278910109
------- 第 7 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is on hold claim now
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <blastment@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 05:14AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=56743831859503875
------- 第 8 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is ready to ship. Address needed
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <ballerina@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 05:15AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1920523822179602256
------- 第 9 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is ready to ship. Address needed
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <glimmer@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 05:33AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6875044196689810160
------- 第 10 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is ready to ship. Address needed
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <duodecimal@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 05:33AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8548434585074851755
------- 第 11 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is on hold claim now
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <doom@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 05:42AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6773557046268278645
------- 第 12 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your book is on hold claim now
发件人: "Important Financial Predictions" <handsbreadth@1efailwhat.men>
日期: Feb 27 06:12AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=5333631850345530079
------- 第 13 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Todays WINNER :: Collect Your New Apple iPhone 7 256GB On Monday
发件人: "iphone@contact.com" <admin@powerinventors.com>
日期: Feb 27 12:36PM
You have won a brand new:
Apple iPhone 7 256GB Smartphone Silver
Please follow the link below to claim your
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=3280735484078578472
------- 第 14 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: eHarmony - 0 risk - Free Match Month.
发件人: "eHarmony.com Partner" <lament@chrisuo.stream>
日期: Feb 27 09:31AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2991837040318667299
------- 第 15 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: eHarmony - 0 risk - Free Match Month.
发件人: "eHarmonyPartner" <comedienne@chrisuo.stream>
日期: Feb 27 09:31AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1194572261918483432
------- 第 16 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: eHarmony - no credit card needed - see your matches.
发件人: "eHarmony.com Partner" <feculent@chrisuo.stream>
日期: Feb 27 09:31AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=5581142507192284718
------- 第 17 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Wall Street big names investing millions into marijuana
发件人: "Joe Schriefer" <calycine@yearfourform.stream>
日期: Feb 27 08:08AM -0700
It appears HTML is disabled in your email reader. Please click the link below
for your message:
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7182957973008658657
------- 第 18 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Free Military Grade Tactical Flashlight!! Limited Time Only.
发件人: "Free Flashlight" <deemphasisers@raymonduo.stream>
日期: Feb 27 10:21AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=3005259871166857175
------- 第 19 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: [New Message] You Received a <3 from Pumwaree (from Bangkok)
发件人: "Pumwaree" <assure.kisa1gmss28086@haojjibskaain.w46.ttaaeh.men>
日期: Feb 27 03:35PM
[New Message] You Received a <3 from Pumwaree (from Bangkok)
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8898894907134316509
------- 第 20 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Copy of Your Verification Code #73289-CC822
发件人: Alden Richardson <support@mailrevenue.com>
日期: Feb 27 03:43PM
Please use your verification code to access your broker account
to retrieve your money today.
Notice Please.
Access Your Account HERE:
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4917074870273400522
------- 第 21 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: The Common Bathroom Habit that CAUSES Hearing Loss
发件人: "Navajo Hearing" <desolately@monkeyue.bid>
日期: Feb 27 10:42AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2351076142467427748
------- 第 22 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: 有、增值税代开、验后付款!电话:13539782133。 Q Q:2151352450。。李小姐。c*hhhh
发件人: 自己设置 <2151352450@qq.com>
日期: Feb 28 12:09AM +0800
有、增值税代开、验后付款!电话:13539782133。 QQ:2151352450。。李小姐。%
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2277225709123638080
------- 第 23 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your Lottery Winning Notification Batch N0:P2/0058
发件人: "dailywinner@lottery.com" <claim@sbsbigfutureidea.com>
日期: Feb 27 06:13PM
Date of Notification 02-04-2017
Ref N0: KPL/09-002/JA.
Attn: Winner.
Your e-mail address: molihuabj@googlegroups.com
attached to the Batch N0:P2/0056
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8888127016885731135
------- 第 24 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Department of Energy Confirms Massive Fuel Source
发件人: "Money Morning" <driverless@owheni.bid>
日期: Feb 27 01:31PM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=759689559884344202
------- 第 25 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Legal Weed Is Creating the Opportunity of a Lifetime
发件人: "Money Morning" <finitary@falloo.bid>
日期: Feb 27 02:16PM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1738124812490966358
------- 第 26 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Major Event for the US Dollar Set April 21st (Ex-CIA Insider Warns).
发件人: "Scary Financial News" <ScaryFinancialNews@dovermacs.com>
日期: Feb 27 11:46AM -0800
Please view this notification for molihuabj with html activated in your email program.
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7937392921564040221
------- 第 27 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Did you know everyday is 1 day closer without a auto warranty?
发件人: "Auto Warranty" <Geary@megaiu.bid>
日期: Feb 27 02:48PM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1756828792241653052
------- 第 28 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: 高级秘书、助理和行政人员技能提高训练营
发件人: 伏先生 <dosl@jnhp8t.com>
日期: Feb 28 04:09AM +0800
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7367884634070110861
------- 第 29 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: NBC Hires Megyn Kelly After Controversial Drug Discovery.
发件人: "Us Weekly" <UsWeekly@dovermacs.com>
日期: Feb 27 12:18PM -0800
Your email client doesn't translate HTML, this message must be read in HTML mode.
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4723621614008772920
------- 第 30 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Re:
发件人: "Mrs. Jacquelyn Sumner"<johnson@mhcable.net>
日期: Feb 26 01:11AM +0200
Dearly Beloved,
Here writes Mrs. Jacquelyn Sumner, suffering from cancerous ailment. I was married to Sir Steve Sumner an English man who is dead. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of 8.9 Million Euro which were derived from his
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=523373974756287572
------- 第 31 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: How Do You Pay for Assisted Living?
发件人: "caring.com" <footwork@eaftera.bid>
日期: Feb 27 04:22PM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8468046132412677859
------- 第 32 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Find Assisted Living Costs Near You
发件人: "Caring" <duvet@eaftera.bid>
日期: Feb 27 04:22PM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7778734738886806678
------- 第 33 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Your account is approved for $5000
发件人: Alden Richardson <support@resourceprofit.com>
日期: Feb 27 10:10PM
We would like to inform you that your account has been approved for
If you want to access your funds kindly Click HERE
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8169345751809718510
------- 第 34 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Withdraw Your $28,408.22 Profits
发件人: "noreply@entropay.com" <claim@sbsbigfutureidea.com>
日期: Feb 27 10:10PM
I did not hear from you yesterday.
I just got this new insider video and it reveals the whole system how
can use a little known system to withdraw $28,408.22 usd.. Per
I was thinking of you when I heard about it.
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2317040637535869483
------- 第 35 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Easiest way to own a business
发件人: "Franchises Today" <enamelware@0cutquestionthat.stream>
日期: Feb 27 05:47PM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=984784019653039758
------- 第 36 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Leave the Weekly Grind Behind
发件人: "Todays Franchises" <agonistically@0cutquestionthat.stream>
日期: Feb 27 05:47PM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=9085696514013750960
------- 第 37 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Start on the Road to Be your own boss
发件人: "Franchises Today" <cytostatic@0cutquestionthat.stream>
日期: Feb 27 06:04PM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7748129862788523491
------- 第 38 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Commissions waiting for you..
发件人: support <admin@itsascoop.com>
日期: Feb 27 11:48PM
Congratulations you made it! For the first
time in history the underground secret
society responsible of turning
over 384 average Joes into INSTANT millionaires
is now opening up his doors again!
For FREE. Yes, FREE. You can becoe a
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=1495679266928592646
------- 第 39 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Top 10 franchises to own
发件人: "Franchise Listings" <kalends@aftereu.bid>
日期: Feb 27 07:36PM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8334190673735118683
------- 第 40 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: BONUS: 50 CVS Gift Card Opportunity
发件人: "SeekResearchBrand" <irbil@kebabtwocontinue.stream>
日期: Feb 27 08:45PM -0700
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for your message:
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=5787649539082634932
------- 第 41 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: FREE trading system
发件人: support <admin@itsascoop.com>
日期: Feb 28 11:03AM
Check this out!
You can easily pull a crazy $5,500 to $17,500
per day using this simple and 100% automated
trading FREE system I learned about in this forum:
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=4948669459033255161
------- 第 42 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Come watch this..
发件人: support <admin@itsascoop.com>
日期: Feb 28 12:27PM
Just heard on the news:
This secret group is raiding
the markets for $134,522 per day,
yes PER DAY. Hurry to their site
to get a piece of the action, this
is the first time they share it (for FREE!
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=8542858288761717447
------- 第 43 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: WARNING: Account Limit Has Been Reached
发件人: Alden Richardson <support@safeguardtrader.co>
日期: Feb 28 01:14PM
Your commission account has exceeded the maximum amount as of
To Collect Commissions you need to address account issues.
Go Here Now To View Your Account
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=6165631495170083331
------- 第 44 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: 1 Weird Reason Why You Will NEVER Find a Deaf Navajo Indian
发件人: "Navajo Hearing" <censuses@hellea.bid>
日期: Feb 28 08:44AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2636558078433296192
------- 第 45 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Do NOT Deposit Another Dollar at Your Bank Before
发件人: "Jim Rickards" <biologises@life4aprove.gdn>
日期: Feb 28 09:03AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7165846044918017251
------- 第 46 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: I've been itching to talk...
发件人: "mymillionairementor" <Havilland@man3egain.gdn>
日期: Feb 28 09:04AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=7701833200113400964
------- 第 47 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Want to get on the phone?
发件人: "mymillionairementor" <daftly@man3egain.gdn>
日期: Feb 28 09:05AM -0500
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=2768996391875855597
------- 第 48 个(共 48 个) -------
主题: Paycheck Due Today (6 hours left to claim)
发件人: "(PAID)-GMoney" <payment@bankingrapid.com>
日期: Feb 28 02:14PM
This is a FINAL WARNING regarding your commissions paycheck from
last week.
You have exactly (8) hours left to
批准: http://groups.google.com/group/molihuabj/pendmsg?view=full&pending_id=9107342028821625838
特朗普总统以倔强性格将其与美媒的"战争" 进一步升级。24日白宫拒绝《纽约时报》等一些著名的传统主流媒体参加新闻吹风会,这些白宫常客被拒绝实为罕见。25日特朗普又宣布不参加今年白宫记者协会晚宴,这进一步引发美媒强烈反弹。《华盛顿邮报》甚至发出"民主在黑暗中死去" 的哀鸣。
环球时报倒是隔着大海看西洋景,27日发题为《特朗普与媒体"战争" ,中国无需动情》社评。社评讲"我们中国人" 是"围观者" ,不用在"二者之间站队" 。环报是不好站队,支持美媒吧,有违自家核心价值观。支持特朗普吧,可哪有为敌手站队的理?真希望他在对自己出手前先身陷内困。环报实际心思是美国越乱越好,可这话又不好明讲,只好说"无需动情" 。但请环报不要动不动就以"中国" "中国人" 自居。人以群分,物以类聚。中国人因价值观不同,与美一样存在严重撕裂。
我对特朗普上台前不看好,上台后是先祝贺,后希望他能给美国、给世界、给我们中国民运带来积极变化。虽然才一个多月,说什么都有点早,但仍想说,有点失望。提醒总统先生,您在候任时的发言人斯派塞接受采访时表示,新政府绝对不会排挤某些媒体,"不管是保守派、自由派还是什么思想的媒体。我想这就是民主和独裁之间的区别" 。说得多好,这不会是如外界老诟病您班子的不一致的言论吧。
总统先生,我知道您这么做对媒体既不违法,也有过个别先例。知道您只是蔑视传统媒体,但却是新媒体"推特" 高手。知道您面临压力之大,有时出格点的反击也不足以动摇"三权分立" "新闻自由" 民主格局。但我仍希望您宁肯"忍气吞声" ,也不要以羞辱媒体为荣。希望您自信、大气、体面地勇敢面对"如狼似虎" 的反对派媒体。凡事多走一步,就可能过"度" ,就可能对您,对美国弊大于利。众口难调,见仁见智,但做为一个正在为言论自由而浴血奋战的中国异见人士,是多么希望您以全世界新闻自由捍卫者的榜样给我们鼓舞与力量呀!
2017 / 2 / 28北京
北京 査建国
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Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (38) - The CCP...
วังดาลิน: สำนักงาน UNHCR ประเทศไทยกำลังสังหารผู้ลี้ภัย (35) - CCP...
Wang Dalin: UNHCR Thailand Office is Murdering Refugees (35) - CCP continues to...
วังดาลิน: สำนักงาน UNHCR ประเทศไทยกำลังสังหารผู้ลี้ภัย (34) - CCP...