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星期四, 6月 04, 2020

Fwd: Todays 31st Anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre Online Event Link / 今天的網絡紀念6.4大屠殺31週年大會連結

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chinese Democracy and Human Rights Alliance <chinahumanrightsalliance@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 5:22 PM
Subject: Todays 31st Anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre Online Event Link / 今天的網絡紀念6.4大屠殺31週年大會連結
To: Chinese Democracy and Human Rights Alliance <chinahumanrightsalliance@gmail.com>

Dear democracy and human rights activists,

We invite you to join our online event today, commemorating the 31st Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, which the Chinese government perpetrated against pro-democracy activists in Beijing on June 4th, 1989. Many important guests will give speeches for the occasion.

U.S. Congressman Chris Smith, a member of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) and a strong supporter of human rights in Hong Kong, will speak at our event.

U.S. Congressman James P. McGovern, who chairs the CECC, is unable to join us today due to the coronavirus unleashed on the world by the Chinese government, but nevertheless sends his message of support.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio--who, as cochair of the CECC, has been the Chinese people's best friend, and introduced the recent bill in support of Hong Kong--is scheduled to speak at our event as well.

We also have many national and international democracy and human rights organizations and individual activists join us today.

我們非常榮幸地邀請到中國民主人權的堅定支持者、美國中国事务委员会(簡稱CECC)主席克里斯多夫·史密斯, 和與他一起向參眾兩院提出、並已通過的香港人權民主法案的題案人、中國人民非常尊敬的、堅定的美國政府支持中國民主人權領袖參議員馬科.盧比奧參議員在我們的大會上發言。

我們會有有許多民主人權組織的負責人今天的紀念6.4 天安門大屠殺和89民運31週年的日子裡在我們的大會上發言

T here will be free discussion time everyone can speack 1-2 minutes.會上也會有大家自由發言(每人1-2分鐘)的機會。
We welcome you to join us.  歡迎您參加我們。

Please join the meeting by click the following / 入會場請點擊:

1. Click 點擊


2. Please enter /點擊後輸入: 126 579 8726

If you are asked to allow Video and Microphone or not,  Please Click "Allow".

(請一定同意使用視頻(Video)和麥克風(Microphone)! 否則我們聽不見也看不見您!)

3. Please enter your full name and email, then you get into the meeting.


All Speakers: If you haven't, please provide your English and Chinese organization name, Sex, Full Name , a short description and your login name, so that we can match you, to give you the meeting mirowphone. 
所有發言人請提供您的英、中文組織名稱、您的性別、姓名、一句簡單的介紹您是誰, 和您的登錄網名。

Thank you, see you soon. 會見!

Tech Support / 技術支持:680 600 6727
The Preparation Teem / 籌備組


We strongly condemn the CCP regime breached the Sino-British Joint Declaration for Hong Kong and enforce its HK "National Security Law"!
習近平下台! 結束中共一黨專政!
Please contact us at the following / 請聯繫我們

Chinese Democracy & Human Rights Alliance (CDHRA) / 中國民主人權聯盟

Federation for a Democratic China (FDC) / 民主中國陣線

www.FreeOurChina.com www.SeattleFDC.com www.FDC64.org

ChinaHumanRightsAlliance@gmail.com #SeattleFDC  (425) 535-8869

Youtube.com: ziyouzhongguo, SeattleFDC, CDHRA


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