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星期五, 6月 12, 2020

Re: [民阵之友 12764] China at a Crossroads: Standing up for Human Rights During the Pandemic

我一看到研讨会的名字时,就在心里暗想: 怎么又在十字路口了?中国曾经在十字路口,而且不止一次,但现在早过了十字路口很远了。

所以我的发言稿题目是:China is not on the crossroads, but on the road to destroy the world.


China is not at the crossroads, but on the road to destroy the world

Jun 11 · 6 min read

                                                             SHENG Xue

一, 不同时期不同情况下发生的人权迫害案件例子

First, 1. Human rights persecution cases in different situations in different periods

1, Dr. WANG Bingzhang王炳章

Two days later, it will be 18 years that Dr. Wang Bingzhang was kidnapped by the CCP back to China from Vietnam and sentenced to life and imprisoned in solitary confinement.

Dr. Wang came to Canada to study at McGill University in 1979 and obtained his Ph.D. degree in Medical. He started the Chinese overseas democracy movement in 1982. He was kidnapped by the CCP from Vietnam back to China in 2002 and sentenced to life in prison.

His brother WANG Bingwu王炳武who lives in Mississauga told me the family in Canada has not received any information from Dr. Wang or the prison since the outbreak last December in China.

2, WANG Zang王藏

Yesterday, I received a letter from WANG Li王丽. WANG Zang's wife. She asked the international community to rescue her husband.

She said that 10 days ago, more than 40 police came to her family. More than twenty policemen guarded the door. Another twenty-some police broke into the door and pressed WANG Zang onto the ground.

Some police also held down four kids and their grandma. The police wrapped Wang's head in a black bag and handcuffed him and dragged him away in front of the four kids.

Wang Zang is a talented poet and writer who refuses to cooperate with the tyranny and also write about the truth of the pandemic.

3, Dr. ZHAO Zhongyuan赵中元医生

People may know that hundreds Chinese human rights lawyers have been severely persecuted. Many of them were tortured and given unknown drugs.

However, you may don't know what will happen if you help these lawyers.

A Chinese medicine Dr. Zhao, fled to Canada from China last October. He and his wife live in my house now. He helped and treated some human rights lawyers.

As a result, all his business licenses were cancelled. Several surveillance cameras were installed outside his home. He was called into the police station and his hands were locked on the heating pipe.

He was intimidated by the police, who said that if he helped a human rights lawyer again, he would not be able to go home again.

During the pandemic, the police repeatedly went to Dr. Zhao's family in Beijing to harass and threaten his relatives.

There are also FANG Bin方斌 and CHEN Qiushi陈秋实, who have been missing for several months because they told the truth of China's epidemic situation.

I want to tell you the stories of PENG Ming彭明, YANG Tianshui杨天水, LIU Xiaobo刘晓波. They could never tell their story by themselves. They have been persecuted to death in Chinese prison.

I also want to talk about 黄琦Huang Qi, 秦永敏Qin Yongmin, 胡石根Hu Shigen. They are all wonderful people and have been in prison for many years. There is no any information since the outbreak from them.

I could tell you 10,000 political prisoners' names and their moving stories. But you won't have that much time to listen.

二, 中国的人权问题让人感到绝望人们选择忽视吗?

Second, is there too much human rights persecution in China, which makes people feel desperate, so people choose to ignore it?

If there are only a few or a dozen unjustly or persecution cases in a country. Some people might get excited and will love to invest time and energy to pay attention and to help with the cases.

If there are hundreds or thousands of this kind of cases. People will feel sad, angry and Feel anxious.

If the number of persecuted people reaches one million or ten million, people will turn around and do something much easier.

Do people feel hopeless? Or people also feel that they cannot show their personal role and their value in this huge whirlpool of human rights persecution?

二, 死亡案例变成冰冷的数据,因为已经多到难以统计。

Third, the number of deaths has turned into cold data, because it is so difficult to count.

The facts we are facing

The number of deaths persecuted by the CCP can no longer be counted.

The deaths number of Tibetans, Uyghurs, Mongolians, Falun Gong practitioners, Christians, human rights defenders, citizens who have been demolished houses, farmers who have been robbed of land, etc. have becoming icy data.

Who can tell the exact number? Who still has the patience to care about the stories and the lives?

When more than 150 Tibetans continued to call the attention of the international community with self-immolation during the past decade……

When the organs of one million Falun Gong practitioners were stolen alive, for two decades……

When millions of Uighur Muslims were put in the 21st century's concentration camps……

When thousands of churches and temples were demolished and millions of Christians and monks were detained and tortured……

When thousands of young people in Hong Kong were brutally killed one by one in front of the whole world for a whole year, many of them were pressed by the police against their heads and necks……

There has been no large-scale demonstrations initiated by the mainstream society of democratic countries.

Am I Right? I wish I am wrong.

四,中共为什么越来越强硬, 怎么做到的?

Fourth, Why and How is the CCP getting tougher and stronger?

31 years ago, the CCP publicly used tanks and machine guns to kill thousands of students and citizens in Beijing and other cities in China.

A few years after the massacre, democratic countries decided to stop condemning and boycotting the Chinese Communist Party, but to have friendly dialogue and business with them.

Perhaps some people think that as long as China is more open, the economy develops, and the people are rich, democracy will naturally come to China.

Then, the international community continued to provide opportunities for CCP and let it to enter the international community with a tyrannical proud attitude.

However, democracy did not come to China. CCP is tougher, richer, more technical, more influential, and more tyrannical than ever.

China's 1.4 billion people have not become free people but have more become slaves and weapons of CCP. And there are such Chinese people all over the world.

During the pandemic, these people played a big role in letting the world see the power of CCP.


Fifth, China's penetration and threat to democratic countries.

When CCP learned the outer shell of democracy and stole our management, procedures, and technology.

CCP also grasped the weaknesses of the democratic system and know how to use tyranny's strengths to attack our weaknesses.

CCP sent their ideology, media, Confucius Institute, lifestyle, and many people to democratic countries.

At the same time, CCP uses buyouts, benefits, and influence to drive people in almost every field to speak for them. Democracies have many more enemies in their own countries.

We must understand that there is only a competitive relationship between political parties in democratic countries.

The communist tyrannies are the enemy of freedom and democracy.

CCP is the biggest terrorist tyranny, and the world needs to fight against it together, otherwise, it will be too late.

China used to be at a crossroads many times, but now China is not at a crossroads. China is rushing on its way to destroy the world.

六,My own story自己的故事

Six, it seems that I have no time to tell my own story.

My story can show you how far the CCP can stretch its hands to seal overseas dissidents, how much power it can use and how cruel and shameless it can be.

If you are interested, you can search online. The Globe and Mail, The New York Times, the Committee to Protected Journalists and Daily Mail told a little of my story.

However, I still feel very lucky because I am in Canada.

Thank you.

June 9, 2020



On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 8:19 PM Federation For A Democratic China民主中国阵线 <fdc.chinjin2017@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 5:47 AM SHENG Xue <shengxue@gmail.com> wrote:


China at a Crossroads: 

Standing up for Human Rights During the Pandemic


This conference is bringing together leading voices to discuss human rights in China during the coronavirus pandemic.

This event will be streamed on our YouTube channel as well as our Facebook page.



主持人:RWCHR Judith Abitan


-莎拉·库克(Sarah Cook), 自由之家中国高级研究分析师兼《中国媒体简讯》负责人

-克里斯托弗·沃克(Christopher Walker),国家民主基金会研究与分析副总裁。


主持人:蒙特利尔种族灭绝和人权研究所凯尔·马修斯(Kyle Matthews)

-Nury Turke,,维吾尔族人权律师,维吾尔族人权项目的创始人,美国国际宗教自由委员会委员。

-Naomi Kikoler,美国大屠杀纪念馆西蒙·史考特预防灭绝种族中心主任。



主持人:特里·格拉文(Terry Glavin),RWCHR高级研究员

-金伯利·基奇(Kimberley Kitching)参议员, 澳大利亚参议员兼外交,国防和贸易参考委员会主席。

-欧文.考特勒(Irwin Cotler),劳尔·瓦伦伯格人权中心主席,加拿大前司法部长/加拿大司法部长和长期国会议员。

卡尔·格什曼(Carl Gershman),国家民主基金会主席。



In collaboration with our partners 

the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights (RWCHR), 

Freedom House, 

the National Endowment for Democracy, 

China Digital Times, 

the Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, 

the Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project, 

the Canada Tibet Committee, 

the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China, 

the Federation for a Democratic China, 

Hong Kong Watch, 

the Macdonald -Laurier Institute, 

Initiatives for China and the Nobel Women's Initiative, 


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