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星期五, 4月 20, 2012

Firefox, Chrome 浏览器自动屏蔽干扰性内容的扩展插件

告知受 @frebestwiter转 太极邪教伤害的朋友一个办法,用 Firefox 加装 Remove it permanently 扩展[5],就可以设定屏蔽它的转太极邪教卖妈逼转得人头昏眼花的邪教广告头像。:)

Chrome 浏览器用 AdBlock+ Element Hiding Helper 屏蔽干扰图片方法:

chrome 浏览器用户可以装 AdBlock+ Element Hiding Helper [1] 屏蔽转太极邪教徒 @frebestwiter 的谋害人视力的邪教广告图片。

1. 到网址[1]安装 AdBlock+ Element Hiding Helper 扩展。
2. 工具扳手按钮旁会出现新的 AD+ 图标,左击打开菜单,选择 Block Element:

3. 鼠标移到需要屏蔽的图片,会出现蓝色线框和黄色提示标签浮起框,标识出该选中的图片:

4. 左击该选中的图片:

5. 如果打开了新的窗口,再继续点击该窗口出现的需要屏蔽的图片,直到出现如下的"Block this element(s)?"的提示框,点击"OK"确认之。

6. 干扰性图片就被屏蔽了,效果如下:

7. 但推特大头像还在,继续如上操作步骤将干扰性的大头像屏蔽:

8. 世界终于清净了! :-D

9. 也可以选AD+的菜单"Edit rules"直接添加或者修改屏蔽规则:

10. 在"edit styles"提示框内,拷贝粘贴如下内容:

即可一步屏蔽掉转太极邪教徒 @frebestwiter 损害人视力的邪教图片。 :-)


如果你还不满意,不解恨,也可以用 Greasemonkey 扩展[17]-[20]配合替换图片的脚本,将可恶的转太极邪教的头像换成匹配其本质的图片,效果如下


[1] AdBlock+ Element Hiding Helper https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chmimgmjdabgiilljdjfbonifbhiglao

[2] Adblock Plus 2.0.3 https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/
作者 Wladimir Palant
被广告弄得搓火吗?被跟随鼠标的标语弄得烦心吗?被横幅弄得感到厌恶吗?立即安装 Adblock Plus 来重新取得 Internet 的控制权并且改变您浏览网页的方式。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNvb2SjVjjI 上有简短的视频可供参考

Adblock Plus 让您重新取得 Internet 的控制权和您查看网页的方式。本附加组件支持多语言,有超过40个的过滤规则订阅,这些过滤规则会进行自动配置,为您过滤所有来自已知有恶意域的在线广 告。Adblock Plus 也允许您通过各种有用的特性来自定义您的过滤规则,这些特性包括:图片的右键菜单、Flash 和 Java 对象的过滤标签、用于移除脚本和样式表的可过滤项目列表。

[3] Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.2.2  不重新启动 https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/elemhidehelper/
作者 Wladimir Palant
Element Hiding Helper 是 Adblock Plus 的一个辅助扩展, 可以让用户能更加简便的隐藏页面元素以去除文本广告.
你只需要选中想隐藏的元素并设置应用的范围和属性, 规则就自动创建并添加了.

[4] Adblock Lite 1.4.2 https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adblock_lite/
作者 adstomper
Adblocklite is a fork of the Adblock Plus version 1.3.10 (classic UI) extension for blocking advertisements on the web. This fork will provide the same features as Adblock Plus 2.X and higher while keeping the old UI but without "acceptable ads" feature.

[5] Remove It Permanently https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/remove-it-permanently/
作者 Jerome O'Flaherty
Permanently hide content from web pages using the Context Menu. Simply, click and "Remove it Permanently". Now includes previewing of items before removal, support for IFrame as well as lots of advanced features to make it easy for...

Permanently hide content from web pages using the Context Menu. Simply, click and "Remove it Permanently". Now includes previewing of items before removal, support for IFrame as well as lots of advanced features to make it easy for anyone to remove annoying content from web pages.

[6] Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adblock-plus-pop-up-addon/?src=search
Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon extends the blocking functionality of Adblock Plus to those annoying pop-up windows that are being opened on mouse clicks or other user actions.

[7] Customizations for Adblock Plus https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/abpcustomization/?src=search
This extension provides various customization options for the Adblock Plus user interface.

[8] Filter Uploader for Adblock Plus https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adblock-plus-filter-uploader/?src=search
This add-on Uploads the filters from your Adblock Plus installation to a FTP, HTTP, HTTPS server...

[9] Maximum AdBlock https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/maximum-adblock/?src=search
Maximum AdBlock is a community-based Ad Blocking tool that erases Ads. You can extend its set of rules by easily blocking unwanted content. Our staff will release it to the world while you benefit from community submissions. Video tutorial available.

[10] Adblock++ Lite https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adblock-lite/?src=search
Ads will be blocked faster.

[11] AdChange For AdblockPlus https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adchange-for-adblockplus/?src=search
Replaces Ads deleted by AdBlock Plus with your own images (local disk) or Facebook album or Flickr search or even netvibes and igoogle gadgets.

[12] Ad Blocking FiltersetP https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/adblockingfiltersetp/?src=search
This is FiltersetP without the need for the AdBlock extension.

[13] Add-Art https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/add-art/?src=search
Add-Art replaces advertising images on web pages with contemporary art from a curated database. Shows are updated every 2 weeks. Note: not everyone likes the art - that's how art is. Bundled with AdBlock Plus. Learn more at add-art.org.

[14] Trueblock Plus https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/trueblock-plus/?src=search
Trueblock Plus is a fork of the Adblock Plus extension for blocking unwanted advertisements on the web. This fork provides the exact same features as Adblock plus, with the unpopular, unwanted "acceptable ads" (non-)feature turned off by default.

[15] Adblock Plus (Beta) from adblockplus.org https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb
Ads were yesterday! The successful extension Adblock Plus is now available for Google Chrome™.

By preventing the display of ads, Adblock Plus makes browsing the web less taxing on both your computer and your sanity.

Adblock Plus is a community-driven open source project that aims to make the internet better for everyone. It was originally created for the Firefox browser and with more than 100 million downloads it has become the most popular browser extension in the world. We are now offering Adblock Plus for Google Chrome™ (formerly AdThwart) as well and the community is working hard to produce the same value you know from the Firefox version.

Please note that there is another extension called "AdBlock", which is not related to the Adblock Plus movement but also works great.

[16] AdBlock from chromeadblock.com https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom
The most popular Chrome extension, with over 4 million users! Blocks ads all over the web.

AdBlock for Chrome!  Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook, Youtube, and Hulu.

It works automatically: just click "Add to Chrome," then visit your favorite website and see the ads disappear!

Safari users can get my Safari version too, at safariadblock.com.

[17] Tampermonkey from tampermonkey.net https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo
Greasemonkey compatible script manager for Chrome.
Tampermonkey is a userscript manager for Google Chrome and Chromium Browser. 

[18] Blank Canvas Script Handler from Jerome Dane https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pipnnjjknlabchljabhmnpdfpdobpnkk
User script manager with support for Greasemonkey functions
This extension lets you customize web sites by running bits of JavaScript on pages. It's kind of an unofficial Greasemonkey for Chrome, and supports many of the GM_* functions used in most scripts.

[19] GreaseGoogle from charlus97 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/apeeedokdcajckokidhdkbkflkpfpgko
Script de compatibilite Greasemonkey et Google Chrome
Script rendant compatible MuxxuMax a 95% pour Google Chrome ainsi que de nombreux script GreaseMonkey...

[20] Greasemonkey (zh-CN) 0.9.18 https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/
作者 Anthony Lieuallen, Aaron Boodman, Johan Sundström
通过使用少量的JavaScript脚本,自定义网页显示方式或表现方式。 允许您通过使用少量的JavaScript脚本,自定义网页显示或表现方式。
为各种流行网站制作的数以百计的脚本,已经可用,详见http://userscripts.org。 您也可以写自己的脚本。查看http: //wiki.greasespot.net/ 开始吧。遇到麻烦了?请不要在这里留下评论,没人会看到它们。如果您需要帮助,请阅读:http://wiki.greasespot.net /Greasemonkey_Manual:Getting_Help

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