富二代在美撞�千�元保� �表於 20-11-2012 17:30 | 只看�作者 �八�人一世睇�生....... 美�黎�二百粒真�未必��....... negativegood �表於 20-11-2012 08:57 莫�����都唔��,受害者�可提出其它��索�,....是一�天文�字........... | �音菩�妙�酬 �清���累劫修 �三十二���� �百千�劫化�浮 �瓶中甘露常�洒 �手��柳不�秋 �千�祈求千�� �苦海常作渡人舟...! | |
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- 帖子
- 1259
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- 1365
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- Sea
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- 1155 小�
| 12# �表於 20-11-2012 17:44 | 只看�作者 被撞的25�女子 Brenda Gomez, 己在星期一去世,真可�,�辜枉死。 Seattle — A 25-year-old woman who was a victim in a crash caused by an international student has died. Brenda Gomez was taken off life support a week after the collision. Police said Gomez was driving a car full of teens to a Quinceanera 15th birthday party when Yichun Xu, a student from China, ran a stop sign and slammed Gomez’ car against a rock wall. | |
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- 帖子
- 245
- �分
- 326
- 金�
- 0
- 性�
- 男
- �自
- Seattle, WA USA
- 在���
- 987 小�
| 14# �表於 21-11-2012 06:05 | 只看�作者 International student charged, bail raised to $2M in near-fatal crash A student from China who came to Seattle to go to school has been charged in a crash that injured a car full of teens and left a woman on life support. Court documents said Yichun Xu may have been in the U.S. illegally and was driving without a license when he crashed his Mercedes into another car after running a stop sign in Des Moines on Saturday. Witnesses said he was going 70 mph in a 30 mph zone. KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reporter David Ham, who obtained the car’s license plate number, looked online and found an ad listing the matching 2008 Mercedes C-350 Sport for sale for $31,000. "It's not the type of car that a 19-year-old without any driver's license should have any business behind the wheel of,” said attorney David Nold. Nold is the attorney for Brenda Gomez, the 25-year-old woman who is on life support after she was injured in the crash with Xu. Police said Gomez was driving a car full of teens to a Quinceanera 15th birthday party on Saturday when Xu ran a stop sign and slammed Gomez’ car against a rock wall. Prosecutors charged Xu with four counts of vehicular assault and two counts of reckless endangerment. Xu’s bail was initially set at $500,000 but was raised to $2 million Thursday because he is considered a flight risk. Prosecutors want to make sure the 19-year-old doesn't flee to China. "It's entirely possible if the defendant obtains a bond or bail that's achievable through a bond or bail bondsman that we'll never see him again,” said Nold. Ham asked the jail to pass a note to Xu asking him to call Ham collect, but Ham has not heard back. | |
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- 帖子
- 2484
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- 3256
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- 4586 小�
| 15# �表於 21-11-2012 14:40 | 只看�作者 �一定5�被起���,分分���失�人,��要坐一世,有�都未必�搞得掂! | 我亦�零久。十年�,深恩��,死生�友。宿昔�名非忝�,�看杜陵消瘦,曾不�、夜郎潺愁。薄命��知己�,�人生、到此��否?千�恨,�兄剖。 | |
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