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星期二, 12月 04, 2012

[G4G] 德国之声中文网 越南石油天然气集团指责中国渔船侵犯其领海

Two Chinese surveillance ships which sailed between a Philippines warship and eight Chinese fishing boats to prevent the arrest of Chinese fishermen in the Scarborough Shoal, a small group of rocky formations whose sovereignty is contested by the Philippines and China, about 124 nautical miles off the Philippine island of Luzon, are seen in the South China Sea in this April 10, 2012 file photo. China withdrew one of three ships engaged in a standoff with Philippines vessels in a disputed area of the South China Sea on April 13, 2012 as both sides pursued talks to defuse the dispute. REUTERS/Philippine Army Handout/Files (PHILIPPINES - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY MARITIME) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS




越南国有企业石油天然气集团周一在其网站上抨击中国侵犯其沿岸水域。该公司称,中国渔船在距越南海岸仅80公里的外海撞断越南一艘勘探船的电缆,并指责中 国渔船侵犯了越南的主权。越南外交部尚未对上周五发生的事件进行表态。据越南石油天然气集团公布的消息,该公司的一艘勘探船,在前往昏果岛(Con co)途中,突然遭遇中国渔船。尽管发出警告但是中国渔船不予理睬继续前行,并扯断一条电缆。据称,去年5月和6月已经发生过类似事件。中国始终强调对中 国南海诸岛的主权要求。双方间关系一再出现紧张。中国与菲律宾之间也存在岛屿纠纷。最近中国的新护照将争议岛屿作为其领土纳入版图引起相关国家的抗议。

  • 日期 03.12.2012

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