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星期五, 1月 03, 2014

[G4G] 大中公益网 西方教授: 中国大学 容忍作弊?

西方教授: 中国大学 容忍作弊?

发布: 2013年12月18日Cheating in China — is it an Epidemic?


Have the Chinese people lost their moral values in their struggle for survival? While cheating exists in universities around the world, there is a common perception that it is more prevalent among students China than in Western countries. More shockingly, cheating seems to be an acceptable phenomenon on the Chinese campus.  The situation has caused great concerns among Western professors who teach in Chinese universities.


Below are short essays written by two Western professors. After being posted on the internet, the essays have sparked furious backlash from some Chinese citizens, who believe that the Chinese people are discriminated against by the comments in the essays.


What do you think about the issue? Please post your comments on www.096.ca

在中国作弊 - 是一种流行病?

Robert Vance


One of my students unsuccessfully tried to explain to me today why cheating is and should be acceptable in China. She told me that cheating is often the only way to succeed academically in this overpopulated country. She admitted to me that she has tried to cheat multiple times but has always failed because of increased security. She was not bashful about telling me, however, that she had often cheated on exams in high school.


The Chinese government in recent years has taken extra measures to prevent cheating. Cell phone blocking devices have been placed in schools to prevent wireless communication and police officers may provide security for important events such as entrance exams. But even these extreme measures do not stop students from trying. A teacher who is familiar with the testing system in China told me that sophisticated hand signals and tapings are used to communicate during exams.


Perhaps the reason why cheating continues to be prevalent in China is the attitudes of students. Cheating is not necessarily seen in China as a moral issue; it is a matter of survival. Scores on an exam can mean the difference between going to a well known university in a big city or being relegated to a small college in the countryside. And going to a well known university or a small college can mean the difference between working and moving up in a large company or being stuck in mediocre low paying jobs for one’s whole life. In other words, cheating could make the difference between a comfortable life and a life full of struggle. When facing that choice, many are willing to make the wrong choice.


I have had the temptation to stand in judgment of these ‘cheaters.’ How can they think that cheating is acceptable? But I have successfully fought the urge to lecture them on the pitfalls of cheating because I am somewhat sympathetic to their plight. There is a ‘survival of the fittest’ mentality in this country that puts the issue of cheating into a different light. Hopefully, as China moves into a new era of development and freedom, academic performance can become a matter of pride and not just a tool for survival.


Internet Author


I think that it is a common impression that the percentage of cheating, corruption, and lying are higher in China than in many Western countries. Of course, these exist in all cultures around the world. As an occasional teacher of professional (non-English language) classes in several Chinese universities, I can attest that the level of cheating is shocking and accepted by everyone, students, teachers and administrators.

I propose that this is related to "face" and starts in kindergarden.


My son, attending a local Chinese kindergarden, is being taught that face is more important than honesty at the tender age of 3.


I was waiting to pick up my son and noticed the school was displaying student's work and I saw a bunch of drawings and found my son's there. It hit me like a lightning bolt, "There is no way my son did this." The drawing was perfectly drawn. All of the colors were in the lines and the colors were appropriate, meaning no green sun and purple grass. Looking at the rest of the drawings, they all looked the same.


Of course, it is possible that the teacher clearly instructed the students how to color and what color to put where. I have seen my son color and he's lucky to keep the colors on the paper much less staying within the lines. As they say, "When you hear hooves, think horses, not unicorns,"


None of the drawing was done by the students, the teachers did them. This is step one of teaching children that "face" is more important than honesty.


The teacher tells the parent that their child did this wonderful drawing. The child hears this and knows full well that the teacher is lying. Then the parent also praises the child and shows other family members what a great drawing their child did. Of course, the parents know full well, that their child did not do the drawing and the child realizes their parents are also lying.


Children learn that it is not about doing one's own work, or being proud what they can do, it is more about showing "face", even if that includes lying.


I really doubt anything that is put up on the school walls, including more concrete things like math tests. I bet the teacher is looking right over their shoulders and making sure the students put on good "face".

Anybody else have young children in the Chinese education system?

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- See more at: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/16035#sthash.NRBel2sg.dpuf

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