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星期二, 10月 04, 2016

飞腿射毛贼,阻击赤狼军(Re: 敬请签名阻止《红色娘子军》侵入墨尔本)



On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:07 AM, Xiaogang Zhang (G) <xiaogangz@acm.org> wrote:




打开网站后,选择"Sign this petition",在其第一格填写您的名;第二格填写您的姓;第三格填写您的电邮地址;第四格选择您所在的国家;第五格填写您的邮政编码;第六格您可以填写您签名的理由,但也可空着不填。然后点击"Sign"即可。















Premier Daniel Andrews: Please Stop the Show of the Red Detachment of Women

The Australian Values Alliance (AVA)

Petition: Premier Daniel Andrews Please Stop the Maoist Red Ballet
October 2, 2016

Members of the Australian Values Alliance (AVA, previously known as "Embracing Australian Values Alliance") are shocked to learn that Chinese red ballet The Red Detachment of Women as promoted by the Victorian Government will make its debut at Arts Centre Melbourne on February 15 next year as part of the Asia-Pacific Triennial of Performing Arts (Asia TOPA).

The Red Detachment of Women ballet is one of the mass murderer Mao's eight "Revolutionary Model Operas" for brainwashing the Chinese people during the bloody Culture Revolution.

The story is based on a CCP propaganda fiction about revenge of a peasant girl against evil Landlord Nan Batian (a pure fiction figure). The girl joined the Red Army and followed the Chinese Communist Party's policy of executing land owners and taking their land and looting the wealthy families to finance the Red Army and the Soviet Republic and battle against the then National Government.

The red ballet uses women as stage props, blood red as the theme colour; it is filled with violence, hatred and political symbols; its plots are absurd, and actions exaggerated. It is an explosive venting of anti-humanitarian values.

The story is not about women's right of equality but the brainwash of absolute military obedience. In the Red Army history, female soldiers were very rare, and most of them were allocated to marry senior and old officers and became sex slaves.

It was created purely to praise and justify Mao's Class Struggle doctrine. Mao had executed over 2 million landlords from 1950 to 1952 and over 710,000 "Anti-Revolutionary Prisoners of War" (mainly junior military and administrative officers of the former Chiang Kai-shek National Government) from 1950 to 1953. And many more died in Mao's consecutive political persecution movements. Mao's genocides remain the deep trauma in the hearts of most Chinese migrants families.

The red ballet is a bizarre art, "a hybrid combining elements of opera, operetta, musical comedy, classical ballet, modern dance, and gymnastics" as described by former U.S. President Richard Nixon and shared by many Chinese Literature experts such as Prof. Bonnie S. McDougall of the University of Sydney.

The red ballet is a Chinese propaganda having been promoted by China since 1992 not long after the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre. It is not an art but a poison. The show of the red ballet is no difference from promoting the Storm Detachment of Nazi German, or ISIS.

Such a bizarre and poisonous performance is not supposed to be conducted at a government-owned property and be promoted by a modern democratic government like the Victoria Government. Multilateral culture policy should not be abused.
The Chinese community in Australia has suffered a lot from the Communist Regime's long arm and infiltration, and Chinese Australians are unable to understand the Victorian Government's involvement of promoting the interest of a foreign totalitarian government.

The AVA strongly requests that the Victorian Government stop the planned shows of the Red Detachment of Women ballet at Art Centre Melbourne at Asia TOPIA.
The AVA calls on the public to rally behind us to defend the Australian Values, to keep our children free from evil brainwash. Our country, our values, we defend.

This petition will be delivered to:
Premier Daniel Andrews, Minister for Women, Minister for Families and Children

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