Professor Clive Hamilton has recently published a book, Silent Invasion: China's influence in Australia. Publication of the book itself has already attracted much influence. The original publisher even turned away.
Clive Hamilton教授最近出版了一本新書《沉默入侵:中國對澳洲的滲透》。這本書在出版時就險些被滲透導致原來的出版商被迫退出。
Mr David Shoebridge MLC will host a book launch for Silent Invasion at NSW Parliament House at 2:30pm on Wednesday 14 March 2018. Professor Clive Hamilton will attend the launch, autograph books sold during the launch and answer questions.
新洲上議員 David Shoebridge 先生將在下周三 2018年3月14日下午2時30分在新南威爾士州議會為這本舉辦新書發布會。Clive Hamilton教授將蒞臨現場回答大家的問題並為新書簽名。
AVA (Australian Values Alliance) is pleased to assist Mr Shoebridge in organizing this event. We believe publication freedom is an important aspect of Australia's core value - freedom of speech. We also believe the contents in this book truly reflects what has been happening in Australia and many other Western countries.
澳大利亞價值守護聯盟很榮幸能協助Shoebridge先生一起舉辦此發布會。我們堅信出版自由是澳大利亞核心價值 -- 言論自由的重要組成部分。同時我們也認為此書所展示的內容真實地反映了目前正在澳洲及其他西方國家發生的現象。
因座位有限,請盡快在網上登記 RSVP:
Australian Values Alliance (AVA)
To grace the book launch of Silent Invasion, China's Influence in Australia, written by the well-known Australian Scholar, Professor Clive Hamilton, and published by Hardie Grant Books, your presence is cordially requested,
Organised by: Mr David Shoebridge, MLC
in collaboration with Australian Values Alliance
Professor Clive Hamilton will be present to autograph books and answer questions
RSVP is essential.
Any inquiries, please contact: 0428 017 928 or email: info@ava.org.au