543mit|29分� Agopathetic china"males", the bottom line is that no one wants to be side with you china(such lonely china); "enclosure" is giving you china a face;otherwise, in mordern era, SSS(Straight Srtike Strategy) to you china coastlines by air/sea attacking, how long can you last , squirrelie
Guest2605027r8|大�13小� Ago[[�方考�的��包括�美�海�����菲律�]]--- 合理推�美��重��比克�海�基地.�基地於冷��期(包括��.台海及越�等)����大�急支援功能.swipe_trash|大�13小� AgoAgain: If US help these little bugs to fight China? The Sun will raise from West..
WJreader101|大�4小� AgoThen Again: Sun will eventually set down when it used to be. That's circle of life.Don't forget: 'swipe_trash' IS still a bag of same smelly old trash and more!!!~~~LOL~~~
swipe_trash|大�13小� AgoWhat benefits did Asia Puppets get from their Puppeteers in last 60 years? None!Look at Japan, Japan could vanish on earth in anytime,... and S.Korea's life is controled in N.Korea's hands...
Don't forget: In S.Sea, Philippines and Vietnam's first Target is your Taiwan's "Tai-Ping Island"...
WJreader101|大�4小� AgoTrue, in time, Japan and Taiwan might change overtime with their terrain after million or billion years from now.N.Korea will eventually kiss S.Korea's ass, because of its pitiful economic downfall.
Don't forget: 'swipe_trash' IS still a bag of smelly old trash and more!!!~~~LOL~~~
2012/1/26 Kasia Hu <hometown.kasia@gmail.com>�手抗中 美�在菲��「�盛���」(Washington Post)26日��,菲律�正�美�政府�商,���大美�����,以因�愈�愈自�的中�。�是近�一�串��中�的�略部署行�。� �引述菲律�官�的��,他�的首要之�是�化海上防�,特�是靠近南海的地方。他�暗示,�意�美���及�察�停靠和起降。���,�方考�的��包 括�美�海�����菲律�、以��方式在菲律�部署美�及增加美菲�合�事演�的�率。目前�菲美��有600名特�部�,主要�助菲�清剿菲��部� ���。
Read more: 世界新��-北美�文新�、�商�� - �手抗中 美�在菲��
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