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星期一, 1月 23, 2012


















Signs Indicate the Chinese Communist Party is Being Deserted

"Political power grows out of the gun,” is the gangster-style
political thought of Mao Zedong.
He believed that to control military force is to control political
Recently, a Sina microblog post asked comrades to never turn
their guns against the people in pursuit of soldier’s honor.

A Chinese military man’s comment on Sina, which has been
widely re-reposted online, has caused concern.
The post was signed by a former army major who “realized the
gun is being pointed at his parents, so he angrily took off his uniform.”
He then also suggested that if the regime’s military uses
violence against the people,
the opponents in the military may openly break away from
the Chinese Communists, which will lead to fratricide.

Last March 29th, the Liberation Army Daily published a series
of seven full-page articles to refute the existing idea of an
“apolitical military,” “non-party military,” and “nationalized
military” within the army.
Also in the articles, for the first time the Chinese Communist
regime admitted the impact of the “Quit CCP” activity within the armed forces.

In addition to guns, another tool the CCP has used to maintain
stability of the regime is the pen.
It has appeared to lose control of the pen recently as well.

On January 12th, a Southern Weekend article used innuendo
to criticize the one party rule and lack of democracy in the 18th National Congress.

Last July, there were a series of resistance incidents by the
Chinese media in response to the political control of the Propaganda Department.

After the Wenzhou electric train crash, the Central Propaganda
Department did not allow published reports
and even forced the media to pull the edition containing
details of the issue off the press for the first seven days.
However, hundreds of newspapers resisted this order with
words and pictures, expressed a strong desire for the truth, and courageously continued on with their reporting.
Among them, the Youth Daily, Oriental Morning Post and
Southern Metropolis Daily showed the most intense grievances by leaving their newspapers blank.

In addition, in 2010 when Google pulled out of China,
the state-run media Chongqing Evening News, ,published an
internet article regarding the way Google expressed their
dissatisfaction with the Chinese internet censorship policy.

In November of 2009, Southern Weekend left its newspaper
blank and published an ad stating, “Not everyone can be a big shot,
but everyone can apprehend China here” in protest of the
Central Propaganda Department, which forcibly deleted content of an (Barack) Obama interview.

Although the mainland media is still largely the mouthpiece
of the CCP, a match against the CCP and the Central Propaganda Department has commenced.
The resistance has escalated, and the will to be rid of the CCP
is intense.

On the other hand, the problem of Chinese officials
abandoning their posts and emigrating overseas has become severe.
In January 2010, a report indicated that according to the CCP
Central Organization Department investigation,
1.8 million families of senior CCP cadres moved to
Hong Kong and Macau over the years.
Included are former Politburo Standing Committee Zeng
Qinghong’s son, Zeng Wei, and the two sons of Politburo Standing Committee Jia Qinglin.

Since the release of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist
Party in December 2004,
100 million people have withdrawn from the CCP and its
affiliated organizations within 80 months between 2004 and August of 2011.
People are quitting the CCP at an increasing rate.

It indicates that many people have no confidence in the CCP,
the Chinese are rapidly awakening, and that the disintegration of the CCP is accelerating.

Hu Jun, the Xinjiang activist, considers 2012 the Year of the
Dragon as the year to “slay” the dragon.

For example, from an economic perspective, China will face
crisis this year, he said.
With the large amount of unemployment in addition to the
irresolvable social contradictions over the past 60 years under authoritarian ruling,
the regime’s financial issues will not
allow maintenance of stability.
All of this contributes to the speeding up of
the CCP’s disintegration.

Hu Jun: "In particular, due to economic development in recent
years, in order to solve various contradictions,
the CCP has built a very strong team to maintain stability.
This team needs financial and economic support.
With the economic problems, financially, this bunch of people’s
greed can’t be satisfied.
As a result, this will create a very drastic contradiction,
and the CCP system will collapse entirely.”

Laozi said, Heaven’s net seems sparse, but nothing escapes.
It means that justice is surely to come serve the righteous.
To the atheist communist regime which fights against heaven’s
laws, the heavenly net of justice is now in motion.

NTD reporters Chang chun, Wu Xiong and Ge Lei



