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星期二, 1月 17, 2012

[G4G] 新唐人电视 【禁闻】毛泽东时期 干部收入差距31倍

【禁闻】毛泽东时期 干部收入差距31倍

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文 章指出,这种�职务等级制度�不仅全面拉大官民距离,而且还按照等级标准建立了一套官本位体制。不同级别干部享受工资以外的待遇标准非常细致复杂。几级以 上可以配厨师、配警卫、配秘书,哪种级别的干部可以享受哪种级别的医疗和疗养、住什么级别的房子、使用什么档次和牌子的专车等,中共内部都有具体规定。










CCP’s "Job Hierarchy" Widens the Gap with Civilians

In current Chinese society, the gap between rich and poor
is widening, and the income distribution is getting more unfair.
In fact, as early as Mao’s time an alarming income gap existed
between Chinese Communist Party’ (CCP) cadres and the rest.
Chinese media reports that many problems of today’s
Chinese society is caused by the current political system.
And this system had been established as early as
the beginning of CCP’s power.

An article signed by Yangkui Song,
was published on ifeng.com.
It disclosed how CCP’s authorities canceled the supply system
and implemented the system of job hierarchy in August 1955.
The new standard increased the salary levels to 30.

In Beijing, for example, if coupled with price subsidies,
the highest level wage was RMB 649.6;
and the lowest level was only RMB 20.88.
The largest wage gap reached more than 31 times.

The article points out that this kind of "job hierarchy" system
widened significantly the gap between officials and civilians.
Plus, it also established a system for officials’ positions
in accordance with the hierarchy standard.
The standard, by which cadres can enjoy different treatments
other than wages, is very delicate and complex.
Some levels can be equipped with chefs, guards, secretaries,
other can enjoy medical care, convalescence, houses, cars, etc.
There are various specific provisions
within the different levels of the CCP.

In this regard, Ms. Yan Tunfu, a victim of the anti-rightist
movement in Beijing, shared her thoughts for NTDTV.
She said that as early as the Yan'an period,
the senior cadres of CCP had big privileges.
And that the publicly promoted by CCP equality
is actually fake.

Yan Tunfu: “In the past, you’d simply not know what level
cadres can live in what houses, as they were concealed by compound walls.
Even officials’ kids knew of the so-called ‘care of the impact,’
or they shouldn’t make their living conditions known by others.”

According to sources, the article in ifeng.com was published
in Southern Weekend in 2007.
Now it is re-published and it attracted much online attention.
In only one day, over 220,000 people commented on it.
Many netizens said,
they “deeply felt this common felling.”
Netizens also think, the bigger the gap between rich and poor,
the more serious the privileges are.

Beijing Spring’ editor Hu Ping analyzed that today's situation
is due to CCP only caring for economic but not political reform.

Hu Ping: "Because there is no political reform, the economic
reform becomes a privatization of the rich and the powerful.
The CCP officials use the power in their hands,
turning people’s property into their own.
Meanwhile, CCP shifts the consequences of its mistakes
in the economy over the years over to the people."

Hu Ping said that the CCP first turned the people’s property
into so-called “public property” by means of establishment of “people's communes,” and so on.
And then CCP turned these properties into officials’ private
properties in the name of the “reform.”
Now it’s not able to solve the fundamental problems simply
by imitating the welfare and distribution system of the West.

Hu Ping: "This one-party dictatorship must end. Properties,
plundered by CCP over the time must be returned to people.
This can not be solved by the so-called "anti-corruption."
As it is caused by the political system, the system must end."

Ms. Yan Tunfu also pointed out,
that CCP’s system of privileges has never changed.
The CCP's ruling and indoctrination over several decades
has reversed right and wrong, kind and evil, in people’s hearts.
The most necessary thing that Chinese people need to do now
is to reject its ideology and culture.

NTD reporters Zhu Zhishan, Li Qian and Xiao Yu


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