送交者: testtesttest 于 2013-04-13 11:37:01
U.S. Helps Vietnam Defend Fishermen Who 'Get into Trouble' With China
Days after sparks flew with China, U.S. Coast Guard official reveals 'uncanny' meeting
By Paul D. Shinkman
April 9, 2013 RSS Feed Print
U.S. Coast Guard still protects Vietnamese fishermen from Chinese ships such as this one leaving the Xingang Port of Haikou on March 26.
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. --- The U.S. Coast Guard actively helps Vietnam protect its fishing vessels at a time when the Chinese are testing the boundaries of their Pacific neighborhood, a top official says.
Many of the officers involved in this effort remember firsthand the late 1960s and early 1970s when the U.S. and Vietnam were at war, says Coast Guard Rear Adm. William Lee. Now the two governments are cooperating to develop a fighting force that can help Vietnamese fisherman and others when they "get into trouble."
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