The #Bush- #Obama rape of #Poland can be a important spot not only for the Mitt #Romney but to whole mankind. The #Republican party has been engaged into difficult topic of #abortion. But it is something they can only gain undermining #Democratic electorat. At same time authorities in #Poland are continuing to refusing to handle my fiance into his hands. Forgeting that it is not time of Abraham #Lincoln when #Warsaw was occupied and that abortion in XXI has been made brodly avaiable and at early stage... While Mitt Romney has changed his plans and... Reply to this email to comment publicly on Google+. Or view Artur Taurus's post »While Mitt Romney has changed his plans and instead of visiting German he has choosed Poland, this soules bats think they can cheat him - by providin castrated version on my fiance. In first 3-5 days... |
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