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星期五, 12月 07, 2012

Nick Hanauer:给富人减税不能增加工作职位

lihlii @lihlii 2012-11-28 08:01:05 UTC
http://crofsblogs.typepad.com/gap/2012/05/nick-hanauer-on-job-creation-and-inequality.html 关于企业资本创造工作职位的迷思

lihlii @lihlii 2012-11-28 08:03:28 UTC
@lihlii 所谓资本家创造就业机会的极端右派说辞,和当初马克思主义说工人创造商品的剩余价值的劳动价值论的极端左派说辞一样,都是违背经济学原理的扯淡。真正的商 品价值和工作职位的创造来源是市场。只有市场交易的完成和繁荣,才是工作职位和商品价值实现的根本。

lihlii @lihlii 2012-11-28 08:14:10 UTC
http://youtu.be/N1b_Q1lprAk TED Talk 甚至取消了 Nick Hanauer 关于给富人减税不能增加工作职位的演说录像的发布,可见资本家对舆论的钳制有多严重。

lihlii @lihlii 2012-11-28 08:15:40 UTC
@lihlii 更重要的是,主张给富人加税的巴菲特,驳斥给富人减税增加工作职位的 Nick Hanauer 本人都是富人,资本家。他们的言论说服力更强,因为他们不是屁股决定脑袋,不是为自己的利益说话,相反是损害自己利益而说真话。

lihlii @lihlii 2012-11-28 09:15:31 UTC
@lihlii http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2012/05/19/the-ignorance-of-nick-hanauers-ted-speech/ 看 Forbes 上的作者是如何狡辩的,这种狡辩技巧我简直太熟悉了。;)



Nick Hanauer -Do Rich People Create Jobs.emulecollection

Nick Hanauer.480p.webm
Nick Hanauer.720p.webm
Nick Hanauer.en.ass
Nick Hanauer.en.srt
Nick Hanauer.zh.ass
Nick Hanauer.zh.srt
Why is the Nick Hanauer talk not posted _ A conversation on TED_com.maff

Banned TED Talk
TheYoungTurksTheYoungTurks·13,343 videos

Published on May 17, 2012

Via Business Insider: "As the war over income inequality wages on, super-rich Seattle entrepreneur Nick Hanauer has been raising the hackles of his fellow 1-percenters, espousing the contrarian argument that rich people don't actually create jobs.

The position is controversial — so much so that TED is refusing to post a talk that Hanauer gave on the subject. National Journal reports today that TED officials decided not to put Hanauer's March 1 speech up online after deeming his remarks "too politically controversial" for the site...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks.

*Read more from Grace Wyler: http://www.businessinsider.com/this-billionaire-venture-capitalist-gave-a-ted...

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Top Comments


    MichaelWithstand 4 months ago

    Hanauer was banned because he spoke what is true. Such is the ways of this world.
    Helder de Brito Cabeçadas Dias

    Helder de Brito Cabeçadas Dias 3 months ago

    I have found 2 videos on the referred TED Talk coincidentally uploaded on the same day!



    Are you at TYT just lazy or plain incompetents!?

    At least you could add a link to the TED Talk in your video description!


All Comments (1,022)


    TheAlphaPyro 11 hours ago

    ted has had billy graham and richard dawkins as speakers. You aren't going to get ideas more polarizing and charged than those. TED's excuse that it would be too politically charged was lame. The purpose of the talks is to share ideas.
    Tillie Pearson

    Tillie Pearson 1 day ago

    I thought that if there was anything that would deliver the truth, it would be TED. Apparently not.

    moeskido 6 days ago

    TED doesn't want to lose all those high-priced event ticket sales. So much of "ideas worth spreading."

    EvolvingTruthSeeker 1 week ago

    Sarah Silvermans talk at TED was also banned .

    ScribbleMeSour 1 week ago

    They banned him because they try to be inclusive of all ideas. When you say a wealthy most likely democrat man gave a speech on wealth inequality, he most likely approached this problem from liberal standpoint. The simple fact is by only looking at this problem though the platform of a single political party and not through many different and varied ideas is grounds for removal and disregard. These talks are more to unite the ideas of all and not advertise a certain ideology.

    Schnake0bitten 1 week ago

    Lets include as many ideas as we can by banning this idea?

    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    ScribbleMeSour 1 week ago

    Yes because his ideas were exclusive. Just like the system of law there needs to be rules to protect others opinions and ideas. When you start excluding other ideas by only looking at a problem through one scope you essentially trampling on and furthered discussion on the topic.
    · in reply to Schnake0bitten(Show the comment)

    Schnake0bitten 1 week ago

    I don't understand how his speech stops other from talking about their own ideas, no matter how 'exclusive' his ideas are. What I mean is, why can there not be two exclusive ideas?
    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    ScribbleMeSour 6 days ago

    If you have to exclusive ideas fighting against each other who cannot by their own definition include the ideas of other then the opportunity for collaboration is gone.
    · in reply to Schnake0bitten(Show the comment)

    Kalilden 1 week ago

    I'm sure you might be a lovely, intelligent person, but this comment makes me wonder how you can walk upright with all that stupid weighing your head down.

    All perspectives are exclusive. Even the espousal of total inclusion is an exclusive idea because it EXCLUDES EXCLUSION. Any time you adopt any point of view as correct, you label conflicting ideas as incorrect.

    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    ScribbleMeSour 6 days ago

    Yes i agree that inclusion it 'technically' exclusion, but standing up on a stage and damning the actions of groups in individuals whether they be conservative or liberal is a bit beyond what should be accepted. No where can a discussion go involving politics. It is the reasons that cause the problem for that need to be addressed.
    · in reply to Kalilden(Show the comment)

    Kalilden 5 days ago

    If the actions of a group of individuals is criminally deceptive, then they can be damned on whatever stage the one who damns sees fit. There is no reason not to accept a statement if it can be backed by facts.

    Like I said, this isn't an issue of political standpoint. It's an issue of an idea being pushed by a group of individuals that has historically proven to be objectively untrue, and an oversimplified and inaccurate claiming of credit that can be shown through simple logic to be wrong.
    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    ScribbleMeSour 1 day ago

    But really this is only you and your point of view on the matter. I respect it but I do not agree at all with it.
    · in reply to Kalilden(Show the comment)

    Kalilden 11 hours ago

    And apparently the TED runners disagree as well. Congrats, you support repressing ideas.
    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    ScribbleMeSour 10 hours ago

    No I support an adequate forum to express ideas. He can go somewhere else to defame people.
    · in reply to Kalilden(Show the comment)

    Kalilden 10 hours ago

    Defaming would be me getting on a TED talk stage, showing our argument, and saying "how can this fuckwit not see the issues with his argument?"

    Hanauer demonstrated a stark historical contradiction to claims which conservatives are on record as saying. In other words, he is dealing in facts, not opinions; the truth doesn't lean Left or Right. And the forum is adequate because this isn't some personal squabble; it's an important aspect of economic policy, which affects all of us.

    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    Kalilden 10 hours ago

    It's true that some people may take the criticisms he presents as defamation, but frankly the message is true, thoughtfully laid-out, and important, which are kind of the criterion for TED talks.
    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    Kalilden 10 hours ago

    ...Listen, I shouldn't have called you a fuckwit. At least not yet. I'm just cranky because I haven't eaten yet, my bad.
    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    ScribbleMeSour 6 hours ago

    I appreciate your apology, someone who could debate an issue quite eloquently surprised me with such a word. But anyway, regardless of if his words had any truth, the way he went about trying put forth his message was wrong. In stead of listing the misgivings of people who did not have foresight for such misgivings he should have listed practical ways in which to solve the problem. I am well aware of the turmoil that plagues the world. One really needs to just focus on fixing the problem though.
    · in reply to Kalilden(Show the comment)

    Kalilden 6 hours ago

    In order to implement a solution, one must first identify the problem. Not everyone is aware of these turmoils, and many of those who ARE aware don't know the nature or extent of the root causes, of which corporate greed is indisputably one. The line that captains of industry and CEOs are "Job Creators" and should thus be specially rewarded is a documented lie that helps facilitate that greed's manifestation, which needs to be exposed on whatever stage is available.
    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    Kalilden 1 week ago

    Further, the only way the talk was from a 'liberal standpoint' was that it tore down a factual inaccuracy that is and has been promoted by prominent conservative Republicans. This isn't an issue of a party line; have you actually watched the talk? You can now. The historical facts he presents are pretty damning of the "coddle Job Creators" ideal.

    So yes.

    Your comments make no goddamn sense.
    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    ScribbleMeSour 6 days ago

    What I base my assertion of this entire problem is on the report of these web journalists. They presented said facts and then I responded to how I felt about it from a non-bias perspective. The fact is the TED conference and others like it such as RSA are meant to bring people together with reasonings that are based on MATH, SCIENCE, LANGUAGE, things that are finite to solve a problem. I feel as if though when you bring politics into somewhere it doesn't belong then there's a major problem.
    · in reply to ScribbleMeSour(Show the comment)

    Monochromicornicopia 1 month ago

    This is an old episode of TYT. Why is this just now news?

    k3nny111 1 month ago

    By now everybody knows that trickle-down doesn't work. Even most republicans, they just don't give a shit.

    kakashi76767 1 month ago

    Watch the TED talks by Willkinson.

    saltypork101 1 month ago

    It's on youtube, and TED let him talk LIVE! They just don't want the guy's stuff on their website! That's their choice, and it's OK! Stop going mental!

    kakashi76767 1 month ago

    OK crazy occasional CAPS LOCK guy!
    · in reply to saltypork101(Show the comment)

    saltypork101 1 month ago

    One word. For emphasis.
    · in reply to kakashi76767(Show the comment)

    kakashi76767 1 month ago

    You typed the words "live" and "ok" in caps, captain! That's TWO words! You really went mental!
    · in reply to saltypork101(Show the comment)

    saltypork101 1 month ago

    That's how OK is supposed to look... Sorry for the confusion...
    · in reply to kakashi76767(Show the comment)

    kakashi76767 1 month ago

    I forgive you.
    · in reply to saltypork101(Show the comment)
    David Curiel

    David Curiel 1 month ago

    We need to have intelligent people speaking out. TED should understand this.

    medhue 1 month ago

    You gotta love how Cenk put 1 graph up and somehow this 1 factor tells it all. People have to be morons to think Cenk is not full of crap. I'm not pro corp, but you can't honestly say that 1 things cause the problem. How many new law were created, and who benefits from all those laws. Taxing a corp more, only means the customers will pay more, the corp will still make similar profits, they just pass the tax onto the consumer.

    PaulIvanish 1 month ago

    So TED finally got it out of the dark room: they're in favor of keeping it real and true and progressive, just not so real that they might get in trouble. Yeah... great way to be objective.

    Jayremy89 2 months ago

    I used to really love TedTalks with much of the older content, then I started to find their content degrading over time to some menial, non-informative, lacking in boldness, random and lacking of importance or truth behind it.

    Letatax 2 months ago

    Or maybe they banned it because otherwise no one would be discussing this revolutionary video. Maybe we should give this large group of highly educated people the benefit of the doubt.

    BlueBleedStl 3 months ago

    Banned how? I just watched it on TED TV. and YAK TV. I seem to be missing something here.

    gohoggyourself 2 months ago

    The news story is from may, it could have been reinstated.
    · in reply to BlueBleedStl(Show the comment)

    Radnally 3 months ago

    Banned? I found it all over

    AFSRodrigues 3 months ago

    Yes, but is uploaded without the permission of TED Talks.

    It should appear on their site and official youtube channel.
    · in reply to Radnally(Show the comment)
    Helder de Brito Cabeçadas Dias

    Helder de Brito Cabeçadas Dias 3 months ago

    I have found 2 videos on the referred TED Talk coincidentally uploaded on the same day!



    Are you at TYT just lazy or plain incompetents!?

    At least you could add a link to the TED Talk in your video description!

    Emost514 3 months ago

    here the link for the banned Ted talk:

    John Wilson

    John Wilson 4 months ago

    I watched Nick's TED talk on youtube. PoliticalYAK has it posted on his sight as do other youtubers.

    This has been flagged as spam show

    4017bb 4 months ago

    secretendeavor1 4 months ago

    The loss of jobs over the last 30-something years was not the result of tax cuts, welfare spending or other errant congressional policy...it was and IS the integration of over 2 BILLION newly employable workers in emerging economies. Only shrew protectionist policies cold have hoped to slow the inevitable. By the way, U.S. and European protectionist policies in the first half of the 20th century exacerbated the lead up to WWI and WWII. Remember that.
    joe blow

    joe blow 4 months ago

    The jobs were created... Just not in America lol. -.-

    It's a joke folks... clam down­.

    doyle2001 4 months ago

    I have lost all faith in TED.

    anonymoose711 4 months ago

    "Some of the country's best-known multi­national corporations closely guard a number they don't want anyone to know: the breakdown between their jobs here and abroad.So secretive are these companies that they hand the figure over to government statisticians on the condition that officials will release only an aggregate number. The latest data show that multinationals cut 2.9 million jobs in the United States and added 2.4 million overseas between 2000 and 2009."

    anonymoose711 4 months ago

    source - google: ' Corporations pushing for job-creation tax breaks shield U.S.-vs.-abroad hiring data washington post '
    · in reply to anonymoose711(Show the comment)
    Roberto Aramburu

    Roberto Aramburu 4 months ago

    i thought ted "ideas worth spreading" was controversial, i guess you can be controversial as long as it helps the big fishes...

    iamjswann 4 months ago

    What Nick Hanauer fails to tell you in this TED talk is that he, himself, is directly responsible for creating over 51,000 jobs because of his investment in Amazon.com, and indirectly likely responsible for over 100,000 more jobs created because of Amazon.com. We should be thanking people like Nick for the risk he took with his money that created all of these jobs, not villainizing them for it.

    hksin11186 3 months ago

    Did you even attempt to find and watch his talk? It's posted in plenty of other places.
    · in reply to iamjswann(Show the comment)

    AFSRodrigues 3 months ago

    What he says is that the jobs are also created because there's demand for the product or service they're providing, so you can say that consumers also have a part in creating jobs.

    So, should we give tax cuts to the consumers too?

    Or instead, should we stop giving tax cuts to rich people?

    We're not telling them that is wrong that they're rich. We're asking them to pay their share, just like everybody else.
    · in reply to iamjswann(Show the comment)

    Relativisticism 4 months ago

    Translation: Your speech was too accurate and truthful so we will not support it being viewed by any additional people to educate them on what is really happening.

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    DarkprinX2500 4 months ago

    Comment removed

    Author withheld

    MichaelWithstand 4 months ago

    Hanauer was banned because he spoke what is true. Such is the ways of this world.

    Agoateeman 4 months ago

    Agreed. not to mention that the wealthy in the country control more and more of it and are often able to get their way through their increased power. not so for the average guy.
    · in reply to MichaelWithstand(Show the comment)

    MichaelWithstand 4 months ago

    I'm not against wealthy people. I'm against too much greed that would sacrifice men. The PILLAR of democracy and civilization is the MIDDLE CLASS. Without a strong middle class you can't have a healthy democracy or even a healthy nation, economically and politically.

    Today is no longer about hardwork and determination, too much now depends on what kind of privilege you're born into. DO NOT squeeze the middle class. Certainly the ones needing protection are the middle class not the very wealthy.
    · in reply to Agoateeman(Show the comment)

    nobodyisachosenone 1 month ago

    damnn right you are, hooah!
    · in reply to MichaelWithstand(Show the comment)

    MichaelWithstand 1 month ago

    What is happening is that US political system has been captured by the 1 percenter. The population has been duped into believing what is best for the top 1 percenter is good for the rest of the society which is often NOT the case. Atm they are trying shamelessly to put one of them the one percenter as a presidential candidate and trying again to deceive the rest into believing what is good for the top 1 percenter is good for the whole society. Mr Hanauer spoke true & spoke well. Dangerous truth.
    · in reply to nobodyisachosenone(Show the comment)

    MichaelWithstand 1 month ago

    There's nothing wrong with being very rich but being very rich at the expense of the rest of the society now that's wrong. The surest way to empower yourself is by empowering the people around you. Likewise the surest way to be wealthy is by making other people wealthy too. Greed may motivate people and that's good but too much greed INCAPACITATES and RUIN other people and that's bad for the society and nation.
    · in reply to nobodyisachosenone(Show the comment)

    DollaramaShopper 4 months ago

    Correlation does not equal causation, but that is irrelevant. It is irrelevant whether or not his talk was biased or untrue. If TED posted Rich Warren's content-less babbles then the speaker's statements do not need to be completely valid and objective.

    AMRosa10 4 months ago

    It is funny because many TED talks have talked about the abject poverty and wealth disparity in Third world nations, but heaven for bid we should talk about it here. It is like all of the charitable events to feed the starving in the third world, but suggest feeding Americans, having government funded jobs programs, or having social protections and "OH NO! They are lazy, good for nothing welfare cheats!" The thinking in the US is warped.
    Cem Kaan KÖSALI

    Cem Kaan KÖSALI 4 months ago

    ted 'de seyretmek zorunda değiliz. facebook'da seyredebiliriz.

    zoebiflap 4 months ago

    Ia Cthulhu.

    Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
    · in reply to Cem Kaan KÖSALI(Show the comment)

    dontmiss 4 months ago

    who owns TED?
    Steve Craig

    Steve Craig 4 months ago

    I tend to agree with quite a bit of what you say, but graphs like the one that show up at 4:05 really hurt you.  You actually have a graph with 9.3 well above 22.4. Please don't commit stupid mistakes like that anymore.


    CardPlay3r 4 months ago

    you're misreading the graph, just follow the colors
    · in reply to Steve Craig(Show the comment)

    robwilson43 4 months ago

    This is why spending on education is so important. It appears that you have never seen a chart with dual axes.
    · in reply to Steve Craig(Show the comment)
    Steve Craig

    Steve Craig 4 months ago

    Actually I mis-read the graph, somehow thinking both were effective tax rates, despite the fact that it is clearly labelled as effective tax for highest income & unemployment. I had the notion of % of wealth owned by the richest X% & the poorest Y% on the brain. Guess I made the stupid mistake.
    · in reply to robwilson43(Show the comment)

    robwilson43 4 months ago

    You're a good man my friend. Most people on here don't like to admit mistakes. Happy 4th!
    · in reply to Steve Craig(Show the comment)

    justgivemethetruth 5 months ago

    Those tax cuts did not create jobs, they created a very small elite class of people with the entitlement to royalty, to keep their place, their jobs, their bonuses, their raises now matter what they do and the right to keep everyone else down by impoverising the public space - in fact their goal is to rid the world or anything public. This is an abomination under any form of post-enlightenment western thinking and it only works because of the Mafia gangland elite group that it creates.

    TheNonAntiAnarchist 1 week ago

    I have to lol at the idea that tax cuts are the main force keeping elites in the positions they hold.
    · in reply to justgivemethetruth(Show the comment)

    justgivemethetruth 1 week ago

    That you think your emotional reaction to this or any issue means anything says you do not have a real or factual argument to an idea that scares you. LOL all your want, who cares?Before Reagan the US was fiscally responsible, then Republicans decided for some reason to drive the economy off the cliff, but those with lots of money are in a substantially different place than the average American. Tax cuts have not created jobs and have hobbled the government from being able to do its job.
    · in reply to TheNonAntiAnarchist(Show the comment)

    TheNonAntiAnarchist 1 week ago

    Your first sentence is an assumption. Your second sentence is clearly partisan, and I have no care for partisan politics, or politics of any kind really. I could give a fuck what sociopath did the spending. Now, as a matter of fact, you're wrong in your second claim, as gov't spending has continually risen since at least 1913.
    · in reply to justgivemethetruth(Show the comment)

    TheNonAntiAnarchist 1 week ago

    And lastly, you can't prove tax cuts didn't create jobs because you have no parallel universe in which you could observe the same chain of events absent the tax cuts. There are billions of variables that determine job growth, and yet you ignore that you can't control for them. And trust me, the gov't is by no means short of revenue. For you to imply otherwise would be ridiculous. Just look at gov't revenues over time.
    · in reply to justgivemethetruth(Show the comment)

    justgivemethetruth 1 week ago

    Yes I can prove that tax cuts did not lead to jobs, because the tax cuts for the last twelve years have just put money in the hands of the very wealthy who invest it offshore. Jobs are not being created here. There are not "billions" of variables that determine job growth, there several "first-order" things to look at, but you have no idea what that means no doubt. Anyway you are about as non-serious as they come so this is a waste of time.
    · in reply to TheNonAntiAnarchist(Show the comment)

    justgivemethetruth 5 months ago

    Does this woman have enough makeup on?

    justgivemethetruth 5 months ago

    when facts and truth becomes political you know there is something really wrong.

    This has been flagged as spam show

    mikerodeman 5 months ago

    Comment removed

    Author withheld

    Comment removed

    Author withheld
    Seka Menacerecords

    Seka Menacerecords 5 months ago

    Who cares what it costs to attend a TED conference? They are freely available to the public the world across, myself included. Go to their channel, all free.

    I do agree TED should have shown this video, they've shown other 'controversial' talks, so why not this?

    HeliosMachina 4 months ago

    you can actually watch the talk here /watch?v=bBx2Y5HhplI
    · in reply to Seka Menacerecords(Show the comment)

    mattyelle1 5 months ago

    TYT is crap!!!

    BeBoBli 5 months ago


    Correlation != Causation

    Just saying, not arguing for or against.

    This has been flagged as spam show

    justgivemethetruth 5 months ago

    mantonio121773 5 months ago

    Excellent work folks - please keep it up

    themarcusismael13 5 months ago

    · in reply to atosafi1(Show the comment)

    ierhnth 5 months ago

    ◆◇◆ 生活が苦しい方、訳がありお金に困っている方など…見て頂ければ­幸いです。今現在、私には「100,000,000円」以上の資­産が御座いま す。ですが私は癌で余命宣告を受けております。子供­や親族も一切おりません…この「100,000,000円」を受­け取りたいという方がいま したら、出来る限りお早めにご連絡を頂­きたいと思います。大金が不安な方は少額でも構いません。you­tubeですとルール違反となり連絡が 途絶えてしまうので、こち­らのブログサイトよりご連絡下さい。制限などありませんのでスム­ーズにお話しが進められると思います→  http://785.jp /

    semperveritatem 5 months ago

    That makes quite a bit of sense. 
    · in reply to atosafi1(Show the comment)

    semperveritatem 5 months ago

    Correlation doesn't equal causation. And that chart is manipulated to look more severe. Maybe Hanauer's message is true, but that slide means very little.

    XplicitGlam 5 months ago

    So what are we gonna do about this? ~eats a cheeto~

    DexterHaven49 5 months ago

    Nick is dishonest and muddle-headed.
    Moose Head

    Moose Head 5 months ago

    Nick is a bubonic ape.

    garretth48 5 months ago

    To go from the Ted talk to the planned parenthood thing was a textbook liberal non sequitur segue. TED probably made a conscious decision not to be seen as going off the deep end. I listened to the clip that was available on youtube; long on redistribution, short on economic fundamentals.

    dan69052 5 months ago

    If this guy wrote a book, would TED burn it.

    rossdaboss06 5 months ago

    It wasn't that his talk was political, it was that it was logically bankrupt...his claim was that consumers are the job creators, because without consumers to buy products then businesses would not be able to service them and thus consumers drive the economy. What he failed to recognize is, where exactly do consumers get their money from? They must be productive enough to obtain money to buy products/services, and they must either create their own jobs or get their jobs from an evil capitalist..

    Dragonsnack73 5 months ago in playlist Politics

    Well, what money will "job creators" make when there is no jobs=consumers to buy their products or services. The trickle down economy is just as logically bankrupt, isn't it?

    To my (naive) understanding it seems that you need both, because neither side can live without the other.

    Check out the Wikipedia or NYT articles on "Kurzarbeit" for an example how you can "create consumption" even during economic downturns: people don't lose their jobs, they only lose 10% for their income (temporarily).
    · in reply to rossdaboss06(Show the comment)

    rossdaboss06 5 months ago

    Producers will sell their product to other producers, who have accumulated wealth from their own production- you don't need to tax the production of a producer in order to give his wealth to a consumer, for that consumer to buy the producers production- is that a serious question? Read "How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes" by Peter Schiff to wash that Keynesian propaganda out of your head.
    · in reply to Dragonsnack73(Show the comment)

    Dragonsnack73 5 months ago

    As i said, "naive understanding". Yes, it was a serious question ;)

    I see your point, i guess it's a question of what you value more, job security (= steady income = steady consumption = steady profit) or profit.

    Kinda a risk vs. reward scenario?

    Anyway, don't want to waste your time! You have a nice day :)

    · in reply to rossdaboss06(Show the comment)

    rossdaboss06 5 months ago

    All I'm saying is that economic growth is derived from people actually producing value- it has absolutely nothing to do with taxing people in order for the tax receivers to consume the products of the producers, that's a complete economic fallacy that is dangerous propaganda to spread

    · in reply to Dragonsnack73(Show the comment)

    drcphd 5 months ago

    Of course the talk was removed. TED is for people who actually think before they talk.

    bigglyguy 5 months ago

    "It's obviously the republican's fault" WTF? Wake up; BOTH mainstream parties are effectively identical, regardless of rhetoric. Stop embarrassing us...

    drche420 5 months ago

    Hey TED, why don't you let the public decide whether his speech is "too controversial"? Because, even if it is, so what? Bad things happen. Shouldn't everyone be aware of it?

    kaysandesses 5 months ago

    Here's what Chris Anderson the de facto head of TED said the Haneuer:

    "Your argument comes down firmly on the side of one party. "

    Well WTF Chris. You had no problem posting Richard Dawkins speech, who incidentally, is the most well-recognized defender of the Theory of Evolution and an ardent atheist. Since when is evolution and atheism popular ideas among Republicans?
    · in reply to drche420(Show the comment)

    drche420 5 months ago

    You're obviously prejudiced against Dawkins and you've demonstrated your ignorance of evolution all in one sentence. Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and a professor. His job for decades was teach people about the fact of evolution. The Theory of Evolution is irrelevant. How evolution occurred (the theory) explains the fact of change over time (evolution).

    I'm merely attempting to correct you for your own sake in the future.
    · in reply to kaysandesses(Show the comment)

    kaysandesses 5 months ago

    You apparently misread my post. ;) Chris is the boss of TED.
    · in reply to drche420(Show the comment)

    drche420 5 months ago

    Just pointing out that Richard isn't defending the theory of evolution so much as evolution itself. The how is not as important as the what.
    · in reply to kaysandesses(Show the comment)

    kaysandesses 5 months ago

    I agree with what you're saying but you completely missed the meaning in my post. Here it is stated differently: TED thought Hanaeur's address was too politically unilateral, but he had no qualms with disseminating Dawkin's address which is every bit as unilateral as Hanaeur's, both being biased toward the political left. That leads me to believe that Anderson's personal disagreement with Hanaeur's message was the real motive for not releasing the video.
    · in reply to drche420(Show the comment)

    drche420 5 months ago

    I didn't miss your meaning so much as I ignored what I agreed with and only mentioned what I disagree with.
    · in reply to kaysandesses(Show the comment)

    This has been flagged as spam show

    kaysandesses 5 months ago
    Seán O'Nilbud

    Seán O'Nilbud 5 months ago

    There is no opposing viewpoint to evolution, there's just ignorance.
    · in reply to kaysandesses(Show the comment)

    kaysandesses 5 months ago

    Well stated.
    · in reply to Seán O'Nilbud(Show the comment)
    Steven Bee

    Steven Bee 5 months ago

    Contraception is a controversial issue? Holy fuck America, you're fucked up...

    AntitheistPOV 5 months ago

    · in reply to onemindtrip(Show the comment)

    AntitheistPOV 5 months ago

    His number was accurate enough for an off the top of his head reference. Making a semantic point about infants and people past menopause taking contraception just makes you sound silly.
    · in reply to onemindtrip(Show the comment)

    jlopez9090 5 months ago

    WOW. One of TYT's worst stories! Hanauer's talk was sub par for Ted standards and provided very little evidence. It was unnecessarily political and had no solutions. Watch it, the speech was flat. Ted only release 1 video a day and there were better talks that deserved to go 1st. Ted has previously released a Talk by Richard Wilkinson about the perils of income inequality. It was a good speech and had MANY facts and was not needlessly political. Hanauer then made a PR attack against TED. smh

    AntitheistPOV 5 months ago

    Actually, no, it's not.

    Source -

    U.S. Bureau of the Census

    • Virtually all women (more than 99%) aged 15–44 who have ever had sexual intercourse have used at least one contraceptive method.[2]
    · in reply to onemindtrip(Show the comment)

    AntitheistPOV 5 months ago

    Which statistics are you claiming were "made up"?
    · in reply to onemindtrip(Show the comment)

    BMcbugger 6 months ago

    Wow. This was one of the most incompetent "news" videos I've ever seen. Made up statistics. Left slanted speculation. Left slanted speculation. Left slanted speculation.

    TYT - No integrity. Not news.

    alsander124 5 months ago

    im not sure about the made up the statistics. but the fact that them being left slanted is bad? i dont see the problem.at least they are the right bias
    · in reply to BMcbugger(Show the comment)

    Lone77Wolf 5 months ago

    hmm and whats your view of fox?
    · in reply to BMcbugger(Show the comment)

    AntitheistPOV 5 months ago

    After Google-ing, Hanauer's numbers seem accurate. Unemployment increased from 1995 to 2009 while taxes for the wealthy decreased during the same period. The reason Republicans gave for decreasing taxes for the wealthy was job creation. Concluding, based on these numbers, that decreasing taxes for the wealthy does not necessarily create jobs seems reasonable to me.

    Would you care to demonstrate that anything you just said is true or provide any evidence whatsoever for the claims you just made?
    · in reply to BMcbugger(Show the comment)

    BMcbugger 5 months ago

    Yeah. Good job vetting the information. Ever heard of cherry-picking? Right off the top of my head, what is it about 2009 that's different from other years... Oh yeah. That's right. 2009 is when standard unemployment numbers peaked after the crash of 2008. But wait, is there more? Oh yeah, another thing I can just think of off the top of my head - taxes didn't decrease from 1995 - 2009. "Huh? Really?" No. "Well then, what happened?". First off, in 1993 Clinton increased taxes.
    · in reply to AntitheistPOV(Show the comment)

    BMcbugger 5 months ago

    Most of those increases remained in place until 1997. Conditions for the economy were ideal in the early '90s following the fall of "the wall". Growth continued despite the increase in taxes, but it was slow. After the '97 tax cuts though, the economy boomed, producing the "surplus" of the late '90s. However, even the '97 tax cuts didn't cut taxes all the way around. Constantly since the end of George H.W. Bush there have been numerous fees and "hidden taxes" inserted into the economy.
    · in reply to AntitheistPOV(Show the comment)

    BMcbugger 5 months ago

    For instance, there is a transportation tax on fuel. There are taxes for imports and exports. There are multi-layered fees for registering businesses. There are fees to get certified for many industries. There are fees to pay annually, simply to remain in business. There are taxes on certain industrial equipment. There are taxes on the transfer of raw materials to new stages of industrial development. There are taxes on parts/goods to be transported across the U.S.
    · in reply to AntitheistPOV(Show the comment)

    BMcbugger 5 months ago

    There are multiple layers upon layers upon layers of taxes and fees and certifications for things like medical care and various regulatory commissions... All constantly being increased every single year. Do you know how often these things get eliminated? Almost never. You get taxed if you die and attempt to leave your wealth to your family. You get taxed if you give a big enough gift. These elements of stripping wealth from private individuals haven't decreased. They've increased.
    · in reply to AntitheistPOV(Show the comment)

    BMcbugger 5 months ago

    Yet, one can look at over 100 years of economic history in the U.S. and see one clear repetitive truth. Every time taxes are significantly decreased, they're followed by ecnonomic growth. Which DID happen when the Bush tax cuts were put in place. Around 2000 the economy took another dip. The "Bush Tax Cuts" were more a response to that dip as much as they were an adherence to ideological notions of "lower taxes are good for everybody".
    · in reply to AntitheistPOV(Show the comment)

    BMcbugger 5 months ago

    And even though there were definite decreases to taxes, the "tax cuts" weren't permanent and have to be approved again and again for them to remain in place, otherwise the tax rate reverts to the higher level it was during Clinton's Administration. Lastly, just use some common sense. Did the total number of private sector jobs increase from 1995 to 2008? Yes. If all the businesses owned by wealthy people disappeared with the wealthy business owners, would jobs disappear with them? Yes.
    · in reply to AntitheistPOV(Show the comment)

    BMcbugger 5 months ago

    Has Hanauer ever owned or run a business for a significant amount of time in his life, relying on said business for his sole source of income? No. Are there people in this country who technically earn over $1,000,000 a year because they own a business and the gross income of the business shows up as the sole proprietor's income that actually take a loss for the year? Yes. Because those people have to pay a whole slew of costs, fees, and taxes before they get their cut.
    · in reply to AntitheistPOV(Show the comment)

    BMcbugger 5 months ago

    Now, run along and have fun.
    · in reply to AntitheistPOV(Show the comment)

    AntitheistPOV 5 months ago

    Taxes for the wealthy did decrease during between 1995-2009 and employment decreased.

    You can post as many paragraphs as you like, your conclusions are still going to be incorrect when you base them on incorrect premises.
    · in reply to BMcbugger(Show the comment)

    drche420 5 months ago

    So presenting facts is not news?
    · in reply to BMcbugger(Show the comment)

    FreeSheep 6 months ago

    CENK YOU GOT IT WRONG! Ted banned the talk because only banned things can spread!

    Comment removed

    Author withheld
    · in reply to Naryan Robinson(Show the comment)

    YouHolli 6 months ago

    fun fact: youtubes auto subtitle machine doesn't recognize the word "youtube".

    lilityger19 6 months ago

    1:42 - why did that guy sniff that wall?

    apocaRUFF 5 months ago

    Don't question a mans attraction to a wall. It's a can of worms you do not want to open.
    · in reply to lilityger19(Show the comment)

    ubidubi04 5 months ago

    1:28 - why did he sniff it twice?
    · in reply to lilityger19(Show the comment)

    Deleuzeshammerflow 6 months ago

    their decision to censor a politically charged speech is too politically charged.

    captcrais101 6 months ago

    trickle down means piss on the middle class and poor.

    amrules22 6 months ago

    I do generally agree with better income equality and higher taxes on the rich but I think that graph that they highlight is slightly misused and the way they use it is out of context. There are many other factors that affect unemployment and it is a very superficial statement to say that higher taxes leads to less unemployment or vice versa.

    jjjohn 6 months ago

    i agree with the points nick hanauer brought up in his talk, but his slide at 4:19 in this video is scaled in a way that exaggerates the numbers. the y scale for millionaires tax rate and unemployment rates are not even close to the same, but they are graphed on the same coordinate plane. one can make the point about income inequality without resorting to graphical lies.

    masluxx 6 months ago

    'so the politicians feel better about taking bribes'.....yep

    comicbase 6 months ago

    PLEAS-PLEASE-PLEASE stop with those subtitles written by people who do not understand English! 

    XeeGen 6 months ago

    Is this the same Ted that has Richard Dawkins: An atheist's call to arms on their channel oO?

    Jaws10214 6 months ago

    there is only one TED Talks. so in answer to your question, yes.

    What of it?
    · in reply to XeeGen(Show the comment)

    morph611 6 months ago

    I saw the talk and wow, that is some bullshit ted.

    "ideas WORTH spreading" yeah right. And who do you think deems what is and isn't worthy?
    Jennifer Wheeler

    Jennifer Wheeler 6 months ago

    Errmm this talk is widely available on youtube as well as other personal internet video broadcasting sites.....

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    it was not initially available anywhere. that's the point of that. TED did not release it until getting a shitload of heat.
    · in reply to Jennifer Wheeler(Show the comment)

    rippleseed 6 months ago

    I guess TED has been bought and paid for like politicians and big business too. Shame on them.

    YawnGod 6 months ago

    How can you not hate humans and humanity? When one dumb-fuck primate is telling me that intellectual content is beyond me, and that I need to be rationed it.

    Fuck you.
    John Kühles

    John Kühles 6 months ago

    what about NO taxes for the poor ?

    lexbvl 6 months ago

    thats how it is now...
    · in reply to John Kühles(Show the comment)

    ducky3219 6 months ago

    JohnKuhles...not all taxes are created equal.
    · in reply to John Kühles(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    the poor shouldn't be paying taxes, einstein. they can't afford it. people need to live. rich people can very well afford it, and should be grateful that they have the ability to BE rich and live an incredibly comfortable life.
    · in reply to John Kühles(Show the comment)
    david chandler

    david chandler 6 months ago

    10% flat tax for everyone.

    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    a flat tax is a ridiculous concept, but i would LOVE to know the bases for declaring that 10% is the proper rate. you have no idea of what you are talking about.
    · in reply to david chandler(Show the comment)
    david chandler

    david chandler 5 months ago

    And how long have you been paying taxes???? Hmmmm?Ive been paying taxes for 45 years. I think I know whats not fair.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    I have been paying taxes for several decades, but your logic is hilariously inept. The length of time someone has been paying taxes determines the merit of what they consider to be fair, and what IS fair? LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Genius.

    And I noticed that you didn't lay out the bases for the 10% proclamation.
    · in reply to david chandler(Show the comment)
    John Kühles

    John Kühles 6 months ago

    thats what I said, you are kicking an open door
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    sorry, but your intent was unclear. it seemed as though you were complaining about poor people that don't pay taxes as things stand now, at least not income taxes. i didn't realize that you were supporting the concept of poor people not paying taxes. i apologize for my portion of the missed connection.
    · in reply to John Kühles(Show the comment)

    AntiMatter3000 6 months ago

    Poor people not paying taxes doesn't sound fair at ALL..and I grew up poor.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    Jaws10214 6 months ago

    sooo, if poor people cannot afford to pay taxes, should we jail them, or just execute them? or just let them starve and die in the streets?

    your ignorance is astounding.

    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)

    AntiMatter3000 6 months ago

    What? I never said jail them, nice leap..

    straw man argument much...
    · in reply to Jaws10214(Show the comment)

    Jaws10214 6 months ago

    oh, so you're advocating letting them die starving in the streets?

    strawman fallacy or not, your argument of forcing the people without money, to pay even more money to merely exist, is stupendeously ignorant of our humanity and freedoms.

    obviously you do not understand monetary theory either.. go back to school kid.
    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)

    AntiMatter3000 6 months ago

    All I said is it's not fair, never said they deserve to die, why would I say that? When I just told you I grew up poor..derp
    · in reply to Jaws10214(Show the comment)

    Jaws10214 6 months ago

    growing up poor does not mean you have the slightest sense in economic ethics concerning monetary theory. No one needs to be poor, just as no one needs to be rich. Wealth hoarding is bloating the Inflation rates, anyone, who keeps millions of dollars out of circulation, is inflating the local money supply. learn economics.

    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)

    AntiMatter3000 6 months ago

    "no one needs to be rich"

    If they earn they sure as hell can... the fuck?

    · in reply to Jaws10214(Show the comment)

    Jaws10214 6 months ago

    a circulating money supply is finite. hoarding money that was created by someone borrowing it into existence, directly causes foreclosers and bankruptcy because the money that was hoarded and removed from circulation, was needed to be spent back into circulation so those original debts can be extinguished.

    because those debts go unpaid, the people in debt, make more loans at higher interest to make up for the hoarded debt-money. This action directly inflated the economy at large.
    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)

    Jaws10214 6 months ago

    learn Economics before your dumbass spreads your stupidity and destroys your economy.

    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    Well, then you are either a greedy, selfish, unsympathetic tyrant that is utterly lacking in compassion, or a stupid, uneducated dolt, or both.
    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)

    AntiMatter3000 5 months ago

    I just told you I grew up poor, so I understand, but them not paying taxes isn't fair technically, call me what you want.

    I see poor people all around me, and there's a crack head two blocks over, and one one street over.

    They would agree it isn't fair either. They don't need your sympathy dawg, they're not little ass kids.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    Yes, it is VERY fair for people that have little to no money to not pay taxes. It is called common decency. And it means jack shit that you say you grew up poor. First, I have no reason to believe you. People commonly make bullshit claims in order to appear to have an especially enlightened view. Second, it is irrelevant to you being a greedy, unsympathetic, irrational dink, dawg. And speaking about supposed crack heads' supposed views is laughably stupid. Not being "kids" isn't pertinent.
    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)

    AntiMatter3000 5 months ago

    Call me a "right winger" all you want , because there are a few things I agree with republicans on, just like there are thousands of things I disagree with them.

    Such as; The racism associated with the party, their anti-science. religious fundamental stance, their anti-choice[i'm pro choice]...their stance on energy..[keeping us depending on oil, rather than providing funding for alternative energy sources]
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    When did I call you a right winger? There was no such mentioning in the comment I made to which you replied (with this response being TO that reply). I made no mentioning of your positions on racism, abortion rights, religion, science, or energy. They are impertinent to the issue, which is about wealth and taxes.

    You need to learn the differences between "there," "their," and "they're."
    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)
    Seán O'Nilbud

    Seán O'Nilbud 5 months ago

    Impertinent doesn't mean what you think it does.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    Impertinent means precisely what I think it does, kiddo. Get an education, or at least a dictionary.
    · in reply to Seán O'Nilbud(Show the comment)

    greyztone 5 months ago

    Says the guy who wrote 'I made no mentioning'.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    Good catch. Does that change anything about what "impertinent" means?
    · in reply to greyztone(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    And didn't you mean, "Says the person..." ???
    · in reply to greyztone(Show the comment)
    Seán O'Nilbud

    Seán O'Nilbud 5 months ago

    Your ignorance is hilarious.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    LOL. What ignorance? I know exactly what impertinent means, I know exactly what my usage was. If I am ignorant, explain how.
    · in reply to Seán O'Nilbud(Show the comment)
    Seán O'Nilbud

    Seán O'Nilbud 5 months ago

    Fucking wallow in it you dunce.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    That's precisely what I expected.  LOL
    · in reply to Seán O'Nilbud(Show the comment)
    Seán O'Nilbud

    Seán O'Nilbud 5 months ago

    Keep laughing you illiterate clown.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    Nothing I have said indicates illiteracy, moron. Your pathetic reliance on ad hominem, childish bullshit is comical.
    · in reply to Seán O'Nilbud(Show the comment)
    Seán O'Nilbud

    Seán O'Nilbud 5 months ago

    Now that is impertinence you simpering dunce. Run along the lesson is over.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    This has been flagged as spam show

    slyjokerg 5 months ago
    Seán O'Nilbud

    Seán O'Nilbud 5 months ago

    Yeah it's easily seen.
    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)

    AntiMatter3000 5 months ago

    Also, poor people can definitely pay taxes, they could pay a very low tax.

    I notice a lot of democrats tend to hate people with a lot of money...it's kind of sad.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    I in no way hate anyone based on their wealth. People's attitudes and actions are what matter. I don't like rich people that are assholes, and I also don't like people with moderate wealth and those that are poor if they are assholes. And we already have a progressive tax system, which means the amount/rate of tax one pays is partially determined by their level of income. And some people's income is nothing because they earn very little. They CAN'T "afford it."
    · in reply to AntiMatter3000(Show the comment)
    david chandler

    david chandler 5 months ago

    The poor pay taxes now Einstein. And Im betting its more than 10%.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 5 months ago

    Actually, Einstein, it depends on what the definition of "poor" is. There are many people that pay no income taxes due to a low level of income. That is factual. What the threshold of what constitutes "poor" is claimed to actually be, by function, determines whether a particular "poor" person pays any income taxes. If you consider a person that makes 50k to be "poor," then he/she is "poor and does pay taxes." That doesn't change the fact that many people earn so little that they don't pay any.
    · in reply to david chandler(Show the comment)

    Jaws10214 6 months ago

    you're an idiot. not worthy of answering.
    · in reply to John Kühles(Show the comment)
    david chandler

    Comment removed

    Author withheld
    · in reply to John Kühles(Show the comment)

    CallASpadeASpade2U 6 months ago

    Eilish McCahill

    Eilish McCahill 6 months ago

    They got bailed out! We got SOLD OUT!!! Occupy EVERYWHERE!!!
    Eilish McCahill

    Eilish McCahill 6 months ago

    come together! WE ARE THE 99%!!!

    1337wafflezz 6 months ago

    Oh please that's getting so old. Killing off the 1% just means that someone else becomes the "1%". What are you gonna wanna destroy them too? and what about the 1% after that?... Any way you look at it, the only sane way to approach this issue is by dismantling/reforming the federal government. Yet you Occupiers never really talk about how it is GOVERNMENT corruption that leads to such disparities in wealth.
    · in reply to Eilish McCahill(Show the comment)

    AntitheistPOV 5 months ago

    Nobody is talking about "killing off the 1%". The purpose of economic reform and financial parity is to reduce the gap between the top and the bottom so that as many people as possible have a fair share of the pie.

    I don't see how anyone can argue that this is an unreasonable proposition.
    · in reply to 1337wafflezz(Show the comment)

    MagnesDrachen13 6 months ago

    When someone says something is "too controversial", I immediately lose respect them because they obviously don't get the point of what controversy actually is. Something being "too controversial" is like saying oxygen is "too breathable", that's the goddamn point!

    itsaUSBline 6 months ago

    And now we find this isn't working, but the rich don't want to give the money back. Can't blame them. Money is great.

    fivestring52 6 months ago

    Here's a simple solution, Cenk. It's only a 6 minute talk. Assuming that he retains the rights on his own talk, bring him on your TV show and let him give the talk. Potentially big impact for 6 minutes of air time.

    moldwarp66 6 months ago

    Audiences at TED events are all hyped up and often give standing ovations. Not a good way to judge.
    · in reply to stijn haex(Show the comment)

    robinvik1 6 months ago

    The audience loved it, but that's not a good way judge if its good?
    · in reply to moldwarp66(Show the comment)

    walidb123 6 months ago

    How can they not upload it?? That's BS! Speech is only free if they allow it to be.

    lupkip 6 months ago

    Where's the controversy here? TED released the video and the transcript. I find it hard to believe they were deliberately trying to censor this talk after the other controversial talks they have posted. They've had Richard Dawkins on for example, and surely atheism and evolution are pretty politically controversial (though they shouldn't be).

    Shredderof7Seas 6 months ago

    One more reason supporting why we should transition to a Resource Based Economy

    Yankhadenough 6 months ago

    Supply & Demand controversial...snicker

    marekknowak 6 months ago

    Cenk, you lack the intellectual background to comprehend what historical graph can shows, and what they cannot.

    The graph shows historical statistics that cannot show whether employment would have been worse without those tax cuts, or has increased because of those tax cuts.

    Say "it's a fact" how many times you like, it simply isn't a fact, and historical statistics (especially on a 10 year period) can't prove or disprove a causal theory it either way.


    Yankhadenough 6 months ago

    Over 30 years, since Reagan> Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact -Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact -Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact -Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact -Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact -Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie, Fact- Trickle Down is a lie,
    · in reply to marekknowak(Show the comment)

    marekknowak 6 months ago

    Please educate yourself, you sound like a fox news drone.
    · in reply to Yankhadenough(Show the comment)

    This has been flagged as spam show

    Yankhadenough 6 months ago

    Comment removed

    Author withheld
    · in reply to marekknowak(Show the comment)

    waswestkan 6 months ago

    Just watched the Nick Hanauer TED talk Very short and doesn't say anything that Warren Buffet have been saying all along, but Nick Hanauer get's it across better. Particularly how the rich can't spend as much as a large thriving middle class on the ting & places that drive the economy.


    Yankhadenough 6 months ago

    Nick Hanauer is definitely the Carl Sagan of supply & demand economics, as was my 8th grade teacher
    ·10 in reply to waswestkan(Show the comment)

    Yankhadenough 6 months ago

    well said
    · in reply to waswestkan(Show the comment)

    rg0057 6 months ago

    4:20 to be fair, that's a pretty cheesy graph. The axes have no units market on them. Makes me wonder that, even if the endpoints are correct, maybe the lines are made up.

    rg0057 6 months ago

    *marked, not market. Mind-keyboard connection isn't what it once was...
    · in reply to rg0057(Show the comment)

    rg0057 6 months ago

    1:42 "yep, screen still smells good, carry on"


    MCGrandfather 6 months ago

    If the taxes for the rich 'job creaters' is low they have to pay less taxes hence get to keep more money so what is their incentive to create jobs? keep the taxes for the rich high they will have to 'work' harder to make more money hence create jobs to make more.

    So simple.

    m015094 6 months ago

    Cenk Uygar's net worth: $3.5 million. Oh poor, poor Cenk. 

    andyrooney12 6 months ago

    The guy earned it so don't demonize him for it.
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    m015094 6 months ago

    I guess you'd be willing to defend Mitt Romney's wealth with that logic? Oh, that's right you demonize the 1% when they don't have the same political views as you. Fucking hypocrite.
    · in reply to andyrooney12(Show the comment)

    andyrooney12 6 months ago

    Were you just walking around all day angry & looking to start a fight? What you said made no sense. You clearly have no understanding of politics and no common decency. I respect anyone that makes money in a fair way & Cenk did that by starting TYT from scratch. Mitt Romney was the son of a wealthy & powerful governor so he didn't earn his money. Also, the money he did make was from nefarious business practices. That's my logic. You, you have no logic. You are just plain angry & rude.
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    m015094 6 months ago

    Romney was given a bunch of stock from his dad, which he traded in for about 1 million dollars. The remainder of his $200 million net worth, he earned himself. You knew that, I'm sure. And Romney gained his wealth from rescuing failing companies because he is a business man. You are just too dumb to admit that Cenk, like Romney, is in the 1% and Cenk has no intention of paying more of his own money on taxes - just trying to convince idiots like you to pay more.
    · in reply to andyrooney12(Show the comment)

    andyrooney12 6 months ago

    Ahhhh. Now you're speaking for Cenk. That's a big sign of a weak conspiracy theory and I have no respect for that nonsense. You want to impress me with your mentalist skills? Tell me what the lottery numbers will be. Don't tell me what someone is thinking or intending on doing. There are rich people who don't mind paying more taxes & they in fact want to do what they can to help others less fortunate. Why does that concept offend you? Oh, and Mitt Romney does not fit this mold. He's just greedy.
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    m015094 6 months ago

    Are you thinking of the same Mitt Romney who gave away 30% of his annual income to charity the last two years? You are a moron. That is clear. Keeping writing more BS so you can show the world how dumb you are.
    · in reply to andyrooney12(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    ummmm, what is your source for claiming that romney gave 30% of his income to charity? the moron is you. he gave $2,983,974 in 2010 out of $21,646,507 AGI. that's 13.785%. where did you learn math? perhaps at the same place that taught you to blindly suck the ass of every republican without regard to finding out what is true??? btw, virtually all of romney's "donations" went to the LDS, not actual charities.
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    m015094 6 months ago

    Oh, sorry the $7 million he donated was over two years. My bad. That's still 10X the amount that Obama gave to charity. And the fact that you think the LDS is an actual charity goes to show how much of an anti-religious bigot you are. Thanks for showing your true colors.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    I noticed that you didn't actually state your source. It wasn't blind, mindless tit sucking of some right wing website, now was it? And comparing Romney's "charitible" donations to the giving of someone with not remotely close to the same income or wealth is laughably stupid. And I do NOT think the lds is an actual charity. Apparently, you meant to say "do NOT think". Yes, I am very anti-religion, as it is an indefensible belief system. It doesn't deserve, nor get, a free pass. CONT...
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    CONT.. virtually every cent of Romney's donations go to the LDS. Why should he get a tax break based on giving to his own church? Especially one that spends money simply trying to build its own membership, and to impose its religious views on everyone else (even illegally). Like Bill Maher said, real charities don't have castles. If he gave to the Red Cross or the American Lung Association, or some other actual charity that doesn't take a cut for itself out of the donations and impose ideology..
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    m015094 6 months ago

    The Red Cross CEO took a $650,000 salary last year. How that not taking a huge cut? And yes, the Red Cross doesn't have castles - they just have huge mansions like the The ICRC Headquarters in Geneva or the American Red Cross National Headquarters in DC. Get over yourself. Your bigotry against religious people is very clear. And I'm saying that as someone who is an Atheist.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    You are an idiot. People aren't expected to work for free every second of their lives, numbskull. People that run huge organizations should be expected to paid, and well. Such people could make MUCH more working for for-profit companies. To act like they shouldn't is disingenuous, and convenient. Pretending the goodness of a charity is related to its CEO's salary is beyond stupid. PLUS... what is your source? Tell me the source of your 650k claim. LOL CONT....
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    CONT... I don't have bigotry against religious PEOPLE. I have bias against RELIGION. but i am not trying to force anyone to not be religious, nor take away or deny them any right. your attack of me is completely baseless. The LDS cult is out for itself, and to try to indoctrinate the world. The Red Cross's purpose is to help people. Comparing the two is laughable. I'll be waiting for the source of your 650k claim.
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    m015094 6 months ago

    I'm assuming that by this point in your life you know how to use Google. I'd suggest starting there.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    It isn't the responsibility of the listener to find sourcing for the speaker's factual claims. You make claims, you back them up. Otherwise, your claims mean dick. You are quite obviously simply blindly regurgitating bullshit from right wing websites, or just repeating what someone told you. You clearly are talking out of your ass.
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    andyrooney12 6 months ago

    Mitt Romney gave his money away to Mormon groups...that's not charity. Listen, we can go back & forth at this all day. I'm sure you're dying to call me a moron a few more times so if you want to get it out of your system then I'll let you have the last word. Not going to keep coming back here.
    · in reply to m015094(Show the comment)

    DeJach 6 months ago

    It'd be more outrageous if he was correct. It's not about inequality, it's about the absolute poverty line.

    konradhylton 6 months ago

    The clapped to be polite. The speech was shit when compared to other TED speeches
    · in reply to stijn haex(Show the comment)
    Brett Anderson

    Brett Anderson 6 months ago

    err actually they stand up and clap. I believe that's called a standing ovation, sir.
    · in reply to konradhylton(Show the comment)

    LaBderErste 6 months ago

    Here's the complete talk


    shadowfaxx1 6 months ago

    Thank you for that link. :)
    · in reply to LaBderErste(Show the comment)

    RarewareLover 6 months ago

    Nick's TED talk is on the channel "watchextravideo" and the name of the video is "Nick Hanauer." It's a brilliant talk.

    RarewareLover 6 months ago

    TED rips apart any notion of religion or God. If you want to talk about controversial, check out the TED talks that repeatedly call religious people idiots.

    HybridD91 6 months ago

    · in reply to RarewareLover(Show the comment)

    ritchloui 6 months ago

    So we're expected to believe ANYTHING the Young Turks say. Sorry guys, but I ain't buying it until I actually see actual proof that TED 'banned' one of their own talks 'because it was too politically charged'. Somehow I smell a rat and it isn't TED.

    MrJiraishin 6 months ago

    Dude just google it, there's ton of different reputable news sources that are reporting on this incident. As an example, TIME Magazine.
    · in reply to ritchloui(Show the comment)

    ritchloui 6 months ago

    As I suspected: the whole thing is actually a non-story: The following quote is from Anderson's letter (condensed) "[The censorship] story [is] so misleading [that] it would be funny […] except it successfully launched an aggressive online campaign against us. [...] [It's actually] a non-story about a talk not being chosen, because we believed we had better ones, [that] somehow got turned into a scandal about censorship" I regard the Young Turks to be leftist hacks with no shame.
    · in reply to MrJiraishin(Show the comment)

    ritchloui 6 months ago

    I also watched the video. The message was pretty standard leftist dogma; consumers create wealth not 'capitalists'. The latter rely on the consumer and creating jobs is their last priority. Well, better tell that to the Italians, Spanish, Irish and Portuguese who went on wild spending sprees, but actually produced nothing. It was the Germans who were busy investing in skills and being frugal. But hey, let's imagine that giving tax to the government will create jobs. LOL.
    · in reply to MrJiraishin(Show the comment)

    karlsantos 6 months ago

    It seems to me you have no idea what happened in Portugal.

    there has been a wide spread inflation pushed to unsustainable levels through privatisation of all the energy and services sectors leading to increased costs of production and companies leaving the country to produce in eastern Europe and Asia.

    Also a simple thing like a spray deodorant is 3 to 5 times more expensive in Portugal than Germany, same thing with food, clothes. Cost of living data was manipulated to make it seem lower.
    · in reply to ritchloui(Show the comment)

    ritchloui 6 months ago

    Yes. It seems to me that the entire Euro project was profoundly flawed from the start. You CANNOT have monetary union without political and especially fiscal union. You remember the UK's humiliating exit from the exchange rate mechanism? It was a dire warning of things to come for the Euro itself and for the countries that could not survive within it.
    · in reply to karlsantos(Show the comment)

    sssdeecee 6 months ago

    Well stated, as usual.

    I am NOT impressed with TED.

    SirThomasChannel 6 months ago

    This is hysterical. The fact is that it is not really that offensive or politically charged, unless you are very rich. This country wont get anywhere until we realize where all in it together. What are they teaching in those private schools?

    picaresquezen 6 months ago

    Richard Wilkinson gave a TED talk about inequality last year and it was uploaded - watch?v=cZ7LzE3u7Bw - I guess they don't have a problem discussing inequality, but criticising the absurd "rich people are job makers" is a no-no...

    cristop5 6 months ago

    TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design.

    Sairagna 6 months ago

    too political? Its a fucking social issue!!, or is this a subtle recognition of a corrupt political system?

    geekgroupie42 6 months ago

    everything is political. everything.

    finnderbird 6 months ago

    HHMM, i think TED just dont want to be associated with politics with a capital 'P' and want to remain a forum for ideas without attracting the 'sauron' like eye of american politics.

    xephyr1000 6 months ago

    And yet the full video is actually available to anyone interested in seeing it. Great lecture and very poignant. Simply google "The TED Talk The Right Does Not Want To Discuss" (an article posted by Addicting Info. The video is there.

    filthyfun 6 months ago

    Fuck TED and his mom...?

    billoakesattablthree 6 months ago

    Several Youtubers have posted the TED talk given by Nick Hanaurer - it was great - well articulated. I find it hard to believe TED would cower from Hanaurer's talk but I guess they did.

    I certainly don't hold TED in the esteem I did before this censure.

    moldwarp66 6 months ago

    TED didn't cower. They just thought it was lame.
    · in reply to billoakesattablthree(Show the comment)

    DoneWithDogma 6 months ago

    it's controversial because facts make some people unhappy.

    wilwhimsey 6 months ago

    The speech was excellent. Watch it for yourself. Anyone who calls it controversial is coming from a very distorted world view. The logic is simple and unassailable. And from the video it appears to have received an incredibly strong response. Watch for yourself.


    simsage 6 months ago

    You think you are being robbed if your taxes were proportionate to your income!

    What do you call it when people who make less that you do, are taxed more!!!!!!!!!!???????

    ForYeensSake 6 months ago

    They didn't really censor it if you can still watch the talk on youtube. And to be honest it was pretty mediocre. The message is all warm and fuzzy and stuff but it was not all that wellprepared.

    SpitfireOFatj 6 months ago

    When are people going to stop trembling in fear over the threat that the Right Wing will be offended?

    Those bastards lied us into a war for fun and profit.

    Th1sWasATriumph 6 months ago

    FIRE THE GUY AT 1.42



    brwi1 6 months ago

    intellectual lightweights discussing concepts they don't understand

    SuGaRuSh14 6 months ago

    And you are such an intellectual heavyweight that you can't even provide your own argument or where they're wrong. Just criticize. Yep, you on the other hand, are one productive intellectual genius. NOT.
    · in reply to brwi1(Show the comment)

    brwi1 6 months ago

    you write like a ten-year-old
    · in reply to SuGaRuSh14(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    you offered nothing. explain the basis for saying that they don't understand. and if you do, demonstrate it.
    · in reply to brwi1(Show the comment)

    brwi1 6 months ago

    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    exactly what i thought.
    · in reply to brwi1(Show the comment)

    brwi1 6 months ago

    whatever that means
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    ummm, gee, it means you couldn't back up the bullshit you asserted, kiddo.
    · in reply to brwi1(Show the comment)

    brwi1 6 months ago

    I could...if I wanted to, bucko.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    LMAO. just like a 9 year old saying he can fly, but just doesn't feel like it right now.
    · in reply to brwi1(Show the comment)

    brwi1 6 months ago

    You see a comment on a youtube video that you dislike and then demand that I explain and "demonstrate". I'm communicating with you at your level.
    · in reply to slyjokerg(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    actuallly, you aren't really communicating, kiddo. that's the point. you made a comment about the video and the people in it. if you can't back up your assertion, it exposes that you were blindly talking out of your ass.
    · in reply to brwi1(Show the comment)

    fearghak 6 months ago

    Hahaha, the subtitles are hilarious XD
    Tom Harris

    Tom Harris 6 months ago

    I thought that was about the movie ted...

    DavideShahin 6 months ago

    You can see the talk here: watch?v=TYxnHy4CKZY

    DetroitUrbanTV 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    "I watched this TED video and then I looked up the price of attending a TED Convention: TED Global 2012 = $6000.00, TED 2013=$7,500.00 and *TED Active 2013 = $2500.00. * Ted Active seems to be priced for youth or young adults?"

    ccm800 6 months ago

    et tu Ted?


    billoakesattablthree 6 months ago

    my sentiments also - suprised and disappointed.
    · in reply to ccm800(Show the comment)

    martialme84 6 months ago

    Did i just read an educated comment?

    In what corner of the internet have i landed here??! ^^
    · in reply to ccm800(Show the comment)

    Graham6762 6 months ago

    Yeah but he is acting like there is a correlation between unemployment and the top rate of tax. That just clearly isn't true, the whole 19th no income tax for anyone and the unemployment was nonexistent. In russia they started just robbing billionaires, then there was huge capital flight and the country is even poorer. Hundreds of billions left the country and none is being invested.
    · in reply to Kayle Lang(Show the comment)

    codediporpal 6 months ago

    Liar. Russian economy is 4 times as big as it was just 10 years ago, and the average person is much better off. Those Russian billionaires were nothing more than well connected thieves of previously state owned properties when the USSR collapsed, so fuck you for suggesting they were somehow entitled to their billions. You know nothing about Russia.
    ·2 in reply to Graham6762(Show the comment)

    Graham6762 6 months ago

    So you think that everyone who has money should just be robbed even if they got it legitimately? You really are a piece of shit.
    · in reply to codediporpal(Show the comment)

    coopclauson 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    The difference between the Great Depression and now is back then, they actually saw the wealth disparity issue as a problem to be solved. Now they have no plan to solve it, the problem for them is how to get everyone to accept it as the new status quo.
    Tomas Polak

    Tomas Polak 6 months ago

    at 4:40... Brilliant analysis. Taking two variables out of multidimensional parametric space and drawing conclusions regarding their causal relationship. You gotta love TYT, this is funny stuff. And not at all manipulative, not at all... :D
    Tomas Polak

    Tomas Polak 6 months ago

    "Ability to watch the speech"... What is this? TYT bloopers? :D:D

    YodSamechLamed 6 months ago

    For realz?

    You don't understand that half of presentation is in visual demeanor and gestures?

    If you just listen to audio, you limit half of the feeling from a speech.
    · in reply to Tomas Polak(Show the comment)
    Tomas Polak

    Tomas Polak 6 months ago

    At 0:50 she said "... wasn't able to attend will have the ability to watch...". English is not my mother tongue, but I take it that "ability to watch" means, having the aptitude, capacity to watch, basically "have the eyes". That's hardly worth saying ;-). What she meant is clear from the context: "possibility/opportunity to watch". Sure, everyone's tongue can slip, but she made the same error on at least two occasions in this video... I find it a bit funny. That, and your reaction as well ;-).
    · in reply to YodSamechLamed(Show the comment)

    YodSamechLamed 6 months ago

    And I think that the fact English is not your mother tongue is the reason that you are humored by this. Ability and opportunity are like can and may. They are misused a lot by modern English, and a grammatical insider (like myself) understands and embraces that. No offense to anyone that doesn't speak English as first language, but it's really an American colloquialism. 
    · in reply to Tomas Polak(Show the comment)

    YodSamechLamed 6 months ago

    I'm sorry for reacting the way I did, i thought yours was a sense complaint and not a grammatical one.

    Sorry man.
    · in reply to Tomas Polak(Show the comment)
    Tomas Polak

    Tomas Polak 6 months ago

    Politically charged is not stating the fact that incomes are uneven but Mr. Hanauer's proposed course of action - tax the rich. Regardless where you stand on the issue such proposals are political, not factual.

    elnegrobembon 6 months ago

    i've gone to the ted website and i've browsed around and watched some videos....

    idk about anybody else, but i've never seen a video that was too "poilitically charged." in fact, i ususally don't spend that much time on ted because i find the videos pretty mild and uncontroversial. it's just the narrative of the day sprinkled in with some topics that make you say, "huh, that seems like it could be slightly intriguing."

    axhead221 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

    Hank made his money in Venture Capitalism... Just like Romney! He is just Patriotic. Pays his taxes and advocates for the middle class which will help everybody at the end! But lets not paint it as Hank made his money like Steve Jobs. He did it the same way Romney did. In fact Hank is a multibillionaire! But he is Patriotic and knows that we ALL have to chip in to solve this VERY SOLVABLE problem!

    mjordan1998 6 months ago

    I have a feeling Cenk is going to be really influential in a few years. Dude just opens up cans of whoop ass

    nailo1 6 months ago

    they had a tedtalk at my college it was around 100 bucks i think to get in

    xmanbruteforce88 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    That is fucked up.

    Graham6762 6 months ago

    TYT is retarded, the correlation between taxes on rich and unemployment is nonexistent. There use to be 0% taxes for most our history and there was very very low unemployment.

    accook22 6 months ago

    · in reply to Graham6762(Show the comment)

    1674090 6 months ago

    Likening now to our formerly agrarian society is beyond asinine.
    · in reply to Graham6762(Show the comment)

    HitchensImmortal 6 months ago

    Taxation begins with the division of labor, and they've existed in some form since the women gathered and the men hunted.

    Simply because no one wanted to both hunt & gather alone.

    Show me a SOCIETY that doesn't have taxation and I'll show you a completely dysfunctional society.
    · in reply to Graham6762(Show the comment)

    scienceatheism 6 months ago

    What? Where? Are you talking about the 18th century? Because there were taxes back then dude. Are talking before our Revolution? The reason we started the Revolution... taxation without representation. So I don't what history book you are reading but we have always had taxes. Sometimes to the point of being 0% but not at 0%...
    · in reply to Graham6762(Show the comment)

    axhead221 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

    HUH?? When the hell in our history have we ever had zero taxes??? We overthrew the british because of taxation without representation in Parliment. We then had to tax to ummm you know.... FUND THE GOVERNMENT!! Name one country in the history of the world where there wasn't some kind of tax!!! Be it money or goods
    · in reply to Graham6762(Show the comment)

    Comment removed

    Author withheld

    FedupwithR 6 months ago

    There are less and less jobs for humans as automation is rapidly replacing them. Even our Supermarket ladies will soon be replaced, it's already under way in my town. The stores get bigger but workforce gets smaller.

    clocanyougo 6 months ago

    the speech is here on youtube

    FeLiNe418 6 months ago

    I'll put it briefly:

    After he had heard from TED's staff that his speech wouldn't be posted on TED's website because it was rated as mediocre and other stuff, Nick decided to cry to the press and accuse TED of censoring him. Since he's a crybaby rich bitch, the press accepted the story and now everybody is whining about it. The End!
    · in reply to Zaahir Moolla(Show the comment)

    DukeTwicep 6 months ago

    I live in a socialistic country and we're doing pretty well, I know several other socialistic countries who are also doing pretty well. Plus we who live in socialistic states are some of the happiest people on the Earth, but maybe that's just because we're not so religious, could be.
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    Glad for you buddy, stay happy :)
    · in reply to DukeTwicep(Show the comment)

    DukeTwicep 6 months ago in playlist Politics

    Isn't this just an example of correlation does not imply causation? Put two statistical curves together and it looks like one is affecting the other one. It Could be that the tax cuts to the rich people actually Did create jobs somewhere but that something else caused the loss of jobs somewhere else, and all-in-all it looks like the tax cuts didn't do anything. It could be that way, not saying that it is, I'm just so very sceptical of stat. charts that people throw out.

    emmahzification 6 months ago

    oh ted talks, im disapointed. isnt the point of ted to let people talk about what they want? maybe i got that wrong.

    TheFrankiewilliams 6 months ago

    Republic homes are in gated land.so they don't half to look at the middle class land.so they don't care who gets anything now.life in an fairy land. They have so much cash why do they have to work the republicans must make sher they get paid and take form their middle class land

    TheFrankiewilliams 6 months ago

    Hay rich people move out of gated land and move in to middle class land and see how tax cuts rarely works.

    samhamels 6 months ago

    Vote this up!
    · in reply to Zaahir Moolla(Show the comment)

    mzie25 6 months ago

    TED just lost brownie points with me...

    Rockownz5150 6 months ago

    Political correctness. Fuck Yeah!!

    JimothyMcgee 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

    So for people who want to know the actual story - the speech was mediocre which is why they didn't put it out, then the guy who gave the speech called the news companies claiming it was too politically charged

    GetSeriuous 6 months ago

    disagree....the speech called out the republicans on their lies.

    I find any exposure of politicians propaganda to be entertaining. Whatever side is pushing it.

    (Facts where used)

    The attending audience enjoyed it.

    (claps throughout and a standing ovation)

    Social and economic issues have been hijacked by politics.

    That's why this social and economic issue is too politically charged.

    Ideology more important than facts.
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    JimothyMcgee 6 months ago

    That was their reason, and TED do have a lot of brilliant speeches to choose over that one. I thought it was ok.
    · in reply to GetSeriuous(Show the comment)

    MobiusCoin 6 months ago

    There have been way worse TED Talk speeches that they didn't hesitate to put on Youtube.
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    OrthodoxDarwinist 6 months ago

    ? They already had a quote from the other side saying they weren't going to release it because it was politically charged.

    So you're either saying TYT simply made that up, OR you're a troll.
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    ClarkMorganInsights 6 months ago

    Golden rule of a presentation, "It's not what you say, but what the audience remembers." Nick Hanauer's presentation was concise, clear and had a memorable key message. 10 out of 10 for delivery and result. As for the politics, that's for the Americans to debate.
    ·2 in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    slyjokerg 6 months ago

    mediocre? it was outstanding. it is something every person in every econ class should have to watch. tax breaks for the rich don't create jobs. people need to understand this basic principle. jobs are created by demand. if there is no demand, companies have no motivation to hire more people. demand sells goods and services. if people don't have ANY MONEY, there can't be demand. if lots of people have money to spend, demand goes up. if demand goes up, companies need more employees.
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    ForYeensSake 6 months ago

    Where did you see it ?
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)
    Adam Stevens

    Adam Stevens 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

    They post less than mediocre speeches fairly often. Your justification does not seem valid.
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    thesuperfe 6 months ago

    they released a statement saying it was too partisan
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    HannuMarijarvi 6 months ago

    Disagree, it was an excellent speech. Very down-to-Earth, simple and intelligible and hard to argue with.
    ·2 in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)
    Tom Kilworth

    Tom Kilworth 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    It received a standing ovation. It was a great speech.
    ·4 in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    JimothyMcgee 6 months ago

    Yeah thats true, lots of their speeches recieve standing ovations. The man's PR company made up the story. I agree with the message of his speech but I see no reason to suspect foul play from TED.
    · in reply to Tom Kilworth(Show the comment)

    This has been flagged as spam show

    TheGodlessGuitarist 6 months ago

    1980albatros 6 months ago

    HOLY SMOKES THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!!....State your sources please!
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    JimothyMcgee 6 months ago

    Google "The Real Reason That TED Talk Was 'Censored'? It's Shoddy And Dumb" and forbes did an article on it
    · in reply to 1980albatros(Show the comment)

    1980albatros 6 months ago

    Interesting, I saw the presentation and he even got a standing applause. But more to the point, do you feel he was wrong on his count?....I'll go check out the one you speak of in just a second. Thanks }:)
    · in reply to 1980albatros(Show the comment)

    JimothyMcgee 6 months ago

    Are you talking to me? Because you replied to yourself. I don't know if he was wrong, not really my field of expertiese. I actually read TED's original press release - thumbing through the article I sent you to made me look at that graph he used, and yes the axis are rather misleading (although lots of people do this)
    · in reply to 1980albatros(Show the comment)

    1980albatros 6 months ago

    You don't need to be an expert to get what the point was, and yes, the graph can be a bit misleading. But the article itself was too ad-hominem and that still doesn't address the issue of income inequality, it just points to a discrepancy found in the data. I'm sure if we hire a team like the one headed by Dr. Muller, the answer would be clear on this matter. I can tell you one thing, the economy is collapsing and bailouts are only to 1%, meanwhile people pay. there's nothing wrong with this?
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    JimothyMcgee 6 months ago

    yeah I really didn't like the article. I wasn't trying to condemn the lecture as much as defend TED tbh, I think the rich should be taxed more. (unsurprisingly we are on a TYT video after all)
    · in reply to 1980albatros(Show the comment)

    1980albatros 6 months ago

    no, no, totally agree with you, wasn't trying to ruffle your feathers. }:)

    And thanks for leading me to that article, its interesting how many react to this issue with mixed emotions, meanwhile forgetting the very point of being a so-called "cristian nation" if there really is no point then why have to reach such high rate of income?..I don't get how its OK to be IMMENSELY RICH, yet never want to help your nation in times of great need?..it can also come in a reform of our system,FUCK THE BANKS!
    · in reply to JimothyMcgee(Show the comment)

    TubaBuddha 6 months ago

    You can see the video at addicting info.org (one line), its on their front page.

    CuntRapistLOL 6 months ago

    Wait, people care about TED now? lol

    papacarpenter 6 months ago

    At 2:15 "Is it politically charged to point out facts?"


    Scriptease123 6 months ago

    Hanauer makes no comment about politics. Ronald Reagan, like Warren Buffett, thought it was wrong for the middle class to pay a higher tax rate than the rich. He said so in a speech. The top tax bracket under Reagan was 28% with no exception for capital gains. So bring back the Reagan tax brackets!

    AngryMikeTV 6 months ago

    America what happened to the middle class? its either your going poor or getting richer....TED you make me ANGRY

    tomitstube 6 months ago

    just watched the hanauer speech on youtube.

    he makes many great points and got a standing ovation at the end... ana makes a great point, ted is afraid of offending the super rich. sad.

    xordon1 6 months ago

    TED's motto is "Idea's worth spreading".

    While I think this topic is very important, it sounds like they thought that an exceptionally partisan speech wasn't worth spreading.

    Muzzy337 6 months ago

    Implying that giving Washington more revenue will create more jobs doesn't hold water. Washington is wasteful and corrupt. Give them more and they will waste more. Look at the GSA scandal. They need to create the confidence in the economy that drives up demand and that will create more jobs. You don't have to give Washington more money for them to create more confidence. You need politicians with actual ethics and values for that. They have none. They all suck ass. Look at the massive debt.

    InconvientNecessity 6 months ago

    Santorini is lovely this time of year, Muzzy.
    · in reply to Muzzy337(Show the comment)

    Muzzy337 6 months ago

    I'm sure there are people who care what you think.

    I don't see any here.
    · in reply to InconvientNecessity(Show the comment)

    dopeasfuckk 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    I've heard some ridiculous shit on Ted, this is just ignorant censorship.

    oJKBo 6 months ago

    What the hell happened to TYT? Such shitty research

    PureHumboldt 6 months ago

    not true. Email Ted and they will send you the link to the video. it's good. watch Nick Hanauer on "watchextravideo" channel.
    · in reply to oJKBo(Show the comment)

    oJKBo 6 months ago

    I've seen it, not that great. And they totally didn't do any research outside the National Journal article. This guy's presentation was more racy than Richard Wilkinson's? /watch?v=cZ7LzE3u7Bw
    · in reply to PureHumboldt(Show the comment)

    TheHorta 6 months ago

    "Trickle Down" is what happens when rich people urinate on everyone else. We should be thankful for their generosity and willingness to give us their golden shower.

    thisisthejohnshow 6 months ago

    You're only mad because you wish you were in their position.
    · in reply to TheHorta(Show the comment)

    TheHorta 6 months ago

    You got me. I want to be an ethically-challenged broker who takes millions from pensions of fixed-income retirees, and Bernie Madoff is my role model.
    · in reply to thisisthejohnshow(Show the comment)
    Dawid Kalinowski

    Dawid Kalinowski 6 months ago

    guy on 1:42 ?

    Relyt22 6 months ago

    The people who did this talk blew this way out of proportion, and claimed to be "censored" by TED, and threw an absolute hissy fit for not having it aired, even threatening to go to MoveOn (the same organization that claimed Trayvon Martin's murder was legal because corporations). TED wants to remain balanced and unbiased. You may disagree with their policy, but this is still sensationalist as fuck.

    PureHumboldt 6 months ago

    not true. I watched it. Anyone can watch it. It's makes good sense and was not blown out of proportion in any way. Trickle down is a falsehood. watch the video. I'm sure you didn't. watch Nick Hanauer on "watchextravideo" channel. I emailed Ted and they sent me the video.
    · in reply to Relyt22(Show the comment)

    Relyt22 6 months ago

    Keep in mind, they don't publish every single talk they have. If they felt that the talk wasn't top-standard, they'll keep the file for anyone interested in seeing it, but they won't broadcast it. This one only hit so many headlines because the people they invited made such a big stink over it.
    · in reply to PureHumboldt(Show the comment)

    devilscry01 6 months ago

    TED released the speech. I agree with the idea, but the speech was terrible. TED thought so also, which is why they didn't air it. The guy hired some PR and got this fake controversy started. Again he's right, but his speech is horrid. 

    m2amg 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    watch the talk by Nick Hanauer



    mikethies0 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    I guess the TED people don't realize there is thing called the "internet" where I can probably find this BANNED speech with one google search. I think I see two youtube comments linking to the speech within view of this comment box...No point in banning a video or a piece of audio in 2012. It just can't happen. Then again the people who run TED are probably in there 60's and think it's 1965 still ;p

    ProportionalResponse 6 months ago

    /watch?v=N1b_Q1lprAk The TED talk they are referring to

    mweibleii 6 months ago

    While Clinton was POTUS, he let Greenspan cut interest rates and deregulated the banks and led to the Internet bubble and ultimately the housing bubble.


    The economy wasn't doing well under Clinton. We were just doped up on cheap credit and running huge personal debts. Jobs were flowing out of this country over to China which allowed us to borrow more and buy cheap shit made in China. Now we have Walmarts everywhere and no industry


    Thanks Clinton (yes, Bushbama were just as bad if not worse).

    buffaloface1 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    of course it politically charged to point out facts i mean reality is known to have a liberal bias

    frigginjoe 6 months ago

    The idea that to help the middle class you need to funnel more of their money to the rich is as silly in practice as it sounds in theory.

    samhamels 6 months ago

    You can check out the talk at youtu.be slash "iIhOXCgSunc"

    GetSeriuous 6 months ago

    up-vote to get the video link on show.


    Comment removed

    Author withheld

    Comment removed

    Author withheld

    evelsteev 6 months ago

    We don't have "inequality" because of the rich. We have it because of the government, becoming crony capitalist lovers, and taxing people, against their will, and spending into an oblivion.

    blognewb 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

    Well this looks like ELIZABETH WARREN'S PRESENTATION, as far as the slides go.

    DerHirni 6 months ago in playlist Weitere Videos von TheYoungTurks

    1:41 Sniffin' the wall

    RaabBlog 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

    Most TED talks are fucking useless, this was one of the only ones that actually mattered

    Comment removed

    Author withheld

    XavierMacX 6 months ago

    Ummm... excuse me, the top comment is wrong. There is nothing on the TED website, or in any of the discussion forums, on this video. Please thumb up to tell other people and get that *wrong* top comment removed.

    SketchyBack 6 months ago

    The guy hired a PR firm to promote his thing, TED doesn't publish most speeches it hears - the speech just wasn't that good. TED published the talk here: bBx2Y5HhplI

    PhenomZ 6 months ago

    Very disappointed in TYT on this story.

    ThePowerfulPanda 6 months ago

    I don't think his talk was at all political. It's about inequality, the balance of economy, and how consumers and the supply side are a feedback loop contrary to what some may think. A large gap between the haves and have nots and it's effects is a human issue and only gets politicized by those who choose to make it political.

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    In a pure capitalistic market, wages are determined by productivity. If one employer hires a worker for less than his productivity, there is a profit opportunity for another employer. Thus wages will tend toward MRP. Unfortunately in state capitalistic societies, the massive amount of regulations tend to make it far more difficult for entrepreneurs to take advantage of profit opportunities and start up businesses. With less competition, "wage slavery" is even more likely to exist.
    · in reply to DirtyLiesAndSlander(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    Do you even know that competition is enforced by the government through antitrust law? Without which competitors would be able to merge instead of having to compete.
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    Antitrust laws are anticompetitive. People claim there are unfair advantages when the only unfair advantage is the government. Antitrust laws keep companies from merging together and HELPING consumers when merging may be more profitable and more efficient. Companies that cannot compete with companies that serve the consumer better, lobby the government for antitrust laws to be put in place so they can gain stay in business at the expense of the consumer. Look at "Anti-trust, anti-truth"
    · in reply to TheNavigateur(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    Wage slavery is a fairly common term, but I looked it up just to make sure we were talking about the same thing (since you told me to look it up).

    Can you prove pure capitalism causes wage slavery/indentured servitude? Explain causation and cite some empirical facts if you can.
    · in reply to DirtyLiesAndSlander(Show the comment)

    ShaTR2 6 months ago

    Stop 1: create issue on contraception

    Step 2: Ban contraception

    Step 3: Secretly supply the underground market with shoddy products at high prices

    Step 4: Create a "War on Contraception"

    Step 5: Get rich

    thepokekid01 6 months ago

    The Trickle Down Theory has never worked or been effective, and if you believe it does, you're better off believing in fairies, dragons, and magical lands.

    TheFishtrap 6 months ago

    Totally agree. Just don't pass the Trickle Down Theory bills in the first place. Wait, their payed off. Sorry...
    · in reply to thepokekid01(Show the comment)

    exiledpain6 6 months ago

    what about divine beings and miracles from a 2000 year old book which has historically been cherry picked altered and used for hideous crimes?
    · in reply to thepokekid01(Show the comment)

    PureHumboldt 6 months ago

    hell yes...well said
    · in reply to thepokekid01(Show the comment)

    binx2629 6 months ago

    Conservatives & magical sky daddy - we're already there..
    · in reply to thepokekid01(Show the comment)

    Brianexe43 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

    I dont get why no one just says the trickle up theory, we have a lot more money to spend on products owned by the rich, getting them richer. win win
    · in reply to thepokekid01(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    Except the trickle up theory, while much better than the trickle down theory, is still a "trickle" theory. The true solution is democratic socialism, which can get the best out of its people, thereby maximizing wealth, and eliminating injustice. Besides government in the marketplace forces all other players to raise their standards or lose customers.
    · in reply to Brianexe43(Show the comment)
    Waterfor Jeremiah

    Waterfor Jeremiah 6 months ago

    After listening to both sides, it's obvious Nick Hanauer is a fucking asshole.

    liquifex 6 months ago

    Of course that's obvious, to you.
    · in reply to Waterfor Jeremiah(Show the comment)

    TheMasterofrevenge 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    presstitute media even block out stuff on youtube now...fascist amerika home of the false left/false right whores

    SpiralOfWhite 6 months ago

    Our policy is to post only talks that are truly special. And we try to steer clear of talks that are bound to descend into the same dismal partisan head-butting people can find every day elsewhere in the media. ~ Chris Anderson (I never got into the TED talks but if the rest of his blog is true and they don't post thousands of videos because of this. I am okay with this video not being shown)

    bookcreator 6 months ago

    Divinity33372 has it posted on her channel. You can look it up if you'd like. I'm sure it's on here in other places too.

    MrSlaytanix 6 months ago

    Gotta sniff that wall at 1:41

    LeksServices 6 months ago

    When facts contradict your goddamned religion, your religion (CULT) always wins out. "THAT'S JUST SATAN/THE GOVERNMENT LYING TO ME." Fucking retarded idiot lying asshole moron!
    · in reply to romanmir01(Show the comment)

    LeksServices 6 months ago

    · in reply to romanmir01(Show the comment)

    LeksServices 6 months ago

    And don't give me that BULLSHIT about how "if government decides to not get in the way of the free market, that's the government's fault when the free market results in corporations shooting people, because clearly the free market wouldn't put up with it when a government would!" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? Government gives industry the choice, allowing the free market to work, and the results ARE STILL BLAMED ON THE GOVERNMENT!? What a FUCKING LYING IDIOT MORON ASSHOLE you are!
    · in reply to romanmir01(Show the comment)

    LeksServices 6 months ago

    Sure, the poor people create jobs. Do you know how they do it, YOU FUCKING IDIOT LYING ASSHOLE MORON? They BUY SHIT. They CREATE DEMAND, and DEMAND creates jobs, NOT SUPPLY. You got that, you FUCKING LYING IDIOT ASSHOLE MORON? HELLO! IS ANYBODY HOME!?
    · in reply to romanmir01(Show the comment)

    LeksServices 6 months ago

    Fucking lying idiot asshole moron alert! He's been told the facts and he's willfully ignorant! He wants to go back to around 1890 when corporations could pay you in useless slips of paper that could only be used in the company store, and could shoot you and your family if you disagreed with how you were being paid or their demands you work 20+ hours a day with no time off for anything. He's a fucking lying idiot asshole moron! Fucking lying idiot asshole moron alert!
    · in reply to romanmir01(Show the comment)

    3IackCat 6 months ago

    Maybe they "banned" it to create a controversy so that it would become more famous, then when the video would get "leaked" more people would watch it and be exposed to the facts.

    It is now the most famous TED talk ever.

    MRLfromhell 6 months ago

    TED is a liberal organization BTW

    MRLfromhell 6 months ago

    What do you know about TED? They are far more trustworthy then TYT. TED is a great organization, you're just another uninformed idiot with an opinion.
    · in reply to DirtyLiesAndSlander(Show the comment)

    heat15sw 6 months ago

    wtf u the guy doing at 1:42 lol in the back

    KamLC 6 months ago

    man screw ted

    fredguy2 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    TED: Talking erectile dysfunction.

    geezerdombroadcast 6 months ago

    Be ye' atheist or priest; humans differ from other animals. We are the only ones capable of conscious self destruction, only ones capable of causing mass extinction, the only ones capable of stopping this madness. More than 5 millennia of tribal and state wars for wealth and resources have yielded only horrendous injustice poverty and planetary destruction. For those among us that are painfully slow to learn: cooperation enlightened self interest says raise taxes on the top 1% and prosper.
    Eisbaer Salar

    Eisbaer Salar 6 months ago

    I find it amazing how the blog states they didn't use his speech because it was described by the people at the conference as "mediocre at best," yet if you watch the video he got a standing ovation.

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    I obviously misunderstood your position and meaning of the word "informed" - yes it does inform me how disingenuous they are - as you correctly pointed out - he got a standing ovation. And he didn't mention Republicans and Democrats very much if at all (so not really "partisan"). In fact, he was we've had it wrong for 30 YEARS - those 30 years include plenty of both Republican AND Democratic presidents AND congresses. So really the TED website is lying. I don't know how effectively.
    · in reply to Eisbaer Salar(Show the comment)
    Eisbaer Salar

    Eisbaer Salar 6 months ago

    Finally some sense. Yes, that was exactly what I was trying to get at. I wanted people to read how bad their blog post was. Especially when contrasted with his actual talk.
    · in reply to TheNavigateur(Show the comment)

    aaronpolitical 6 months ago

    Look at the other top comment. Trusting everything that blog claims.
    · in reply to Eisbaer Salar(Show the comment)

    EmperorOfMars 6 months ago

    They only pick the best of the best speeches. And as they said, in the video that his speech was to politically motivated. If you noticed, most TED talks aren't directly involved with politics.
    · in reply to Eisbaer Salar(Show the comment)

    TheFishtrap 6 months ago

    ALL people on Ted get standing ovations. Are you kidding me? You have to pay thousands to participate and their going to make damn sure they control your enthusiasm ( they hold up Q cards to TELL you to stand, I've been there). It's all fake. Ted people would give a standing ovation to the opening of a drawer. better off focusing on the content then the "fixed" theatrics.
    · in reply to Eisbaer Salar(Show the comment)
    Eisbaer Salar

    Eisbaer Salar 6 months ago

    Just so everyone can be informed, here's the blog post from TED: tedchris(dot)posterous(dot)com­/131417405

    And here's the actual presentation by Nick:


    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    Wow, really desperate aren't you? Can you stop clutching at straws? You can go back to sucking Koch now.
    · in reply to Eisbaer Salar(Show the comment)
    Eisbaer Salar

    Eisbaer Salar 6 months ago

    You comment confuses me. I'm not clutching at anything, I just presented the prevalent information. On top of that, I AGREE with everything Nick said. What is this... I don't even...
    · in reply to TheNavigateur(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    "Just so everyone can be informed"? The article you posted MISinforms. It's just a whole lot of disingenuous backpedalling in a strong effort of reputation-saving. Next time, provide some information.
    · in reply to Eisbaer Salar(Show the comment)
    Eisbaer Salar

    Eisbaer Salar 6 months ago

    It's the Blog TED put up.  I, at no point, said it was good or that it made sense. I just wanted to post the source of it. It's terrible they didn't show Nick's speech as it was full of really good and well thought out ideas.
    · in reply to TheNavigateur(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    Yes I'm sorry, I misunderstood when you said "informed". I actually DON'T agree with Nick's speech as his ideas don't change much. The complete solution is democratic socialism.
    · in reply to Eisbaer Salar(Show the comment)

    ShalloeThought 6 months ago

    sarah silverman innit alone

    flake452 6 months ago

    Deregulation caused the crash not the level of tax.

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    What? The article actually confirms what TYT was saying.
    · in reply to Glad Demmy(Show the comment)

    horrox3 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    The editor has explained why they did not carry the speech here. tedchris (dot) posterous (dot) com/131417405

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    Thanks for that idiotic article. I found it highly laughable.
    · in reply to horrox3(Show the comment)

    WorthlessLoser8 6 months ago

    what do you think of his explanation?
    · in reply to horrox3(Show the comment)

    Jeridiculous 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    Sir Ken Robinson - Do Schools Kill Creativity?
    · in reply to TheYoungTurks(Show the comment)

    xxcrysad3000xx 6 months ago

    The reason TED didn't host the video or showcase it was because it was not very good. I mean jeeze, I gave better, more coherent Power Point presentations in highschool. This ginned up "controversy" just showcases the lengths some egomaniac millionaire will go to in order to vindicate his wounded pride and revel in the spotlight of relevancy just a bit longer. His co-author, Liu, gets almost no media coverage and is about a hundred times more articulate.

    MysticRealmz2112 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    Then why aren't YOU on TED. LOL.
    · in reply to xxcrysad3000xx(Show the comment)

    xxcrysad3000xx 6 months ago

    Because I'm not a multi-millionaire, and given the career I've chosen I don't expect to ever be one. I'm not bitter and I don't expect a whole lot from someone like Mr. Hanauer, who will exploit a situation when he sees it. A surge in inequality sentiment? Suddenly I'm not a capitalist, I'm going to re-brand myself as one of the good guys who'se fighting for the little guy. It's so vapid. Also I'm an econ major, who'se currently looking for work while bartending.  Go figure.
    · in reply to MysticRealmz2112(Show the comment)

    MysticRealmz2112 6 months ago

    Fair enough. From my perspective as a humanist, I see all of this as ego run seriously amok. Both superiority, and inferiority. Either way, we have a massive deficit of humanity. The real tragedy, to me, is that this whole "bigger dick" argument has been played out countless times, and the end result is always the same. Those of us who don't care about their agendas are caught in the middle. Good reply. I appreciate your candor.
    · in reply to xxcrysad3000xx(Show the comment)

    Olphus 6 months ago


    dreicemoney 6 months ago

    if this is true, fuck ted
    jeremiah clivestone

    This has been flagged as spam show

    jeremiah clivestone 6 months ago

    rossidude 6 months ago

    You guys are misinformed. There is an article on the TED website which describes exactly what happened here. Please upvote so tyt can see this.

    Comment removed

    Author withheld
    · in reply to rossidude(Show the comment)

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    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    aaronpolitical 6 months ago

    That's what THEY say at the website. Does not make it the truth.
    · in reply to rossidude(Show the comment)

    crazyCA12 6 months ago

    They do the same thing all the time. They take one side of the story and run with it completely ignoring the facts. Just look at the Trayvon case and the Marissa Alexander case.
    · in reply to rossidude(Show the comment)

    payasoinfeliz 6 months ago

    fact: zimmerman followed martin with a gun despite not having seen him commit any crimes. fact: if he had not been following martin for no good reason, he would have never shot martin, because he never had cause to pursue him in the first place. those are facts.
    · in reply to crazyCA12(Show the comment)

    oolong2 6 months ago

    Misinformed? I saw the email Chris Anderson sent to Nick Hanauer on why the video was banned.

    The disagreement was based on nothing more than his *personal opinion*.

    He simply didn't agree with the assertions Nick made in his talk, so he decided to ban it.

    All Nick said was that relationship between Consumer & Entreprenuer is symbiotic. Treating capitalists like "kings" is not good for society or the economy.

    It was obvious from Anderson's response, that he liked being treated like a king.
    · in reply to rossidude(Show the comment)

    eirefrance 6 months ago

    I went to the TED site and saw nothing. I searched for Nick Hanauer and found nothing. Can you provide a link or something?
    · in reply to rossidude(Show the comment)

    rossidude 6 months ago

    h t t p : / / tedchris.posterous . com/131417405

    My bad, wasn't on the TED website but on the curator's blog. In it, he explains how only one video out of a back of a few hundred gets chosen to be put up daily, and only the best of the best talks get put up.
    · in reply to eirefrance(Show the comment)

    eirefrance 6 months ago

    Thank you. The truth is rarely obvious at first. I doubt TYT will retract. I love them for the passion of their beliefs, but they generally report whatever makes it into the rather shallow first run of the news.
    · in reply to rossidude(Show the comment)

    BraiseThaFist 6 months ago

    I can't find it. I searched Nick Hanauer on the TED website and nothing came up. Link?
    · in reply to rossidude(Show the comment)

    This has been flagged as spam show

    ArtsAlign 6 months ago

    captainspirou 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    There's a bunch I like. Currently I really like the talk by Bruce McCall


    After that I really like are the ones about psychology of choice by Malcom Gladwell and Barry Schwartz.


    · in reply to TheYoungTurks(Show the comment)

    Nimbostratinator 6 months ago

    As much as I might agree with the position that tax cuts don't create jobs, the graph at 4:42 is quite misleading, anyone else notice the lack of a scale bar on the y-axis, and the fact that 5.6% is higher than 22.4%?

    Faustaao 6 months ago

    The data is solid, but the two different variables aren't on the same scale, so the two graphs were superimposed on to one graph. I agree, it's a crude graph that could have been presented in a more clear way.
    ·2 in reply to Nimbostratinator(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    That's 5.6%-9.3% unemployment, and 30.4-22.4% tax rate. Any scaling for either graph would have been fine, as long as the before and after numbers are there. It's actually 2 separate graphs in one. How else could they have done it?
    · in reply to Nimbostratinator(Show the comment)

    stephenpaultaylor 6 months ago

    stick a hot fork up your ass. there are a million ways you could have responded to me without being a total troll asshole. fuck off.
    · in reply to BorgKing001(Show the comment)

    BorgKing001 6 months ago

    name a hundred then
    · in reply to stephenpaultaylor(Show the comment)

    psyk0munkee 6 months ago

    I've been following this on reddit. ted has lost a lot of respect from me, they are usually a great source for intelligent discourse, regardless of partisanship.

    tuber33 6 months ago

    I've watched a few TYT vids now and it amazes me how ideas/opinions can be espoused as fact, stats can be thrown out without sources to prove their veracity, and offensively uninformed/bigoted comments can be made without apology (from what I've seen, by the man in these vids). From your idiotic belief that the lay-people-led Opus Dei is ACTUALLY the "self-flagellating monks in a secret society" BS created by Dan Brown for a FICTIONAL book to a number of other unfounded, unresearched garbage.

    This has been flagged as spam show

    Diatonic5th 6 months ago
    Evan Hinkelman

    Evan Hinkelman 6 months ago

    i forget his name, but the professor from MIT who helped invent the liquid metal battery
    · in reply to TheYoungTurks(Show the comment)

    captainspirou 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    Donald Sadoway

    · in reply to Evan Hinkelman(Show the comment)

    BlueXalazi 6 months ago

    I'm not a fan of Ted talks. It's mostly just a bunch of elitist getting together and pretending that they have all the answers. They shy away from real issues, and at the end of the day they don't accomplish anything.

    It's really just a glorified circle jerk for the rich, powerful, and famous.

    eagles980 6 months ago

    Those "elitists" happen to be some of the most educated, experienced scientists, social workers, reformers, philanthropists and researchers we have in our society. Pretending that these people have nothing important to say and no accomplishments to speak of when so many have an incredibly influential positive effect in their given fields is ridiculous. That just proves that you really don't know anything about the topics they discuss.
    · in reply to BlueXalazi(Show the comment)

    BlueXalazi 6 months ago

    I've seen my fair share of Ted Talks. I will agree that some good topics are covered and that the people there are highly influential, but at the end of the day they are worthless. The CEO's that attend keep robbing us blind. The Scientist that attended are brilliant with or without TED talks, and the entertainer are just useless. You can't save the world with an infomercial(what TED talks really are). TED talks has been around for 20 years. If it really matter the world would be a better place.
    · in reply to eagles980(Show the comment)

    eagles980 6 months ago

    First of all, not all CEO's are evil robber barons bent on nothing but profit and exploitation. Secondly, the technology you're using to communicate with people like myself on the internet was created and sold by those very same corporations CEO's head which makes you an accomplice to "evil deeds" if your argument held any weight. Thirdly, TED talks allow those very same brilliant scientists to communicate with us in a concise and easily digestible manner that would be hard to find elsewhere.
    · in reply to BlueXalazi(Show the comment)

    eagles980 6 months ago


    Honestly, what you have against entertainers that you would paint all of them with a broad brush? I've seen more than my fair share of decent, intelligent human beings that gave insight to the horrors and triumphs of entertainment business, the struggles they had to endure in order to become successful and their significant contributions to society, to say that many deserve to be heard and respected.

    If TED talks replaced reality TV, celeb. gossip and the like, we would be better off.
    · in reply to eagles980(Show the comment)

    captainspirou 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    What issues do they shy away from? They talk about poverty, climate change, energy sustainability, war and more.
    · in reply to BlueXalazi(Show the comment)

    BlueXalazi 6 months ago

    Besides this issue with Nick Hanauer, in 2008 a similar issue happend with Nassim Taleb. They didn't want to put online his talk warning of the financial crisis that we got a few months later.

    Ted Talks also has a history of mistreating and excluding less famous and powerful people.
    · in reply to captainspirou(Show the comment)

    pgorney 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    I sure hope TYT does a follow up since TED released a statement and the actual talk.

    davidkip88 6 months ago

    I find it funny that people ever fell for trickle down in this day and age. Think about it, what was royalty, early industrialist, slave owners, and etc. all had lots of money that should have in theory trickled down and raised all the boats. It did not.

    Its called trickle down as a light guise and joke on us, that worked. Tt was a "trick" alright that brought "down" the economy to put money and power back into the hands of our owners.

    july7nyc 6 months ago

    FYI: TED just released the talk. I can't post the link, but if you go to the link posted by TYT in the description at the businessinsider, you can find an updated article explaining that they finally released the talk after the pressure.

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    spacewolf5462 6 months ago

    I completely disagree with your premise.

    For commodities , the free market does a great job, but it isn't the be all end all of economies.

    Capitalism's primary drive is that it increases efficiency. That's good and all, but it also screws the little guy, and heavily favors those from privileged backgrounds. In this regard it's inherently flawed.

    You balance a free market with a government whose interest is to serve the people. Hence tax increase and spending cuts are both needed.
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    CmdrTobs 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

    I agree, but not with "For commodities , the free market does a great job"

    The free market in a race to become efficient only counts the immediate future. This is why people will destroy the overall capacity of an oil well to get a better flow rate over the short-median term. Or the wasting of natural gas by burning off just because it's inconvenient for that operation, overfishing is another example.

    · in reply to spacewolf5462(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    The best thing about capitalism isn't efficiency, it's liberty. The ability for individuals to own and transform private property is a hallmark of the non-aggression principle. Efficiency is great, of course, but it's fallacious to say the free market "also screws the little guy." In fact, the little guy is far worse off in the type of society we have now, a state-run capitalistic society (fascism lite perhaps), in which the privileged use the government to enhance their privileges.
    · in reply to spacewolf5462(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    Freedom = freedom to abuse, and for others to abuse you. Prove me wrong.
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    Prove yourself right. I can show you a hundred governments that abuse their powers and abuse their peoples.
    · in reply to TheNavigateur(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    The solution is not to remove government but end the FREEDOM to DO that abuse! This means installing cameras and recording devices in/on government facilities and personnel. That's why my argument is that LIBERTY leads to abuse. Liberty of both government, AND non government abusers.
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    You are only hoping to impose your system of violence onto others. Unfortunately, even if your system of violence is the "right" system of violence, you likely will never get to wield it to see if you correct. There are a million other plans in line ahead of you, waiting for their turn.
    · in reply to TheNavigateur(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    Actually my idea eliminates violence, thankfully. That is EXACTLY one of it's main purposes. It also minimizes injustices, thereby minimizing the causes of violence also.

    A system that preserves injustices, as your ideas do, causes far more violence, besides the fact that you wouln't even police that violence, which would make it orders of magnitude worse in any case - your ideas are truly unjustifiable.
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    No, you want to force your beliefs on everyone else. Force = violence.
    · in reply to TheNavigateur(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    I'm against propaganda. You're for it. I want everyone to have the same chance to be heard, by law. A representative media who picks its speakers/authors at random. Of course you support the rich doing propaganda.

    So no, I want REASON to prevail in legislative decisions. You don't. You want to preserve injustice, not allow everyone to be heard, causing resentment, violence and you won't even police that violence. Also allowing abusers to be unchecked. Your ideas would let bad things happen.
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    And how are you going to make all of those things happen? With aggressive violence.
    · in reply to TheNavigateur(Show the comment)

    TheNavigateur 6 months ago

    No, by reasoning. You are the one who believes in allowing aggression and ignorance.
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    Rabsputin 6 months ago

    "the free market "also screws the little guy.""

    you really think the right are in favour of 'the free market'? get a fucking grip. why do you think they want less regulation? so there's no rules to stop them from fucking the little guy repeatedly.

    fuck capitalism.
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    I'm a little confused about your post. You first ask if I believe the right are in favour of the free market (meaning you think the free market is good?) and then you say "fuck capitalism." What are you trying to say?
    · in reply to Rabsputin(Show the comment)

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    Rabsputin 6 months ago

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    The government's interest has never been to serve the people. This is possibility the greatest myth in all of human history. Government is made up of individuals. These individuals, like most, have their own interests placed ahead of the interests of the rest of the individuals that make up their society. The government's interest is to serve the government, not the people.
    · in reply to spacewolf5462(Show the comment)

    spacewolf5462 6 months ago

    And now we've come to our fundamental and most likely uncompramisable dispute.

    Your claim that the governmnet's interest isn't to serve the people I find factually false. You can call it a myth if you like, but something tells me, we'd both be sending essay long responses to eachother on this topic.

    Since Youtube comments aren't conductive to these type of discussions. Needless to say, I think we're going to have to agree to disagree.

    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    RKAddict101 6 months ago

    Alright, np, nice discussing this with you. Completely agree it's hard to have a good argument over the internet.
    · in reply to spacewolf5462(Show the comment)

    spacewolf5462 6 months ago

    //Alright, np, nice discussing this with you.//

    same :)

    lol, it's rare to have a conversation on the intertubes that doesn't end in someone rage quitting.

    have a good one. :)
    · in reply to RKAddict101(Show the comment)

    neo1131 6 months ago

    I watched his speech, nothing political about it just a perspective on flawed policy. It was one of those speeches that anyone with a brain would identify it. Everything he talks about is correct. It's a shame that this speech wont be published.

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    niriop 6 months ago
    Favourite TED Talks (in no particular order): David Christian: Big History Daniel Dennett: Can we know our minds? Paul Zak: Trust, Morality--and Oxytocin Stephen Pinker: Chalking it up to the Blank Slate Luis Von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy? Jared Diamond: Why societies collapse Tony Porter: A call to men Yasheng Huang: Does democracy stifle economic growth? Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies

Jyagos1 6 months ago

Just a heads up. Wilkinson hired a PR firm to make TED look bad. The speech isn't that good but I feel that it wasn't censorship after having seen it.

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mrlurp 6 months ago

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" -George Orwell

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Texcrosby 6 months ago

niriop 6 months ago

Also remember, that TED needs to keep its donations flowing from the ultra-rich

mrlurp 6 months ago

TEDTalks: Rad Invention, was the best!

PureDagnastyEvil 6 months ago

Alex Jones is funded by the CIA to mindcontrol you! Look it up, know the facts. It's true because I read it on the internet somewhere.
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Alexiustauti 6 months ago

they released it businessinsider . com/ ted-finally-posted-the-income-­inequality-speech-you-werent-s­upposed-to-see-2012-5 (remove spaces)


SnowDog2003 6 months ago

Just another shill advocating violence against the rich so that he can feel like he's doing something good for himself another others.

SchmuddelGrunge 6 months ago

Christopher Poole gave the best TED talk of all time.

underdescribed 6 months ago

This made me lol.
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TheTroubadoursMusic 6 months ago

Was the speech banned or did they just want to delay it and release it at a different time?

I mean I'm sure TED doesn't want to alienate people and such.

RKAddict101 6 months ago

Many like to say because we have a deficit problem we need to increase taxes. I completely disagree with this. I think people in general need to realize that increasing taxes to fix deficits is the opposite of what needs to be done. It's subsidizing the bad behavior of government, not fixing it.

spacewolf5462 6 months ago

I think it's simpleminded to act as though the deficit can be fixed from a one-sided position. Will raising taxes alone fix the deficit? No. But the same is true with spending cuts.

A balanced approach of re-introducing taxes that the top earners used to pay is a good start. They didn't need that tax cut when Bush gave it to them anyway.

that alone won't solve this, spending cuts also need to be part of the plan.

Also acting as though the government can do no good is also simple-minded.
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RKAddict101 6 months ago

It's not that the government can't do any good, it's that it's far more likely that the free market can do it better.

Think about it, is it more likely you know what you yourself want or someone knows what you want better than you? It's very fallacious and saddening to see people who believe they know what's best for everyone else and then choose to use governmental force to impose their beliefs on others.
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RKAddict101 6 months ago

Anantko 6 months ago

Ridiculous. Anybody who knows TED knows they choose 1 from 12000+ TEDTalks each day (they have 2000+ TED talks from their annual conferences, 10,000+ from TEDx conferences and their partner conferences [INK, EG, TEDMED]) Nick should know that most TEDtalks don't get posted online, ONLY BEST ONES DO. His talk, by TED standards was average... He discusses a topic most people know about with the same perspective, ask warren buffett, richard wilkinson. IT'S JUST A MILLIONAIRE'S PROPAGANDA GUYs...

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underdescribed 6 months ago

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Anantko 6 months ago

What is the reason TED gives then sir? There are far greater talks being posted everyday on new ideas worth spreading. If you feel it's an issue thats not been talked about enough then clearly you are behind with the media. Furthermore, TED is usually accused of being too democratic so the idea they are hiding a talk solely for political reasons is silly at best.
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underdescribed 6 months ago

They said what reason TED gave in the video here. Then they changed their story. How convenient. Did you even watch the video posted here? Or are you sitting in that basement eating potato chips while getting even fatter than you already are?
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underdescribed 6 months ago

I won't be watching any more TED videos until this wrong has been rectified.

TheSchmuckLook 6 months ago

OF COURSE the speech was "...too controversial...".  It showed the fallacies of giving to the already gots. How much do you earn? Now, how much do your Representatives & Senators earn? Now, who do they really represent, you or OTHER wealthy folks? The answer lies with the tax cuts they voted in. Were any of those cuts for you?

YamiQ7 6 months ago

Check ted.com

They give very interesting speeches.
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fordcredit84 6 months ago

Bullshit. Read Chris's response and watch Ted's other inequality posted video to know why they didn't post that video.

mrgoodvibrations 6 months ago

Trickle down does not work it's a illusion.

tonybeir 6 months ago

yes. sleeveless is good. love them arms.

jiberish001 6 months ago

I thought it was "Ideas worth spreading", not 'Ideas I agree with that are worth spreading'.

gabiotta 6 months ago


Go watch it. Come on TYT you just had to search it on YouTube...

TheYoungTurks 6 months ago

What is your favorite TED talk?

Zubenelgenubiii 6 months ago

Theo Jansen: The art of creating creatures: watch?v=b694exl_oZo
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HellRehab 6 months ago

Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies

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dangerouslytalented 6 months ago

Just watched it. That is a great talk, says the same stuff as the banned talk does, but clearer and with more detail. The banned one is the very basic version, that one is far deeper.
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HellRehab 6 months ago


The Richard Wilkinson talk was far more thoughtful, and frankly better prepared. He advocated a more progressive tax system and TED wasn't afraid to post it.

Anyone who thinks TED is afraid to post progressive ideology doesn't know much about TED. But the presentation must be distinguishable from content available on nightly opinion cable shows.

Everyone should take 20 minutes to watch the Richard Wilkinson talk to see what TED is looking for. TED doesn't post every talk.

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underdescribed 6 months ago

Probably the one with the prof from Harvey Mudd on his mathemagics.  I forget his name. I don't want to go on the site and look it up because I hate TED now.
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GetSeriuous 6 months ago

Rob Reid: The $8 billion iPod


Comic author Rob Reid unveils Copyright Math (TM), a remarkable new field of study based on actual numbers from entertainment industry lawyers and lobbyists.
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Dock Vernct

Dock Vernct 6 months ago

I dont think the graph was up to scale

the81stviewer 6 months ago

When they try to ignore the disparity in wealth here it reminds me of the time just before the french revolution, when the aristocracy in europe banned Figaro, as it would have cause class warfare. This ended with guillotines.

redmokah 6 months ago

Way to completely skew the facts. You're turning into a liberal version of Fox News; you've even got fans/subscribers who are eating this up without giving it a second thought or doing research of their own.

TED has uploaded far more controversial talks to their homepage. They didn't "ban/censor" his video for its political stance, they just thought the dude had a mediocre presentation.

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HellRehab 6 months ago

Thayer79 6 months ago

Politics and religion should NEVER be taboo within polite conversation. It's BS that we live in a world were we are facing very REAL problems and issues and because there are political extremes that could/would cry foul means that we should avoid having these important discussions?

People are retarded. I don't want to live on this planet anymore...

ulutirmik 6 months ago

TED is dead baby, TED is dead!

romanmir01 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

pffft. So poor people create jobs, good argument.

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TheNavigateur 6 months ago

seasch71 6 months ago

and an other place where it can be found watch?v=L7SKsxj2hAo


moviedude22 6 months ago

What's TED?

embers2ashes 6 months ago

So you're giving TED shit about WHEN they are releasing it? All they said was they don't want to release it the same week as Melinda Gates, it will come out at a later date...calm down.

BenThomasFoster3 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

Straight away the talker says "This is an article of faith for republicans and seldom challenged by democrats" refering to the tax's destroy jobs also adding pictures of know republicans in bad light do not help. Basically the top comment is lying as this speech is politically charged which is horrible to hear at TED. TED is about ideas and information not politics so TED were right not to publish it. Whilst I agree with what he says, he's defiled the rules of TED talks.

Kartraith 6 months ago

There's no conspiracy here, TED didn't like the talk so they didn't up it and the talker got pissy and called the media. TED has posted a lot more controversial talks.

NeccoWecco 6 months ago

When have facts ever been appreciated in the US?

mirandansa 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Somebody needs to mention the obvious correlation between the increasing unemployment (3:55) & the increasing productivity (3:50). More efficient work forces are replacing human laborers: computers & robots. They can more easily handle heavy or tiny materials as well as complex calculations, can work 24/7, don't complain, need no retirement pay, and so on. Capitalist entrepreneurs in markets, in a system that dictates cost efficiency, are destined to favor technological automation if available.

robinvan1983 6 months ago

yes, that is why we see those fruitpicking robots and those fully automated cow slaughterhouses. The only industry that has a high automation is the technology area. and that only counts for the production work.

It's normal to have high productivity and high unemployment. a company wants to hire least amount of people in the recession and force more productivity out of the hired personell it has,even in downsizing companies. They fire one or 2 people, and let the work be divided by the others
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mirandansa 6 months ago

Burglar alarms, Banks' ATMs, supermarkets' self-checkouts, online shopping websites, too, are examples of displacement of human workers.

Automation has been taking over farms, factories, and now service sectors, all according to technological advancement. The resulting increase in productivity is essential to minimizing the scarcity & prices of commodities.

Big corporations should be taxed, but technological unemployment is an inevitable consequence of a successful capitalist stage.
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robinvan1983 6 months ago

so, still low wage jobs.... and all those things are waaay before the economic depression. way back early 90's
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Brandi Ray

Brandi Ray 6 months ago

I really don't agree about firing "one or two people" being that I work for a company that has been slowly upgrading it's technology over the years and I see more than one or two go because of it. I also work for one of the "best places to work" for 15 years in a row according to Forbes, so I can only assume it's happening at worse companies also.
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robinvan1983 6 months ago

so... how much money does one have in a recession to automate? It is more expensive than just hiring people
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SpookyFan 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

"-we post one talk a day- We're drawing from a pool of 250+ that we record- and up to 10,000 recorded at- events- we try to steer clear of talks that- descend into- partisan head-butting people can find every day elsewhere- a non-story about a talk not being chosen, because we believed we had better ones, somehow got turned into a scandal about censorship. Which is like saying that if I call the New York Times and they turn down my request to publish an op-ed by me, they're censoring me"

SpookyFan 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

source: tedchris[dot]posterous[dot]com
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ahclem1 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

Ana 'nails' it again... How many people of average income have the money to make notable donations to TED? TED organizers are just afraid of the possibility that airing this topic will amount to shitting where they eat.

ahclem1 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

Just watched the 'banned' clip. Oh my GOD, someone espousing basic FACTS about the nature of the economy.

Political in nature? Hum, only in that it exposes the Conservative lies related to the wealthy creating jobs. I didn't hear any reference to political parties, politicians or government. So no.

Does it belong on TED? Well it's suppose to be a non-profit based on "Ideas Worth Spreading.", and this is more truth than an actual idea but still and all well worth airing. So yes.


rich2rock 6 months ago

Most all politicians are intellectually controversial.

AnotherMasterMind 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

It wasn't politically slanted. He mentioned that republicans believe in an idea, and that democrats don't challange that idea. He then proceeds to explain why he thinks that idea is wrong. He didn't say vote for democrats. He was just talking about the idea and it relates to politics, not that either party is good and the other bad.

TED has no duty to post every talk. I'd like if they did, but thats never been their policy. Please don't crucify them for not promoting one you might like.

cmatcmextra 6 months ago

You guys do realise that a talk can be politically biased without advocating support for a particular political party.


DigitalDistribution 6 months ago

TYT FOX NEWS STOP SPREADING LIES. Google The real story behind the rejected TED talk on inequality. You lying weasels.

isteemaen 6 months ago

What's the "real" story?
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TruthAndMoreTruth 6 months ago

I watched the offending speech, he never refers to "republicans", "GOP", "conservatives", etc.

He only mentions "the wealthy".

Asserting his speech was "political" is a tacit admission that the GOP is the PARTY OF THE WEALTHY!

codingkriggs 6 months ago

Let's be fair: he does mention republicans in the speech a few times.
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Wh3tst0nE 6 months ago

he did mention republicans, lol. at 15sec watch?v=iIhOXCgSunc "this idea is an article of faith in republicans, seldom challenged by democrats"
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VarmitCoyote 6 months ago

But, he did mention the republicans. He called the idea of job creators a mantra of the republicans.
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Jyagos1 6 months ago

There was a better talk done by Richard Wilkinson. His is more "meh" compared to the other speech.
· in reply to TruthAndMoreTruth(Show the comment)

itstristanyo 6 months ago

Read the actual response from TED. Richard Wilkinson's talk is so much better than Hanauer's.

krapptacular 6 months ago

Fuck Ted and the horse he rode in on. :)

DRok112 6 months ago

Just for the record, the talk certainly isn't an overly impressive one. But let's keep in mind that TED isn't saying they aren't going to post it because they don't want to make people bored. They aren't posting (yet, at least) because it's too controversial, and Melinda Gates supports contraception. I think if they posted it as they normally would have, no one would even have paid attention to it. It's ~6 minutes long, and not very emotionally driven.

MrsD7777 6 months ago

The only "Trickle-Down" we have is when they PEE!

bobbytiger 6 months ago

Cenk. I know you will find it difficult to believe, but there actually are Democrats who are included in your so-called "1%".

cmatcmextra 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

TED's response: tedchris[dot]posterous[dot]com­[slash]131417405

cmatcmextra 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

From the National Journal, the email TED sent to the speaker: "But even if the talk was rated a home run, we couldn't release it, because it would be unquestionably regarded as out and out political. We're in the middle of an election year in the US. Your argument comes down firmly on the side of one party. And you even reference that at the start of the talk. TED is nonpartisan and is fighting a constant battle with TEDx organizers to respect that principle...."

I don't understand the problem.

Auraruth8 6 months ago

I thaught it was good as it pointed out obvious things about job creation.

TheRealHumanist 6 months ago

Too controversial and too political? What, more than Dan Dennett and Richard Dawkins who attack religion and see it as a virus?! Give me a fucking break TED. Very disappointed in TED.

CannonLars 6 months ago

Bad reporting TYT. The speech has been noted by many in the audience to be poorly presented, not thorough, and just not much more than a rich guy saying in very partisan ways that he is against other rich people.

And he isn't the only speaker to discuss income disparity at TED. He is just the poorest example.

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dahmess 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

I'm really disappointed with ted... I thought that was the point of such forums - to challenge the SQ

Tony007corp 6 months ago

I own and run my own small business. i have never seen any program or benefit from the so called small business friendly republicans, they are not for small business they are for large corporations only once did i hear a proposal by one to waive a annual 800 dollar fee thats the only time they even came close to helping me meanwhile government spending (which they hate) actually gave me some business if small businesses do create jobs why are we so Large business friendly?

FeLiNe418 6 months ago

Wow, amazing how stupid comments get more likes than the ones with good points. I think many TYT viewers are stupid. Just my opinion. I think I'll get down voted for that.

Familiar7 6 months ago

It was not censored, it was just not selected as it was apparently a poor speech and TED have a huge pool to select from, there has been a TED response explaining this clearly, poor reporting TYT.

Regenmacher175 6 months ago

come on noone believes that. It's censorship. Contraception over economic inequality. REALLY?
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CakeStack 6 months ago

Having seen the talk, it's clear why it wasn't chosen, it's overtly partisan, and not a great quality speech.

There is another excellent TED talk(linked in the statement) that talks about the issue of income inequality that actually shows a lot more data and talks about what that data means without the speaker's taking any specific position about policy being the overriding feature of the talk.

Here is the talk linked in the statement, it's a good watch:


Bad reporting, TYT
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dangerouslytalented 6 months ago

I saw it, it just simply did not demonstrate his point as well as it should have.He did not provide a good enough example.I just thought his speech was not good enough, and should have been redone.

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Drakim 6 months ago

It was NOT censored. There are many many TED talks and they only upload a few of them. This was simply one of the ones that was not uploaded, and the speaker was butt-hurt because of it.

kathyofrin 6 months ago

The 1% of women not taking contraception are the ones trying to get pregnant.

alhazed 6 months ago

its not banned they just didnt think it good enough for their homepage. they posted it here actually!


selfsenter 6 months ago

jews even got ted

Lpoolboy 6 months ago

You know what they say: Shit rolls downhill.
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damiondinky 6 months ago

You guy did not know what to say bad job reporting

bltruscott1 6 months ago

I rarely speak out against TYT as I generally share their opinions. However, this "story" is far too sensationalized. Shame on you, TYT, for doing exactly what Fox/every other Republican media outlet does. The TED talk was never banned, it was simply not featured. There was no censorship or suppression of ideas/opinions/facts. The talk, itself, was not of sufficient quality by TED standards and thus was not featured. Nothing to do with the contents of the speech. Do better, TYT.

blueboyblue 6 months ago

View the video here -

-Nick Hanauer-


geoff2204 6 months ago

TED talks?


Money talks...

cityzenjane2 6 months ago

The Gates talk was about contraception policy in Africa...and it is a very hot topic which got flooded with religios zealots...go read the comments on TED for that talk...CRAY!
simon simon

simon simon 6 months ago

the young Turks is so fucking bullshit and retarded. If you think any of the bullshit they say makes ant sense and is sound makes you a complete moron

bltruscott1 6 months ago

Unless they;'re being polite.
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EthanJM 6 months ago

Have him come to TYT and say it again.

MClown69 6 months ago

Like dude said on Last word tonight! He said he makes hundred if not even thousands more times money than the middle class but he cannot buy the same amount of stuff. He said he has 3 cars not 3000. If the middle class had money then the economy would be better because they would be able to afford stuff and buy stuff therefore creating demand to where companies got to higher. Otherwise he said they will just pay the least amount of people to get the job done.

MClown69 6 months ago

He makes total sense!!! No wonder they tried to ban him! Seems like delusion is the new norm in America these days...

therrydicule 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

Well, I just thing it need polishing because the argument were good... But it lack in the form. Also, maybe it was a bit political, but just bringing polishing and more development.

Capng123 6 months ago

Those tax breaks DO create jobs... just not here. These companies claim to be American to gain American tax breaks but actually function externally to exploit foreign labour. So let's see: money leaves America in the form of purchasing foreign-made product while simultaneously money fails to remain in America, thanks to weak tax laws.

And people still wonder why America is so badly fucked financially? It's a simple-but-lopsided equation, one you'd have to be blind (or Republican) not to grasp.

therrydicule 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

What about creating 2 categories of company for the tax code : if they use 51%+ of american in their entire supply chain, they got the right to lower taxes&subsidies... But if they use less then that, they got to pay high taxes and don't have the right to subsidies.

That could fix some problem since I'm pretty sure that few corporation employ 51% of american in the entire supply chain ;)
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Capng123 6 months ago

That assumes that A) anyone in government would ever do that. They won't. They know where their bread is buttered.

And B) if by some miracle it was actually put into practice there would not IMMEDIATELY be found half a dozen loopholes making the whole thing a farce.
· in reply to therrydicule(Show the comment)

therrydicule 6 months ago

Well, that cynicism assume that they get elected by no-one when, at least at the procedural level, it's not the case. Now, that kind of thing (although I might be pushing it) would ask for popular involvement in the political process, which is difficult to do because the politician, the media, businessman, think thanks, comedians push a form of cynicism that seem a bit panglosian in some aspect... I would prefer a form of meliorism, added with a bit of skepticism to keep everyone in check.
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Prelude610 6 months ago

Joe Gibson has posted the video on his channel. It's pretty good, as good as any other TED video, and not political. As for controversial, there have been TED videos that were much more so, such as anything dealing with evolution.

ianerixon 6 months ago

there's an argument to be made for both increasing and lowering taxes. I really don't think that graph reveals much. think you're jumping to conclusions a little too fast... usually agree with you guys on most points though.

TheLionHeart95 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Well of course there are arguments for both points. It all depends on which side of the train tracks you are from :)
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P1ranh4 6 months ago

TED doesn't feature all their talks on their homepage and now Hanauer is butthurt over their decision that other talks were better. he actually hired a PR firm to pressure TED

LaughingLefty 6 months ago

TED has some great stuff, a lot of BS as well.

Libertarian TED fans got pissed because Hanauer blew holes in their little fantasies of being "job creators" so in typical groupthink bullying, they panned the speech as mediocre and too political. The speech is significant because Hanauer is a venture capitalist telling the truth about economics. It's getting more play now than if they hadn't tried to quash it. There's your marketplace of ideas. Check and mate Libertarians.

TheEricthunder 6 months ago


CazyDayz 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

it looks like the goverment told the employers they no longer had to create jobs to get tax breaks. thats what the cart looks like to me. when you see a chart thats like that it shows how the tax breaks we're given to the rich without any strings attached in the 1990's employers would get tax breaks per employee my bet is that is no longer the case the corps just get the tax breaks auto now.

ThisSentenceIsFalse 6 months ago

Why does TED care about political controversy?
Christian Islam

Christian Islam 6 months ago

They also banned an EPIC almost mythical performance by Sarah Silverman some years ago. Just look at how much it cost to get in there. Its a talent show for the upper class elitist. I like some of the people that present at TED but I don't fuck with TED at all.

NateH2121 6 months ago

here's the speech - watch?v=OzdrQeDg3PI&feature=g-­all-lik

gagaplex 6 months ago

When people are scared of criticizing trickle down economics, we've already lost. I hope there'll be enough pressure to get TED to publish this stuff, especially in light of the (relatively) recent developments of the Tea Party and Occupy Movements. Yeah, one could say it's politically charged, but so are large segments of the populace, in either direction.

ravenouscolonelhart 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

by TED's logic, a TED talk about evolution would be too controversial and political because lots of idiots believe in creationism. dude, TED is for smart people, not fucking retards who shouldn't be allowed to breed. there's no need for smart people to cater to idiots and avoid being "controversial"! wtf
Moninn Yem

Moninn Yem 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

Nick Hanauer = American Hero

ctom47 6 months ago

the "trickle down" effect and other neoclassical economic theories (like the Laffer curve and the whole supply side economics) have been in fashion since the mid '70s but have never been corroborated empirically... as naomi klein points out they have always been shoved down the throat of people in moment of crisis and shock (especially in South America) and always made things worse for the majority of people...
Greg Wrenshall

Greg Wrenshall 6 months ago

This talk has leaked out on youtube. search for nick hanauer income inequality. See it before TED has it pulled!!
Brad Buzan

Brad Buzan 6 months ago

Tax cuts in the past did create jobs. Tax cuts now go for computers & robots.

bamboo4tameshigiri 6 months ago

One of the best TED talks of all time and they banned it.

CAMARA99 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

The video is on YouTube now.

bvjorge 6 months ago

WTF O.o? 1:41

PedalMouth 6 months ago

There's poor people, I'm a democrat, there's rich people I'm republican stupid.

rbrtchng 6 months ago

i thought Ted was all about challenging the norm. The whole point of Ted is to be controversial. It's to challenge people intellectually with new ideas, and new ideas are always controversial

nani201 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

did he lick the wall at 1:41?!

whatsgoingon07 6 months ago

lol he missed a spot!
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presidentshaZam2012 6 months ago

lol had to look 3 times..I'm going to start licking walls myself
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dangerouslytalented 6 months ago

they are made of chocolate.
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MatoVuc 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

wait? you're surprised it's controversial to point out the facts in economics and politics?

good acting, TYT

peacelord 6 months ago

So they deleted his speech because it was too politically charged, and now more people know about it. Nice move, TED.
Connor Emery

Connor Emery 6 months ago

I would stop trusting ted simply because they at least from what cenk said deleted it they are just holding off and trying to maintain an image of neutrality which is very difficult especially in the usa

Listenbuddy1 6 months ago

This class warfare crap is just creepy and in many ways just stupid. Big deal, there's a "1%". No sh*t Holmes, there's a top 1% to almost everything, a top 1% biggest fish, tallest trees, smallest penises in France, etc. I live in the real world and only rich people ever hire me.  So I want as many rich people around as possible and I want them as rich (and happy) as possible. To think otherwise would be quite moronic.

Chimera1591 6 months ago

Ah, you don't really know how capitalism works, huh? Rich people don't hire you, bud. The average man hires you when they want to buy stuff, when a "rich person" sees that average joes want what he's selling that's when he hires you because he needs people to sell what he has. If the average joe doesn't have money to buy stuff, the rich guy won't hire you. Hell, the rich guy won't be rich for much longer.
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rbrtchng 6 months ago

it's not about having top 1%, it's about the gap and the economic inequality of the top and the rest. It's a well known economic fact (they even teach this in econ 101) that higher taxes on the rich encourages investment. And it's investments that pays your wages, not happy rich people. They invest more when taxes are high because they would rather invest in businesses and make more money than give it to taxes. But if there's no incentive to do that, they'd rather keep the money and reduce risk.
·2 in reply to Listenbuddy1(Show the comment)

Ervine4 6 months ago

I pretty sure its all a misunderstanding?

UberNoodleX 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

Thanks TED. I used to trust you.

TheMisfitable 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos


Kyddo1969 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

It's posted on youtube... do a search


Kyddo1969 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

search PoliticalYAK 
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Transplanar 6 months ago

You know what, if they are that worried about the politics of it, just release the video of the talk to the public, then just let them host a Tea Partier, Birther or whatever and let him have his talk on Creationism or whatever other nonsense he wants to peddle.

No one will take the dude seriously, but at least they can claim they are trying to be politically impartial. Problem solved?

BHarris25 6 months ago

That 99% of women stat is such a lie, just shows me 1% of women are honest...

oldshatterhand1984 6 months ago

you guys are awesome! and Ana is the perfect woman

BboySmokey 6 months ago


^ link to Nick Hanauer's TED talk.


Thestralsxxx 6 months ago

This is so strange. TED has a ton of politically charged talks. I've watched Nick Hanauer's speech and it was extremely mild. Why would the not post it? If they didn't want to draw attention to it the last thing they would do would be to not post it...

ABlimp 6 months ago

Because nothing novel was presented, and what was presented was done poorly. And you're exactly right they didnt want to bring attention to it because it wasn't a big deal, it was literally one of hundreds of videos that don't get posted because they're not up to snuff. It was the speaker and National Review who claimed it didn't get posted because it was was Too political not TED. He's just trying to stir up some controversy top bring attention to what was really a rather mediocre presentation.
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saburius 6 months ago

I think somebody lied to you...
· in reply to ABlimp(Show the comment)

ABlimp 6 months ago

Really?  There are hundreds of TED presentations and most do not get posted, that is a fact. TED is no stranger to controversy so it doesn't make sense that they would block this for purely for political reasons, especially when they've posted more radical ideas on the same subject in the past (watch?v=cZ7LzE3u7Bw). Honestly this presentation simply wasn't good; poor speaker, and generic allegorical arguments.
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laservius 6 months ago

They jumped the gun on this. Check out the full story.


alyraly 6 months ago


TheDaikashido 6 months ago

there's a pretty good ted talk called "ten things you never knew about orgasm"

punishshot 6 months ago

i watched it. it wasnt controversial, it wasnt one sided...He called out the truth of what is happening in america and they dont want that to be shown....

bsgrep 6 months ago

1:30 I stopped listening and didn't hear a single word until Cenk started to speak. Does TYT not see how much Ana fucking sucks and that she has a big attention seeking problem?

Satilla3VEVO 6 months ago

I think you just have an attention problem.
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bsgrep 6 months ago

I don't have problems listening to anyone else.
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ABlimp 6 months ago

Alright let's not get caught up in this bullshit, the video wasn't simply up to TED standards. They have to choose one from hundreds of videos when they decide what they post. The speaker was boring, his arguments generic and almost entirely allegorical. Whoopie. If you want to see a decent video detailing the effects of income inequality in developed countries, which in my opinion was far more radical, check out this other TED talk by Richard Wilkinson: watch?v=cZ7LzE3u7Bw

OrthodoxAtheist 6 months ago

Thanks for the assessment of the presentation. Thankfully they don't usually censor presentations but instead let their viewers make the judgement on what is and is not worth watching. I've seen several bad presentations posted by them, so the whole "not up to their standard" is an easy and transparent excuse. I'm not buying it. They made an error. I suspect within a week they'll admit that, and post the video. Of course I'll also watch the one you suggested.
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TheLionHeart95 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

His video is also extremely relevant for hundreds of millions of American citizens. I know that doesn't really qualify him as "genius" or "brilliant" but he is speaking from experience and not from a textbook or second hand accounts so it adds a little quality to his words. There is also the fact that outside of internet comments, no one is saying what he did so having this video really helps reaffirm what most of us already believed.
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Zakdayak 6 months ago

Where did you see the Hanauer talk?
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Phobosuchus1 6 months ago

watch banned TED Talk here: watch?v=CKCvf8E7V1g
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northernsupernova1 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

Where can I get the slides?
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mhand00 6 months ago

And here: watch?v=bBx2Y5HhplI (just in case one will be removed:).
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ABlimp 6 months ago

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TheVogter2100 6 months ago

It was not that bad. I bet it was not the quality that got it banned.
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Phobosuchus1 6 months ago

Vogter, you the man! I heard about this from you first. Thanks for that.
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ABlimp 6 months ago

First off it wasn't "banned," so the Young Turks title is being misleading from that aspect, it was simply not chosen to be posted on the homepage for TED, out of again, hundreds, thousands if you include TEDx, of presentations. Nick Hanauer's trying to create a controversy where there is none, "not bad" does not qualify for front page material.
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TheVogter2100 6 months ago

The fact reamins it is not on TED.
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ABlimp 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Yes, along with hundreds, if not thousands, of other under-performing videos. That's my point.
· in reply to TheVogter2100(Show the comment)

FeLiNe418 6 months ago

how did he get standing ovation? did he pay the audience to do that?
· in reply to ABlimp(Show the comment)

ABlimp 6 months ago

Right, because a clap-o-meter truly is the best judge of quality.
· in reply to FeLiNe418(Show the comment)

FeLiNe418 6 months ago

people get booed if they are boring not a standing ovation.
· in reply to ABlimp(Show the comment)

ABlimp 6 months ago

Yes, in sports stadiums and comedy clubs, that was neither. And besides you're missing the point, that, when compared to other TED talk videos, this one was lacking in quality.
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FeLiNe418 6 months ago

My point is it wasn't boring. I never said it was the best talk ever. I know there are better talks and I agree that the guy of your link had much better arguments. and why are speeches an exception? I don't get it.
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ABlimp 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Because the source of the controversy is that it wasn't chosen to be displayed on the front page of TED, most videos aren't. Nick's trying to push the idea that it wasn't chosen because it was "too controversial," or that monied interests conspired against him, when in reality it just wasn't as good as some other videos. That's it.
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DeletedDelusion 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

The problem is not everybody is prepeared to watch a 16 minute long video.

There is a justification for Nick Hanauers video.
· in reply to ABlimp(Show the comment)

ABlimp 6 months ago

I understand that, but he doesn't really bring anything new to the table. He basically said, middle class are job creators because they consume the most, therefore tax the rich, I agree, but that's not exactly groundbreaking material. Typically in these shorter videos there is at least some humor or entertainment value, or they try to shove as much info down your throat as they can in the given time, but he did neither. He just kind of talked about things that have already been said.
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ABlimp 6 months ago

All he really did was, be a rich guy speaking out against rich guys, and he didn't really do that in any remarkable way. It was nothing special and rightfully didn't deserve to be featured.
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PaddyCollector 6 months ago

Why would TED invite him to speak if they didn't want his speech to be public? Did they not know what he would say?

lordblazer 6 months ago

TED likes to bring up great, and interesting topics, but only scratch the surface of them. Their series doesn't go too deep, but provides interesting things to listen to if you want to feel intelligent. For learning real knowledge. TED is only useful to get your foot in the door of that knowledge. Not to gain knowledge or truth. That takes work.

elmirasahar 6 months ago

i went to tedx for the youth. great experience. never much controversy.

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izaccy 6 months ago

skjachin 6 months ago

its makes sense tho cus they had Bill Gates speak, he's trying to privatize our schools

Scarletpooky 6 months ago

Facts are politically charged?

People might be offended?


If people can't handle the lies being exposed then why the fuck should we give a damn?
Matt Marchio

Matt Marchio 6 months ago


The top comment has been taken down already.

evenkeel87 6 months ago

I read Ted's explanation of why they chose not to post it. They said the audience gave it mediocre reviews (despite the standing ovation at the end) and that it was "explicitly partisan" (despite the fact that, at the beginning, Hanauer blames both Democrats and Republicans). Basically, the explanation was bullshit. What's really weird is this talk is nowhere as controversial as Sam Richards's...

found the article on war in context . org (minus the spaces).

TylerNutify 6 months ago



nahla03pt 6 months ago

I just watched the banned TED talk, thanks to user "Kastrallis". I didn't know TED was against the truth, good to know.

dea72able 6 months ago

If Nick Hanauer's "talk" was too controversial for the TED board, why are they posting any videos at all?

BrantFortunate 6 months ago

Too controversial and too political means the truth.

argh5279 6 months ago

fuck you ted, I used to love your talks, now I won't watch any until you reverse this stupid decision.

herpiethelovebug 6 months ago

Clever move by TED. This video will probably get more views this way.

NIXovIllusiin 6 months ago

Technology entertainment design

RoScFan 6 months ago

Wtf is ted?

BrantFortunate 6 months ago

google is a thing ;)
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quidproquo2004 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

It's more than a fact guys. It is a political statement to say that we have income inequality because Republicans are laissez-faire when it comes to that kind of thing.

TheHangedMan86 6 months ago

TED talks... You're a no good son of a bitch.

umalim 6 months ago

I love TED talks .. Wat are u doing TED

mrspeel7 6 months ago

"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true." - Homer Simpson

YorEulogy 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

i grew up in texas for 19 yrs then left to colorado for 4 years, now im back in texas and yes it is controversial to point out facts down here for some reason..then they refute the facts with something with the bible..and then my head explodes..

gregwi562 6 months ago

The question is who funds TED. And I am sure that is the reason why they don't want to show this video.

percussionbell 6 months ago

The talk has made it to youtube.


percussionbell 6 months ago

^add that after the youtube.com part
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Ben Astvazaturov

Ben Astvazaturov 6 months ago

Do you know what a millionaire does with a tax break? He buys another house.

Comment removed

Author withheld
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Gogargoat 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks


davinodf 6 months ago

@oasaka35...This is severely disappointing. I love the TED videos. I find many of them to be thought provoking and engaging. Shame on them for not releasing the Nick Hanauer speech. This is the type of TED Talk that I definitely want to see. I wonder if there is a grievance process.

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PercevalAsks 6 months ago

I just watched the talk. It's actually true that the language is more controversial and politically charged than the vast majority of TED talks. He is very blunt and very critical of current affairs. But unless TED has an extreme attachment to a certain optimistic, cheerful aesthetic, that's shouldn't be enough to ban a video.

ilindah 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

it would be wonderful for TYT to fill in the gap that the establishment continues to filter out and control i.e. Nick Hanauer speech. if TED or any other organization edits out facts, truths, etc then TYT should immediately have that particular speaker on their show to re-do their presentation, speech, etc whatever. it'll build subscription, ratings, and the people can access it from their homes educsting themselves. those fees to get in TED are set up to filter out the poor too.

Kamikaze34 6 months ago

The fuck? Has anyone seen Sam Harris's TED video? He jabs at religion...how was his not controversial?


armandpunch47 6 months ago

Protect and serve the rich at all costs, that's what Republicans are all about.

cupoftestosterone 6 months ago

I would prefer to see a talk by TED that goes over the phenomenon of passive income and how people rip off others by claiming ownership over land and the rights to the productivity increases of the working poor's labor. Eat the rich.
Nick Derian

Nick Derian 6 months ago

I still think that they should have had those speeches though. It would have been a very interesting expierience.

Desmaad 6 months ago

Okay, so I've finally lost all my respect for TED, the weak-kneed, sand-eating bastards.

DeadKittenProduction 6 months ago in playlist Fler videoklipp från TheYoungTurks

its great that you are covering this
Nick Derian

Nick Derian 6 months ago

TED probably didn't want to associate themselves on any political party. While I am democratic, I can understand why TED wanted to not have these talks: they did not want to get attacked from any side or be associated with any side.

whoo689 6 months ago

Before the current recession, did ANY of you guys (certainly not me) hear the term "job-creator" thrown around, esp. anywhere close as often as it is now? I honestly don't REMEMBER terms like "job-creator" used much at all before the financial crisis! And I was interested in politics since at least 2002 or 2003 (14 or 15 years old).

TheFlavourpacket 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

No, I think it's a relatively recent creation. I believe Frank Luntz made it up. If you're not familiar with him, he's a successful propagandist. He's turned an art into a science by focus-grouping all the little euphemisms he makes up to make sure they have the desired effect of preventing people from understanding the world around them. Real class act.
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grantmac18 6 months ago

Getting the general public to actually believe trickle down economics was in their best interest truly shows the power and effectiveness of the American propaganda machine

Majeeva 6 months ago

Glad to see you guys covering this story!

Griffinltd 6 months ago

This is the most simplest thing ever - TED doesn't want to be criticized (rightly or wrongly) by any media outlets as being some progressive, left-wing propaganda machine for socialism. As much as a bullshit assessment as it probably is - mud sticks and TED is just being smart about it. Call them pussies, they're just being realists towards the destruction of their respectable neutrality-orientated content - if FOX news labelled them democratic stooges - game over.

whoo689 6 months ago

I wish the 1% and their backers would quit pretending like businessmen are these GODS of capitalism who are SO FUCKING SMART and know how to run the economy better than ANYONE ELSE COULD. Really? Like you Wall Streeters ran the economy INTO THE GROUND in 2008??

DeadKittenProduction 6 months ago in playlist Fler videoklipp från TheYoungTurks

"a friend of the show"

whoo689 6 months ago

Or some new situation regarding technological advances or whtaever that makes some new position necessary

whoo689 6 months ago

DEMAND creates jobs! The businessmen are just the middlemen responding to that demand and increase in profits.

hotjama12 6 months ago

Rich spend money abroad and shelter money there. They can expense transportation/cars/jets/food/­drinks.

And most of them r cheap. It's not average person who works, pays to by food, family, transportation, and cut for the rich and government to fly a jet on a meeting in the town near by.

deathreaver3356 6 months ago

the talk is up at /watch?v=1w5OovJX8KA

thumbs up so people can see it

hotjama12 6 months ago

We always New that rich don't create jobs. They dont spend as much as a families and they get tax releases. They can expense their cars/close/food and even drinks.

If you are a Joe, you have to pay for your self.

There is no equality.

Vote Ron Paul.

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halcyon0830 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

cwongchung 6 months ago

These days everything is controversial,... the word has lost its meaning a long time ago..

Kastrallis 6 months ago


^ What some of you are looking for.

raczyk 6 months ago

Looks like the whole presentation is present, very nice.
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MobRulesNow 6 months ago

Thank you!
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izaccy 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Part 3:

And a non-story about a talk not being chosen, because we believed we had better ones, somehow got turned into a scandal about censorship. Which is like saying that if I call the New York Times and they turn down my request to publish an op-ed by me, they're censoring me.

For the record, pretty much everyone at TED, including me, worries a great deal about the issue of rising inequality.

Chris Anderson TED

susodino 6 months ago

if what you say is true then TED should go ahead and release the video to clear things up. if it is mediocre then so be it. TED has many great talks so it won't hurt TED's reputation even if this one is not up to par.....right?
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izaccy 6 months ago

They have done that here it is

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ridewave444 6 months ago

Yeah, fuck these TED assholes. Don't know if I'll watch another one. They seem to be corporate asskissers who are too inauthentic. After the Sarah Silverman incident and this they pretty much show how fucking PC they are. Also, I've seen it to be strangely a little cult-like from their audience when they go too gaa gaa over a certain speakers demonstration that wasn't that amazing.

Disappointing and dumb.

izaccy 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Part 2:

At TED this year, an attendee pitched a 3-minute audience talk on inequality. The talk tapped into a really important and timely issue. But it framed the issue in a way that was explicitly partisan. And it included a number of arguments that were unconvincing, even to those of us who supported his overall stance. The audience at TED who heard it live (and who are often accused of being overly enthusiastic about left-leaning ideas) gave it, on average, mediocre ratings.

izaccy 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Part 1:

Today TED was subject to a story so misleading it would be funny... except it successfully launched an aggressive online campaign against us.

The National Journal alleged we had censored a talk because we considered the issue of inequality "too hot to handle." The story ignited a firestorm of outrage on Reddit, Huffington Post and elsewhere. We were accused of being cowards. We were in the pay of our corporate partners. We were the despicable puppets of the Republican party.

izaccy 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Also, for the record, we have never sought advice from any of our advertisers on what we carry editorially. To anyone who knows how TED operates, or who has observed the noncommercial look and feel of the website, the notion that we would is laughable. We only care about one thing: finding the best speakers and the best ideas we can, and sharing them with the world. For free. I've devoted the rest of my life to doing this,

Chris Anderson TED -

kingbane2 6 months ago

iIhOXCgSunc here's the talk hanauer gives.. OOOoooo so politically charged. what a load of shit. it's pretty fuggin tame.

supervegetariangeek 6 months ago

Banned Ted talk vid is leaked! Found it in related videos!
Adrian F

Adrian F 6 months ago

You have to do Joe Rogan's podcast.

razmoe2000 6 months ago

I used to love to watch the ted talks,but lost much respect for them when they banned Sarah Silvermans talk.Had a REALLY bad taste in my mouth the  last time I tuned into ted.They were advertizing an oil company bragging about how with new technology they are now able to drill 5000ft down in the ocean...This is while the gulf oil rig is still spewing!! Great information as always crew.Peace

izaccy 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

They are now doing damage control, and responding to this controversy,  and also released the video
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BurntEngineOil 6 months ago

The people in the audience didn't seem upset by what he said. I watched the talk, and most of the people there gave him huge applause.

jmac217x 6 months ago


izaccy 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

TED have responded...

edlover92 6 months ago


HumbleObserver 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Real talk: Contraception ....

fani5000 6 months ago

Um... how´s this video banned? it´s right here on youtube: watch?v=iIhOXCgSunc&feature=re­lated

jschultzVII 6 months ago

I believe they mean banned on the actual TED site. I may be wrong though.
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ericsean67 6 months ago

Nick Hanauer explains it perfectly. Look up the Vid you wont be disappointed.

ClintfromNYtoVA 6 months ago

I like the personalities of TYT but I dont feel like Im always getting the truth. The recent coverage of the Justice dept latest accusation of Joe Arpaio of AZ, didnt mention that he's challenging Obama's birth certificate, just that Arpaio has been abusive to minoroties.

Im not defending Arpaio or taking sides but to leave that out is unacceptable. TYT and Main Stream is hush on this and AZ is changing the law that may lead to Obama being inelligible and other states would follow.

izaccy 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

His challenge against Barack Obama, is on the border line of ridicilious,

I have read through the 5 papers among the accusations, I think Cenk and the team have covered that news story seperately, when he first challenged Pres. Obama

that was very very long time ago btw.
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dffykvn 6 months ago

Arpaio challenged the birth certificate because he knew that he was going to get his ass prosecuted for the horrible things that he did.

If he made the birther nonsense an issue then he could bitch and moan about conservative persecution to game the refs and try to garner sympathy from people that don't give a shit about the people he's abused.
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cloverdale87 6 months ago

When did TED change the spelling to FOX?

DisProveMeWrong 6 months ago

3:52 that chart is visually exaggerated
Bryan Geonzon

Bryan Geonzon 6 months ago

I can honestly & sadly say I've pratically seen 95% of all TED videos. Including TEDx, TEDyouth, TEDeducation, etc. over 3000 hours of videos.
Bryan Geonzon

Bryan Geonzon 6 months ago

I'm all for facts but TED is an environment of Ideas, I would hate for TED to be come a political soap box. And plus before a speaker talks on Ted there given rules one of the rules is that you can't talk about political ideas. And not everyone that attends TED conference is an elitist some of them are students with special privileges or people part of the project at hand. I completely agree with TED directors, the RULES for TED are what make TED worth watching.

rwbushy 6 months ago

Surely a video of Nick's speech can be found somewhere and posted. Where is Wikileaks when you need it.

rwbushy 6 months ago

Oops. Never mind. I did a YouTube search on Nick Hanauer and found his talk.  Awesome guy!
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mrx00666 6 months ago

Lower tax rates for the rich and the more they profit as they send our jobs over seas to slave workers.

It's like he says. They're absolutely Amoral

Good or bad, profits at any cost.

They profit from lower taxes, and they'll profit from ripping people off in other countries by paying them lower ass wages.

They profit from destroying American jobs.

They profit from America's fading strength.

downphoenix 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

Boo to TED. TED needs to upload this.

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FeLiNe418 6 months ago

mrx00666 6 months ago

Get him on!!!

kazooga1234 6 months ago

TED TALKS ARE NEEDED WE CANT GET RID OF THEM MY COUSIN TALKED ON A TED TALK and i love TED talks it was how dan brown (pogobat) created the vid we are a tribe and this is a ha bisky upload


Shisho2k 6 months ago

Science and facts are now political...

kokofan50 6 months ago

They have been for a long time
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MrBlackatheist 6 months ago

but they shouldn't
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kokofan50 6 months ago

I agree but they are even if for the worse
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TheSuitIsNOTBlack 6 months ago

I'm not sure where this 22% number is coming from, I just paid a rate of 33% and I made well under a million, let me make that clear! maybe i'm reading the tax brackets the wrong way...

FernandoPST 6 months ago

I hope you guys make up for this mess tomorrow, that is, if you really wanna be honest with the viewers. Google this issue guys, TED issued a statement on this, they don't really upload all their talks on youtube, just ones they consider "truly special". Oh, they also released the video in question: watch?v=bBx2Y5HhplI&feature=yo­utu.be

hikusar 6 months ago

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Stephen Deagle

Stephen Deagle 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

Hence what I detest about TED.
Miguel Colinet

Miguel Colinet 6 months ago

just search "nick hanauer ted" and you will find the speech directly on youtube


smaakjeks 6 months ago

Want to know about the inequality of the USA today? Look up the GINI coefficient of income distribution.

Also: The talk will be leaked. Streisand effect for the win!

JapanLessons 6 months ago

I just watched it.

What the hell was controversial about that!?

jules2c 6 months ago

Fewer jobs please Cenk, great job keep up the good work.

afromime 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

TED Talk is a bunch of cowards. They're spineless, and it's people like them who let the 1% get away with fucking all of us by not allowing anyone to speak against the 1%

CloverfieldMonster95 6 months ago

@nicolez11 its at 1:24 too

MikeBoyds 6 months ago

That thing on Ana's head is dope

creepyloner1979 6 months ago

well done ted. "we can't upload this, we might anger conservatives by exposing them to ideas they don't approve of!!!"

tuseroni 6 months ago

just seen the video...why would this be controversial? sounded like what we should all be saying: its not the rich that makes the economy strong, its the middle class. WE are the job creators.


TheCanadianAirsoft 6 months ago

Except the part where the right wing have almost no facts.
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spicychickenwing31 6 months ago

kjohnsen045 6 months ago

Here is the speech: watch?v=bBx2Y5HhplI&feature=sh­are


Deathsaw 6 months ago

The banned TED Talk is in the related video's. Look for "A TED Talk on Income Inequality by Nick Hanauer".

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moonjp 6 months ago

Redpilldown 6 months ago

TED and inequality: The real story


PureHumboldt 6 months ago

I just registered and then sent an email with the subject ted.com-ted talks at ted.com, expressing my sadness that they are not, after all an objective organization dedicated to bringing the truth thru knowledge to all, but instead are only a politically driven group who filter the truth to suit their own agenda. How sad I was to discover this!!!

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Redpilldown 6 months ago

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BeeTeeGeeStarcraft 6 months ago

good point

i mean, imagine if, say, a single australian-born media mogul set out to support a single american political party and put all of his wealth and influence toward their success.

that would be terrible.
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moonjp 6 months ago

or if his rich friends supported the other party, while they play golf sharing the same interests.
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sheldondunnjr 6 months ago

the video is available on nowpublicdot com

BeeTeeGeeStarcraft 6 months ago

don't know if TYT has seen this, but i'm pretty sure this is the silenced speech that mr hanauer made: /watch?v=iIhOXCgSunc&feature=r­elated

MrCrazyCanuk 6 months ago

I though the point of TED was to get discussions going about these talks, guess I was wrong.

moonjp 6 months ago


callirgos01 6 months ago

well... its up on youtube anyway... so w/e

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moonjp 6 months ago

Keep also in mind about corporate tax rates where the States is the 2nd highest to Japan as well, as other countries like in France is lower.

The slides in the presentation are horrible as well.


Eidi920 6 months ago

It wasn't posted primarily because it wasn't a very good talk, according to a TED employee.

TED only posts one talk a day, and they have to pick the best.

TED did post a talk on income inequality that was much better sometime last year, so they aren't afraid of politically charged topics. Search for "How economic inequality harms societies: Richard Wilkinson" on TED for the video, won't let me post it.

AstoundedAtheist 6 months ago

youtube.com/watch?v=bBx2Y5Hhpl­I  (Here is the TED talk with Nick Hanauer)

mozart116 6 months ago


LimmingKenny 6 months ago


It was a really GREAT talk

moonjp 6 months ago

What's with the graphs he uses? Misleading.

Here's the talk: watch?v=bBx2Y5HhplI&feature=yo­utu.be

rougegoat 6 months ago

Please push a retraction for this tomorrow. That's not what they said at all. TED posted a blog post with their side of the story. It includes Hanauer's video which relies heavily on personal anecdotes instead of facts, which is why they didn't publish it. It should also be noted that TED conferences have about 10,000 videos per year & only 1 video per day. This was a non-issue that Hanauer BS'd into an issue with lies and PR.

pushthelimit 6 months ago

They posted it today. Search youtube for: Nick Hanauer May 17, 2012

TheGiantRobot 6 months ago

Controversial = our rich donors won't like it.

redcrosseknightmusic 6 months ago

I love TYT and I love Reddit but the former needs to stop getting its news from the latter


tknick90 6 months ago

Reddit is not one news source, its a compilation of links from multiple sources. Yes, many of the up voted links have a left leaning agenda, but there often excellent articles to be found in r/politics.
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matereymate 6 months ago

I love you and I love morons, but please tell us why we should care.

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FeLiNe418 6 months ago

That's how TYT works. You can't tell a printer to stop printing :p.
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ferociousfrankie 6 months ago

This is bullshit. Read the rebuttal online.

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Ryk Comerford

Ryk Comerford 6 months ago

I just looked at Business Insider,they had 14 slides from the TED presentation.The 14th slide is a picture of Emily O'Neill, and something about "The women of the Ron Paul revolution". Color me disappointed.

karumira 6 months ago

I fault both parties in this dispute. The talk wasn't particularly partisan, but it wasn't particularly good either. TED stated they didn't post it because it was both mediocre quality and partisan -- I agree with the former, but call bullshit on the latter.

misteruglypants 6 months ago

Eat the rich.

lotsahooey 6 months ago

Sounds like someone at TED got their panties in a wad. That person needs to be removed to allow the free-flow of ideas to continue, unabated.

Godisahomo 6 months ago

the video is now up!!!!!

Tyler Keeton

Tyler Keeton 6 months ago

Here's the speech, at least most of it... Thumbs up !!! -youtube dot com/ bBx2Y5HhplI

TheHandGlove 6 months ago

tedchris posterous com/131417405 the real story... TYT is flat out wrong on this one.

bountikilla 6 months ago

so this video isn't about the new Mark Wahlberg movie? :S

TheEricleeparker 6 months ago

i thought it was about cottage cheese eating robots
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moonjp 6 months ago

Corporate tax rates in the States are the 2nd highest in the world next to Japan.

Question: so when corporate tax rates become lower in countries like France or Canada, would that affect job creation in the States?

eyu1858945 6 months ago

banning it just make more people want to see it. see the talk here /watch?v=iIhOXCgSunc

jmac217x 6 months ago

This is the video


RPMANU 6 months ago

what is the guy in background doing @1:42 lol

Respectloyalty1 6 months ago

boycott TED TALKS!

gekko101 6 months ago

... they put the video out.
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Respectloyalty1 6 months ago

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wyvernlord23 6 months ago

UGHHH TYT Read stop reporting bull.

Ted ALREADY told us what happened.

The guy did a sub par hyperpartisan speach and they wanted to stay neutral so they didnt put it up.

tedchris posterous com /131417405

Get all the facts BEFORE reporting

nicolez11 6 months ago

Did someone just lick the wall at 1:42 ?

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wolfewolfe222 6 months ago

jenova000 6 months ago

Chris from TED posted a reply to the event, tedchris.posterous.c(0)m/13141­7405
Jay Ray

Jay Ray 6 months ago


biggydx 6 months ago

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

-- Mark Twain

LoveIsLogical 6 months ago


Let them know how you feel. E-mail them.

wolfewolfe222 6 months ago

if you want to watch the video of nick hanauers talk go to the watchextravideo youtube page and the video is called nick hanauer

scratchfg212 6 months ago

the video is on youtube isn't it¡?

mozart116 6 months ago

Where can I watch this?

EnterEgg 6 months ago

If Cenk would try to understand zero percent interest rates and the regressive effects of the money printing - he would realize that the Federal Reserve is a HUGE factor in the growing wealth divide. And, even worse, in aiding the mostly non-productive wealthy (bankers) in garnishing that wealth. (It's not the only factor - but it is a bigger factor than tax policy alone.)

An institution that both Republicans and Democrats largely support.

EliteDoomer 6 months ago


deavir 6 months ago

Didn't Sarah Silverman do one they hated so much that they didn't post?

BIGBABYZIP 6 months ago


BanditV8racer 6 months ago


defect530 6 months ago


warnexus 6 months ago

its true rich people dont create jobs, they dont even pay that much tax

PaleyDaley 6 months ago

There is another facet of this story. By refusing to post the talk, TED has ensured that it will go viral. I imagine it will be viewed by MORE people because of it. I probably wouldn't have watched it if it wasn't for this controversy.

BanditV8racer 6 months ago

Jay Ray

Jay Ray 6 months ago

you can watch the "banned" talk here : watch?v=bBx2Y5HhplI&feature=pl­cp

Its only 5:00 mins, not sure if its the full thing. Watch before its yanked. Go Internet!

deadkennedys213 6 months ago

TED = pussies

moonjp 6 months ago

and what's with that graph in that slide presentation.. very misleading.

72hakim 6 months ago

This happened before when TED banned Sarah Silverman's talk

BoredGuyWithCamera 6 months ago

They banned the talk because it was very bad quality, not because of the topic. Do more research next time.

nicewknd 6 months ago

Irrelevant, put the material out, let the viewers judge. That is how ideas get exchanged.
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fauxman 6 months ago

I actually saw the TEDtalk. It was kind of a lack luster presentation but it's not as bad as some TEDtalks. It was a bit of an unpolished presentation, but yeah, I still think it was dumb so censor it. Also, it's the No. 1 item on the front page of reddit right now if you want to read about it more in detail.

moonjp 6 months ago

Well, corporate tax rates in the States is the highest in the world.... so one could argue job creation has been impeded by other countries lowering their tax rates.

nicewknd 6 months ago

Umm....No the corporations are the biggest welfare recipients. Quite the opposite.
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QuickSilverD 6 months ago

They will have to retract this statement, TED not chosing this talk has nothing to do with its topic but its quality

nicewknd 6 months ago

So? Put it on Youtube and let the audience decide.
·6 in reply to QuickSilverD(Show the comment)

QuickSilverD 6 months ago

ted .com/talks/lang/en/richard_wil­kinson.html

This one is better. TED did not censor anything, they just have better talks
·5 in reply to nicewknd(Show the comment)

Shisho2k 6 months ago

Better talks? XD Like the one with David Blaine explaining how he held his breath.
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FeLiNe418 6 months ago

LOL. and collusion by mozilla while there are 10 times better addons to block tracking websites such as Ghostery.
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FeLiNe418 6 months ago

What standards does TED follow to decide which talk is good and which is not?
· in reply to QuickSilverD(Show the comment)
G Maltruista

G Maltruista 6 months ago

Why do I get a "Page not Found" error when following your link?

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kingbane2 6 months ago

TED posts the video or the transcript for every speech they have. so saying oh they just have better talk's is just a bullshit excuse.
·20 in reply to QuickSilverD(Show the comment)

QuickSilverD 6 months ago

You cannot claim that they are censoring this topic for being "too political" while at the same time they (TED) already has another longer talk on the very same suject with the very same conclusion, think how much sense that makes bro.

All you guys are doing is soiling TED's good name
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izaccy 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

Longtime fan of TED talks, I couldnt really believe when I saw this news roll over Reddit,

surely they gotta be better then this, but they have now responded to this...

and the video is now also up on youtube
· in reply to QuickSilverD(Show the comment)

kingbane2 6 months ago

that doesn't fly when ted posts EVERY TALK it ever has, but then suddenly they decide oh no we're not posting this one. you know how many different talks they have on the world hunger situation? they post all of it. so saying oh they have another talk on the same subject so that means they're not censoring it. they are censoring it.
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05bella1 6 months ago in playlist More videos from TheYoungTurks

thats not true.
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Anotalreadytakenn4me 6 months ago

Actually it is. I love when people just make completely uneducated statements like that.
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IsaacScharp 6 months ago

Do you enjoy lying on the internet?
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andyrooney12 6 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos

If you spent just 10 seconds on Google looking for it then you found have found it. Here, everyone can watch it even if they're not into TED talks as much as I am:


It's on YouTube & it's only about 5 minutes. Normally TED talks are about 18 minute so this was one of the short talks. Anyhow, it' up online. I was really upset with TED & Chris Anderson when I heard this news earlier today but it's not true. There must have been concern but TED released this video. Cheers!
· in reply to nicewknd(Show the comment)

TheEricleeparker 6 months ago

quality is fine the overall message was perfect
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QuickSilverD 6 months ago

Codylupardus 6 months ago

Was he only given 5 minutes or did he choose to only talk for 5 minutes. If its because they only gave him 5 minutes, then its quality is fine. If he choose to, then agreed.

But if they care about quality, why do that have TEDx?
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jag10 6 months ago

These Progressives really love their wars - class, race, religion, sex...

Obama born in Kenya... crickets... chirp... chirp... Obama committing treason... crickets... chirp... chirp... Obama transferring wealth to the 0.01%... crickets... chirp... chirp... Obama propping up dictators... chirp... cricket... chirp... Obama's buddies looting the treasury... chirp...chirp... Obama drones... chirp.. crickets... chirp...Big Brother loves you... sleep, eat, tv, papers please.

Snowman0147 6 months ago

Obama is not progressive. Though I give you a tip in the hat in saying Obama lied to a lot of progressives and they fell for it.  I only voted for damage control cause I did not want Sarah Palin any where close to the white house.
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WatcherCCG 6 months ago

And progressives will probably be forced to continue voting for damage control because if the Republicans get the White House, the middle class will be screwed beyond any hope of a peaceful solution.
· in reply to Snowman0147(Show the comment)

Snowman0147 6 months ago

This might be my first year that I vote independent. I want to go for the justice party. Even as a throw away vote I cannot help, but feel I did the right thing.
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wyvernlord23 6 months ago

Or the country has forgotten he was elected as a left leaning MODERATE but the political discourse has shifted so far to the right everyone forgot that detail.
· in reply to Snowman0147(Show the comment)

jag10 6 months ago

Sure he is. He is more Progressive than anything else.

It's just your idea of Progress doesn't quite jive with his idea of NWO Progress.

It's just politics - ya know, Hollywood for ugly people.

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TheDestinyDragoon 6 months ago

Hollywood for ugly people. I will remember that one.
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Pr0teus14420 6 months ago

In my opinion the only acceptable reason to pull the ted talk is to make sure that a precent for using ted as a forum for political discourse is not set. You have to remember that ted has made itself out to be an intellectual organization, and they may not want to reduce themselves to a mere pulpit for political squabbling. I also really don't think they want to introduce the possibility of being labeled as a partisan organization.

CHEESYhairyGASH 6 months ago

Trickle down economics, waiting for money to percolate through a deeply stratified society, and corrupt system, is like waiting for the Moon to hit Earth

saintearth 6 months ago

BP advertizes with the YT? WTF! You guys suck! Big oil whores!

PaperDragon3OO 6 months ago

it's 2012......why is he using numbers from 2009?
Adam Howell

Adam Howell 6 months ago

someone appears to have posted it on youtube.

HorrorAngel666 6 months ago

It was was obvious this group was being controlled. It had all the major scumbags the sheep buy into appearing.

PaleyDaley 6 months ago

I have to feel sorry for TED here. They are in a difficult position. They RELY on the rich, so they have to choose between doing the right thing and losing a LOT, or performing some censorship to appease the hand that feeds it.

defect530 6 months ago

lower taxes means more car elevators for rich snobs.

gregaaron89 6 months ago

TED: Ideas Worth Silencing

EliteDoomer 6 months ago

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talkingprimate 6 months ago

Mike Macoy

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Mike Macoy 6 months ago

Hobodethbuny88 6 months ago

TED made a response to this debacle.. It's on the front page of Reddit, please go read it.
Carlos André Góes

Carlos André Góes 6 months ago

Stop bashing TED. They didn't say they wouldn't upload it. They said they would decide the most appropriate moment to upload it - WHEN to upload it.

HorrorAngel666 6 months ago

@TheYoungTurks You gonna ignore the Bilderberg meeting like all the govt ran media outlets? Just sayin.

MeoithTheSecond 6 months ago

Nick Hanauer should make as much of a big scene about it as possible too draw more attention, then threaten to release his speech word for word on you tube.

At least that way TED doesn't get away scot free with their actions.


Phyrexious 6 months ago

Disappointing of TED but one talk doesn't change many of the great talks they have. Definitely recommended.

TheDudimus 6 months ago

TED rebutted this today, and posted the video. I'd link the post but Youtube won't let me.


startreking2007 6 months ago

you can post the video ID.

The video ID for this video is /watch?v=N1b_Q1lprAk
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UniversalPotentate 6 months ago

Huh ...

Stupid people are even at TED.

It's official. The world is ending.

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DanielWEWO 6 months ago

Banano79 6 months ago

Hardly surprising, TED has over the last few years steadily degenerated from fascinating science and technology talks into wishy washy 18 minute platitudes and science-lite.

At $3000 a ticket, it's hardly surprising they are afraid of alienating their audience. These people don't like anybody upsetting their mutual back patting events, whether its TED, or a million other conferences, dinners or clubs.

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theallseeingoracle 6 months ago

France anyone?

shamz0rz 6 months ago

fuck no lol
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moonjp 6 months ago

Obama loves his tax cuts for the rich.

SolidGoldKalashnikov 6 months ago

facts and reason are a bit too controvercial, since many Americans are violently opposed to facts and reason - therefor you can only give them small doses of facts and reason at a time, otherwise you could provoke a violent reaction

bansheeownz 6 months ago

They've had talks about biology (evolution), and long held and accepted deep business myths, and the way education should run. All things that go against the mainstream republico-christian beliefs. Why they've decided to pull the plug now is odd and goes against their practices. It's possible the video might be released at a later date.
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plumdrix 6 months ago

Isn't the TED tagline "…Ideas worth spreading…" ?

oexnorth 6 months ago

1:22 "Whoopsie!"

gb6710 6 months ago

Fuck Ron Paul and his batshit crazy cult.

trillafrilla 6 months ago

go talk to any church then
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gb6710 6 months ago

That doesn't even make sense.
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trillafrilla 6 months ago

how... when i say church i mean any group of people in a religion.. make sense now?
· in reply to gb6710(Show the comment)

gb6710 6 months ago

I know what a Church is, I mean the crazy ass people who support the bigot named Ron Paul. Not all churches support Ron Paul.
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trillafrilla 6 months ago

oh, i meant that if you think that Ron Paul is crazy, go talk to a church. Everyone always complains about how RP is so crazy, but everyone ignores religion. I don't feel like arguing about this i was just saying..
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threefiveZ 6 months ago

gb6710 6 months ago

I didn't say he was crazy, just the people who support him, but Paul is a little deranged.
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blindedby2monkeys 6 months ago

its okay if you cant comprehend what he says, tends to happen to the masses
· in reply to gb6710(Show the comment)

gb6710 6 months ago

Hey, its okay if you get brainwashed, tends to happen to the weak minded.
· in reply to blindedby2monkeys(Show the comment)

blindedby2monkeys 6 months ago

let me guess, you were brainwashed by the jew owned media that he wants to "get rid of public education" right?
· in reply to gb6710(Show the comment)

gb6710 6 months ago

Its funny, every time someone is against Ron Paul they must be some brain washed Jew who has to much money. I don't like the man because he is a bigot and has proved himself such on several occasions.
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ktchong 6 months ago

Nick Hanauer's entire TED presentation is posted on YouTube.

gayamrahul 6 months ago

I dont understand whats so controversial about this.

shkotay 6 months ago


They are SUPPOSED to get ppls brains going with politically, economically, and scientifically charged topics. They reverse this BS they pulled, or they lose at least one subscriber.

goofykicksass 6 months ago

the idea of TED banning a talk is mind boggling. they normally have talks that are controversial and thats what makes them stand out. i'm really disappointed by this actually.

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wolfewolfe222 6 months ago

19skerge19 6 months ago

Of course rich people don't want others pointing out they should be taxed more.
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impoliticallyprogres 6 months ago

more sell outs!...TED, (Technology, Entertainment and Design )of all things ...id never believe them!....moneymoneymoneymoney.­..Money

criskity 6 months ago

Tax the fuck out of the rich, slash the defense budget to the marrow, and abolish the Republican Party. Then all America's problems will be solved.

inademv 6 months ago

I'm officially done with TED. The entire thing has lost credibility and is no longer worth attention from anybody.
Anthony Truong

Anthony Truong 6 months ago


Nick's TED speech now on YT

WINZ0W 6 months ago

I've watched the speech, it was the furthest thing from controversial... Unless you have a vested interest in keeping people ignorant about economic issues.

dragonfighter4171 6 months ago

we got the internet. They will find out.
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Cory Henshaw

Cory Henshaw 6 months ago


TheReelNeel 6 months ago

Nope Error 37
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Atheistprimate 6 months ago

Ted is weak sauce these days.

pisse3000 6 months ago

Not sure about TED anymore..

BorgKing001 6 months ago

So the solution to wealth disparity is to just give poorer people more money? Can anyone tell me why this isn't a good idea?

smartarse001 6 months ago

How the FUCK is an opinion about business strategy considered POLITICALLY CONTROVERSIAL???


Chriznak 6 months ago

sounds like the same policy that PBS has.

piskooooo 6 months ago

the speech was "censored" because it was shit

SoccerPro20001 6 months ago

· in reply to Colin Blight(Show the comment)

SkamGame 6 months ago

I hope TYT crew deletes the annoying "First" comments and other annoying comments.. just to make a point...why is this video not loading O.o

stephenpaultaylor 6 months ago

not loading for me either
· in reply to SkamGame(Show the comment)

SkamGame 6 months ago

Refresh it about 10 times.. then it works =P
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BorgKing001 6 months ago

upgrade your your internet and stop wasting space with stupid comments
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dragonfighter4171 6 months ago

fuck you king.
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BorgKing001 6 months ago

no fuck you poor boy
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dragonfighter4171 6 months ago

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BorgKing001 6 months ago

no fuck you  fag
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SoccerPro20001 6 months ago

you're a failure 
· in reply to Noobssuckass300(Show the comment)

stephenpaultaylor 6 months ago

your mom was first last night
· in reply to Noobssuckass300(Show the comment)
Sanjay Wilson

Sanjay Wilson 6 months ago

Afraid not
· in reply to Noobssuckass300(Show the comment)

subtitan7 6 months ago


是什么诱惑使得五个男人为了一个女人茶不思饭不想?误投黑帮的女匪面对五个男人的纠缠如何脱身?半夜被绑架的弱女子为何主动配合黑帮?黑帮小 喽罗为何不做老大而要去当警官?去《老妈蹄花》找谜底: http://j.mp/lmth http://j.mp/lmth2 http://j.mp/wllmth



