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星期日, 5月 20, 2012

120520 陈光诚到达曼哈顿的纽约大学 现场讲话视频

录像下载: https://www.wuala.com /renyun.net/People/C/陈光诚/2012/0520/
120520-陈光诚到达美国曼哈顿的纽约大学 受到热烈欢迎 坚定说还会回到中国.flv
120520-陈光诚到达美国曼哈顿的纽约大学 现场演讲公平正义无国界.mp4

迈克不见了 ‏@s0mk
这里有陈光诚的讲话视频。 RT @BBCNews China dissident Chen Guangcheng arrives in the US http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-18135039
2:27 AM - 20 May 12

新唐人电视台 ‏@NTDTVchinese
陈光诚:公平正义无国界: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/05/20/a704185.html
12 年5月20日, 2:42

陈光诚美国机场演讲:公平正义无国界(视频) 2012-05-20 08:18 AM http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/05/20/a704185.html
【新唐人2012年5月20日讯】陈光诚在美东时间晚上7:45现身纽约大学,在法学教授孔杰荣的陪同下,陈光诚感谢大家的关心,并在最后离开前 表示:〝公平正义是没有国界的〞!下面来看看现场实况。

立里 ‏@lihlii2
http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/05/20/a704185.html 这段录像更全,而且有可能是 @ylovey528 声嘶力竭的哭喊:让我抱抱你~ 我去东师古都没能看到你~ @aiww @xiaomi2020
3:32 AM - 20 May 12

迈克不见了 ‏@s0mk
你给的这个和路透社这个 http://j.mp/JGSumE 合在一起就非常完整了。 RT @lihlii2 陈光诚:公平正义无国界: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/05/20/a704185.html 这个更全而且可以下载 RT @s0mk 陈光诚讲话视频 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-18135039
3:35 AM - 20 May 12

不公的理性 ‏@gybg1989
RT @weiquanwang RT @s0mk 【视频】陈光诚和袁伟静到达纽约大学 http://j.mp/JGSumE via @Reuters 光诚在搀扶下走下汽车,伟静随后出来,人群高声欢呼…
3:31 AM - 20 May 12

立里 ‏@lihlii2
http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/05/20/a704185.html 这段完整录像里有人声嘶力竭哭喊呀,是你吗?急得淑女风范都顾不上了呀。哈哈 > @ylovey528 我想抱下陈光诚,至少让我把捧在手里已经五个小时的鲜花给陈光诚也好,我被拦下来了,很抱歉,我只能用喊的方式和陈光诚说话 @aiww
3:30 AM - 20 May 12

立里 ‏@lihlii2
一个脚踩七寸高跟鞋机场来回跑等了5小时的淑女急得喊成那个没面子的样子,心酸得我眼泪都要流下来了。 @rushiewen @ylovey528 @aiww @xiaomi2020
3:35 AM - 20 May 12

Yolanda ‏@ylovey528
我想抱下陈光诚,至少让我把捧在手里已经五个小时的鲜花给陈光诚也好,我被拦下来了,很抱歉,我只能用喊的方式和陈光诚说话,陈光诚被拥着往前 走,几次试图转回来,他对我说:以后会有机会见面的。
2:20 AM - 20 May 12

Yolanda ‏@ylovey528
@lihlii2 丢死人啦!
3:35 AM - 20 May 12

牟山夫 ‏@even5435
哈哈,确实令闻者色变。RT @lihlii2: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/05/20/a704185.html 这段完整录像里有人声嘶力竭哭喊呀,是你吗?急得淑女风范都顾不上了呀。哈哈 > @ylovey528 我想抱下陈光诚,被拦下来了,很抱歉,我只能用喊的方式和陈光诚说话 @aiww
3:40 AM - 20 May 12

如是我聞 ‏@rushiewen
姑娘声嘶力竭的呼喊,光诚不住的回首,看到这里,鼻子亦发酸了> @lihlii2: 一个脚踩七寸高跟鞋机场来回跑等了5小时的淑女急得喊成那个没面子的样子,心酸得我眼泪都要流下来了。 @rushiewen @ylovey528 @aiww @xiaomi2020
3:46 AM - 20 May 12

邓二晃晃 ‏@dc_b
删不了啦,在我硬盘里了,勇气妹,不丢人呢。RT @ylovey528: @lihlii2 你能把她删除了吗?求你了,太丢人了!
3:54 AM - 20 May 12

立里 ‏@lihlii2
急得喊成哭腔了,不知道的以为是陈光诚要被押赴刑场了呀。哈哈 @rushiewen @ylovey528 @aiww @xiaomi2020
4:02 AM - 20 May 12

立里 ‏@lihlii2
可以看出搀扶陪同陈光诚的孔杰荣教授反复低声提醒他,在试图提醒什么呢?我看陈光诚点头多次,估计是催促他讲话简短,保持低调吧。这老头儿~ > @NTDTVchinese 陈光诚:公平正义无国界: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2012/05/20/a704185.html
3:09 AM - 20 May 12

Yolanda ‏@ylovey528
在去年大家高调闯东尸骨以为安全的时候,有人希望静悄悄的走一遭看看是否更有效。 最终同去三人,一个留在县城,另两个想办法进村,当时设计好的是,一旦被发现,就说一个失恋了,另一个陪着来找负心汉。如果有机会,我会隐去名字把这个故 事告诉陈光诚,带去他们的问候。
5:02 PM - 19 May 12

Yolanda ‏@ylovey528
婶,我抱着鲜花去纽瓦克接人,啦啦~ @aiww http://pic.twitter.com/alXVIwa0
10:30 PM - 19 May 12

立里 ‏@lihlii2
七寸高跟是亮点 > @ylovey528 @lvshi798 刘律师直接拷贝呀?应该署个名字撒,姑娘登七寸高跟鞋👠跑来的消息
2:38 AM - 20 May 12

Yolanda ‏@ylovey528
发布会现场,清晰图。陈光诚已结束讲话,现在柴玲在讲话。 http://twitter.com/ylovey528/status/203999056731701248/photo/1
2:02 AM - 20 May 12

立里 ‏@lihlii2
光诚的演讲风度真棒,帅才也。 @ylovey528
3:37 AM - 20 May 12

立里 ‏@lihlii2
可能欢迎的人群堵路了,录像里有大声的汽车鸣笛声,让我感觉仿佛回到中共国了似的。在荷兰很少听到汽车鸣笛,只有遇到危险才会鸣笛警告。美国人应 该在校园 附近也不大可能乱按喇叭吧?可见路堵得厉害。 @rushiewen @ylovey528 @aiww @xiaomi2020
3:58 AM - 20 May 12

Blind Chinese dissident arrives in U.S.
1 hour 27 minutes ago - 2:18 | 4 views
Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng received cheers and applause from crowds gathered to greet him near New York University. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

20 May 2012 Last updated at 00:10 GMT
China dissident Chen Guangcheng arrives in the US
Chen Guangcheng spoke as he arrived at New York University in Manhattan

Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng has arrived in New York to begin a new life in the United States.

The blind human rights lawyer caused a diplomatic crisis when he escaped house arrest to arrive at the US embassy in Beijing last month.

Speaking outside New York University, where he has been offered a fellowship, Mr Chen said China had dealt with the situation with "restraint and calm".

But he raised concerns about ongoing reprisals against his family.

"Acts of retribution in Shandong have not been abated and my rights to practice law have been curbed - we hope to see a thorough investigation into this," he said.

The activist thanked US officials and his supporters for their help and said he had come to America for "recuperation in body and spirit".

He and his family were taken from a Beijing hospital, where he was being treated for a foot injury, to the capital's airport on Saturday.

After weeks of uncertainty, the activist, his wife Yuan Weijing and their two children, aged eight and six, were handed passports and allowed to fly to Newark, New Jersey, where they arrived soon after 18:00 (22:00 GMT) on Saturday.

'Fight injustice'
Chen Guangcheng spent six days in the US embassy in Beijing last month after escaping house arrest in north-east China, sparking a diplomatic spat between the US and China.

The self-taught lawyer has campaigned against forced abortions under China's one-child policy and was jailed for four years in 2006 for disrupting traffic and damaging property. He was placed under house arrest after his release in 2010.

He will now take up a fellowship at the US-Asia Law Institute at the New York University School of Law.

Bob Fu, president of the US activist group China Aid and a key supporter of Mr Chen, told the BBC that the dissident was planning to stay in New York for two to three years.

After his arrival in the United States, Mr Chen said he hoped "everybody works with me to promote justice and fairness in China".

"We should link our arms to continue in the fight for the goodness in the world and to fight against injustice," he told the gathered crowd at New York University.

Chen Guangcheng

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