中文主页 更新时间 2012年 5月 10日 星期四 02:11 PM 格林威治标准时间
中国最高领导层制定了“建设创新型国家”的战略目标。中国加入世贸组织之后,经济迅猛发展,成为世界第二大经济实体。然而,缺乏创新成为“世界工 厂”称号的另一层含义。中国能否将“山寨之国”转型为“创新型社会”?这对美国来说又意味着什么?美国国会成立的美中经济与安全审查委员会(USCC)今 天(5月10日)在参议院办公楼举行听证,评估中国在这方面的努力。下面是听证会的实况。会议用英语进行。
Hearing: Assessing China's Efforts to Become an “Innovation Society” – A Progress Report
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Room 562 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Co-chairs: Commissioners Carte Goodwin and Dennis Shea
8:45 am – 8:50 am Opening Remarks
Commissioner Carte Goodwin [Remarks]
Commissioner Dennis Shea [Remarks]
8:50 am – 9:10 am Panel I: Congressional Perspectives
9:10 am – 10:30 am Panel II: China and innovation
Dr. Robert D. Atkinson, President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation [Testimony]
Dr. Danny Breznitz, Associate Professor of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology [Testimony]
10: am – 10:40 am Break
10:40 am – 12:00 pm Panel III: China’s innovation infrastructure
Richard P. Suttmeier, Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, University of Oregon [Testimony]
Dr. Denis Fred Simon, Vice Provost for International Strategic Initiatives, Arizona State University [Testimony]
12: pm – 12:50 pm Lunch
12:50 am – 2:10 pm Panel VI: Information and communications technology innovation
Dr. Earl C. Joseph II, Program Vice President, IDC [Testimony]
Dr. Horst Simon, Deputy Director, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Testimony]
Timothy K. Harder, Director, EMC Cloud Infrastructure Division [Testimony]
2:10 pm – 2:20 pm Break
2:20 pm – 3:40 pm Panel V: Defense sector innovation
Kathleen Walsh, Associate Professor of National Security Affairs, U.S. Naval War College [Testimony]
Dr. Thomas Mahnken, Professor of Strategy, U.S. Naval War College [Testimony]
3:40 pm Adjourn
*Visit www.uscc.gov for transcripts of previous hearings, research reports, the Commission’s annual
reports to the Congress, and other information about the Commission’s activities.
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- 哈哈 2012年 5月 10日
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