續去年十月發起反對在墨爾本上演"紅色娘子軍"的簽名活動之後,澳洲價值守護聯盟(Australian Values Alliance,簡稱AVA。曾以舊名 Embracing Australian Values Alliance 或 EAVA 為人所知)今天再次向維州州長發出公開信,反對將紅色娘子軍這類工作洗腦宣傳工具引進澳洲,並再次呼籲警惕共產恐怖主義對澳洲的滲透。
致州長的公開信 —— 反對在墨爾本上演"紅色娘子軍"公開信英文原件見附件,以下是本人粗略的中文翻譯:
歷史告訴我們,紅軍犯下了眾多反人類的罪行(見附件一)。更重要的是,紅軍倡導階級仇恨,殘暴殺戮和恐怖主義行為,它是在那個時代中國的 ISIS、納粹黨衛軍和紅色高棉。允許這個紅色芭蕾在墨爾本最著名的劇院演出,就相當於允許恐怖主義組織或納粹德國在我們的土地上展示它們的所為和歡慶它們的成就。
如果需要了解更多有關紅色芭蕾的信息與評論,或者我們對中共政治宣傳滲透我們社會及其後果的擔憂,請通過電郵地址 info@ava.org.au 或電話 0414 816 751 與澳洲價值守護聯盟聯繫。
澳洲價值守護聯盟發言人 John Hugh (0414 816 751)
2017年2月15日,芭蕾舞《紅色娘子軍》將在慕爾本的藝術節隆重上演。半年前,此廣告已鋪天蓋地澳中皆知。墨爾本藝術中心首席執行官Claire Spencer說:"墨爾本藝術中心為此次能夠在墨爾本獨家呈現中國芭蕾舞團這一標志性的作品《紅色娘子軍》感到非常榮幸。"
2016年11月,日本筑波大學名譽教授遠藤譽撰寫的《毛澤東与日軍共謀的男人》一書在日本出版。作者遠藤根据她收集的中國、台灣、日本三方面資料,來論證中國國民党軍隊抗日時,紅軍領導人毛澤東率領的中共与日本駐上海的特務机關-岩井公館合作打擊國民党的史實。1972年9月27日,日本首相田中角榮(Kakuei Tanaka)訪華,就二次世界大戰中日本侵略中國道歉,紅軍領導人毛澤東說:"感謝日本侵華......八年抗戰中間,我們軍隊發展到了一百二十萬人。"紅軍在歷史最緊急的關頭,幫助邪惡的軸心國對抗同盟國,其罪其惡可圈可點。
An open Letter to the Premier - Objection to the performance of the Red Detachment of Women Ballet in Melbourne
The Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, announced last year that he had invited the Chinese Opera Ballet to perform The Red Detachment of Women in Melbourne in February 2017. The Australian Values Alliance (AVA) strongly objects this decision which we consider as grossly inappropriate with regards to the Australian values and is offensive to our community. At worst it has become a channel for the Chinese political propaganda spreading in Australia.
The background of the Red ballet is based on a novel that depicts the story of a peasant woman Wu Qinghua, who, after joining the Red Army in Hainan Island, proceeded to carrying out a revenge on her landlord Nan Batian, as well as robbing and brutally killing a number of countryside gentry. The main theme is to celebrate and glorify the formation of the Chinese Red Army which was a terrorist organisation in China in the 1930s and is the origin of the Chinese Liberation Army nowadays.
History can tell that the Red Army committed numerous crimes and acted against humanity (Attachment 1). More importantly, the Red Army promoted class hatred, brutal killings and terrorist acts; it was the ISIS, the Nazi SS or the Khmer Rouge in China during that time. Allowing the "Red" Ballet to perform in the Melbourne's most prestige theatre is equivalent to allowing terrorist groups to showcase their work or the Nazi Germany to celebrate their achievements on our land.
Contrary to the promotional materials that the ballet celebrates heroine and promotes women freedom, the fact is, during that time, many young women in the Communist army were forced to marry much older senior officers. Famous examples included: 17 years old Kang Keqing married to 43 years old Red Army Commander-in-Chief Zhu De, 24 years old Jiang Qing married to 45 years old party-leader Mao Zedong and 25 years old Xue Ming married to 46 years old senior Red Army commander He Long. Young women were even forced to become 'temporary wives' of foreigners in the Red Army and all marriages and divorces had to be arranged or approved by the 'Party'.
The theme and choreography of the Red ballet incite violence, agitate revenge, and advocate autocracy and praise brutal killing as laudable acts. Hidden in the format of ballet, the Chinese Communist regime engages in political propaganda and inserts its 'soft power' in the world stage.
In artistic format and in the name of cultural exchange, the Red ballet sponsored by the Chinese Communist state is imposing its ideology on our community by luring our citizens into accepting the Chinese Communists' "values" and infiltration into our other parts of lives.
Based on our own experience, the AVA is very concerned that the Chinese media in Australia has been directly or indirectly infiltrated by the Chinese Communist state and had exercised self-censorship by filtering out media information not in favour of the Chinese authority. Our education system has gradually accepted and normalised funding from the Chinese government for the rapid growth of 'Confucian' classrooms and institutes in our tertiary, secondary and primary school systems.
Needless to say, many Australian Chinese are disgusted by the Chinese propaganda in the form of culture and arts, as the Red Ballet reminds them of the suffering during successive political campaigns and persecution, such as, the Suppression of Counter-revolutionaries, the Land Reform, The Anti-Rightist Campaign, the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Massacres and so on. Many have families or friends imprisoned or killed from the 1950s to 1980s. While they can settle in Australia as citizens, the Red Ballet is like a ghost haunting them in our home and misguiding our fellow citizens to form an impression that what the Red Ballet depicts is normal and worth glorifying.
We urge that the Victorian government to reflect and learn from this experience and exercise with caution of the exploitation of the Chinese propaganda that preys on our open, easy-going and tolerant multicultural society. We also urge the Victorian government to be sensitive to the feeling of a sector of the Chinese Australians who find this Red Ballet distasteful as it reminds them of their past suffering.
It also makes sense in our open society that we do not welcome extreme thinking such as revenge, murder, class hatred that the Red Ballet promotes. We have to reject the Red ballet which is very harmful to Chinese Australians and the Australian society in general.
Should we need to provide more information or comment on the Red Ballet or our concern in general on the infiltration of the Chinese political propaganda into our community and its consequences, please contact the AVA on: email info@ava.org.au or phone 0414 816 751.
John Hugh (0414 816 751)
Australian Values Alliance (AVA, previous known as Embracing Australian Values Alliance)
Like a Bright Colourful Rattlesnake, Like a Brilliant Poppy Flower
Further commentary on the ballet The Red Detachment of Women by Sun Baoqiang
As the ballet "The Red Detachment of Women" is scheduled to be performed in the Melbourne's Asia TOPA on 15 February, advertisement of this program had been widely known half a year ago.
Claire Spencer, CEO of the Arts Centre Melbourne said that "We are excited to be presenting this flagship production as one of our highlight programs for the inaugural Asia TOPA."
The ballet depicted the story of a peasant woman Wu Qinghua, who, after joining the Red Army, proceeded to carrying out a revenge on landlord Nan Batian, as well as robbing and brutally killing other countryside gentry. So, exactly what kind of organisation was the Red Army?
1. Merciless killers who targeted the rich in order to possess their lands
Here are a few famous slogans of the Red Army chanted during their recruitment: "Do you want to have food? Do you want to farm your land without paying rent? Do you want to sleep with the landlords' concubines? If so, don't hesitate to join the Red Army!"
When He Long, the famous Red Army's general attended the Party's 7th National Representative Meeting, his resume noted that: "By the end of 1917, we have expanded our force from just two "kitchen knives" to become an army of over one hundred people..."
According to the China Examiner, since the Red Army began their violent movement in autumn, 1927, it had rigorously followed the tactic of 'target and kill the rich' in order to feed and pay its army. Each time when they came to a new place, they would kill all the landlords there, followed by capturing all their riches for themselves.
After the Red Army captured the Chang Sha City, officials from the National Party government noted: ".... they burned the entire city for twenty-eight days; they looted properties and killed people regardless. Even worse they used extremely cruel and malicious methods of killing - some victims were flayed alive, while others were burnt to death. Those who were chopped to death by broadsword were considered as lucky... By the end of this torturous period, over five thousand people were murdered; all streets and rivers were filled with dead bodies."
2. Kidnapping, murder and utter inhumanity
On 6th of December 1934, Fang Zhimin, a subordinate of the Red Army, kidnapped American Christian missionaries John and Betty Stam and demanded a ransom of $20,000. Though under immense pressure, the missionary couple refused to cooperate. Enraged by their refusal, the Red Army marched the couple to the execution field and beheaded them. They also intended to kill Stams' 2 months old baby, Helen, who was fortunately saved by a third party and remained alive.
After Fang Zhimin joined the Red Army, he became so addicted to killing that he even killed his own uncle who gave relief and saved his entire family. In 1925, Fang Zhimin ignored the pleading of his kneeling parents and personally beheaded his own uncle.
3. Poppy cultivation and opium production
On 5th of September 1944 in the Ansai Province, Red Army Zhang Side was killed due to a sudden collapse of cave where he was processing opium production. Mao Zedong praised that his death was "weightier than Mount Tai".
Around that time, Peter Vladimirov, the Soviet author of The Vladimirov Diaries, was stationed in Yan'an; headquarter of the Chinese Community Party as a liaison officer for the Communist International. In his Diaries he wrote: "... there is illegal opium trading everywhere. For example, in Chaling which was the home front far away from the battle field, and where the Army Division 120 located, there was a house dedicated especially for the processing of opium products, and from which the opium was delivered to the market. The Politburo had also appointed Ren Bishi as the Commissioner for Opium."
During the war between the democratic Allied Forces and the autocratic Axis Powers, the Red Army hid in the home front and produced opium to poison the people, rather than fighting in the blood soaked frontlines, it was apparently shameful of the Red Army.
4. Joining force with the enemy and betraying the Republic of China
In November 2016, Honorary Professor Homare Endo of Tsubaka University, Japan, published the book on "Mao Zedong, the Man who colluded with Japan". Based on original sources from China, Taiwan and Japan, Prof. Endo presented historical findings showing that while the National Party was engaged in resisting the Japanese invasion, the Communist Party, led by its Red Army leader Mao, was working with the Japanese special unit, Iwai Koukan, stationed in Shanghai, to undermine the power of the National Party.
The Prime Minister of Japan, Kakuei Tanaka visited China on 27th of September 1972. When he apologised for Japan's invasion of China during the World War II, the Red Army head Mao Zedong, said: "Thank you Japan for invading China... during the eight years of Sino-Japanese war, our army expanded to 1.2 million people." The Red Army's most critical moment in history was joining forces with an evil autocratic nation to fight against fellow countrymen. Such crime and evil was so blatant, and evident.
In summary, the Red Army resembled today's extremist or ISIS like group as they implemented the autocratic Nazism and Fascism. The main theme of the ballet 'The Red Detachment of Women' embraces obsession of violence, worship of hatred, glorification of autocratic power, and justification of killing as laudable acts.
The choreography of puffing-out chests, stomping feet, glaring eyes, and clenched teeth; lifting legs to imitate machine guns and bombs, the entire ballet encourages killing, promotes vengeance, turns away from core Christian beliefs, and is contaminating the universe values which are embraced by Australia.
I remember the time when many Chinese were lured by the "Red" ballet. One by one, they became the cold blooded "post Boxers' who dared to kill regardless. My mother was one of them who were captivated by the "Red" ballet. At the time, she reported to the authority about her brother who tried to escape to Hong Kong. In the end my uncle died tragically in the China's Gulag Archipelago.